Office of the City Auditor

City of Berkeley
City Auditor Ann-Marie Hogan
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Council - Tuesday, July 25 @ 6pm

Item 31: Audit Report - Good News! City used parks tax as taxpayers intended.  Parks, Recreation, & Waterfront (PRW) has good accountability practices in place.
Berkeley Rose Garden
Item 54: Action on IT Audit -  IT reports on aligning governance improvements with successful completion of planned ERP system. In response to our audit "City at Crossroads as Long-Standing Need for Structured Approach to Line of Business Experts Function Intersects with ERP Implementation" , IT plans to fully implement all recommendations. Action will be tied to completion of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project replacing antiquated fiscal and performance management systems; target date is June 2020.
Item 57: Zero Waste Commission 2017 Work Plan and Strategic Plan - The City cannot achieve its longtime Zero Waste by 2020 goal without a strategic (forward-thinking) plan. We recommended this action in our 2014 audit "Underfunded Mandate:  Resources, Strategic Plan, and Communication Needed to Continue Progress Toward the Year 2020 Zero Waste Goal". The Commission names lack of City staff resources as the cause of multi-year delays.
While the City has not moved forward on the strategic plan for Zero Waste by 2020, they have made considerable progress in moving forward with strategic planning for the City. Including Priority Initiatives for each department in this budget (pages 125-233) and actual results in the next is a commendable step forward in holding the city accountable for delivering promised services.  
Item 58: What Risks Will Audits Address in 2018? - Next year's audit plan. The City's most important asset is its people. An immediate risk to operations and strategic, long term planning is workload capacity: does the City have the staff resources to provide expected, promised, and critical services? Three new audits will address immediate, as opposed to planned, service-delivery demands this year :
  • Dispatch workload
  • Community direct requests for service
  • Code enforcement workload    
We are also dropping some planned audits because of capacity challenges, including workforce turnover and resources needed to address the ERP completion and other priorities adopted by Council:
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Thank you for your continued support for our work to help Berkeley deliver services in a more efficient, effective, and equitable way. Please contact me at or at 981-6750 with your questions or comments. I'm always happy to hear from folks who want to get more involved. I look forward to hearing from you.
Ann-Marie Hogan, Auditor
City of Berkeley Auditor's Office

Audit News

from the City Auditor

July 2017

Ann-Marie Hogan 2015
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