In Search of the Gray-headed Chickadee  Chickadee
Photo: Estormiz, Public Domain
"The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge plays host to migrating birds from every US
 state, along with the world's largest mass of porcupine caribou and Dall sheep. But we had our sights set on something a little less grand. Our destination was a small, bleak grove of balsam  poplars beyond the 64th parallel-and our target was a small, bleak bird known as the Gray-headed Chickadee ," writes Gary Langham, National Audubon's Chief Scientist, in his account of an epic journey in search of the most mysterious bird in the United States.

Audubon Alaska's Executive Director, Nils Warnock, accompanied Gary Langham and others in pursuit of this elusive bird. Read more about their adventure. 
Photo: National Ocean Service Image Gallery
Trump Administration Takes Next Step to Expand Offshore Drilling
The Trump Administration is moving forward with plans to expand offshore energy development in our national waters, including the Arctic Ocean. The first step of this process takes the form of a Request for Information (RFI), which was filed this week. This RFI kicks off a two year planning process to replace the 2017-2022  Five Year Plan , which outlines where offshore oil and gas leasing may occur.

The Trump Administration hopes that a new 2019-2024 Five Year Plan will pave the way for offshore drilling in large swaths of our country's waters, including in millions of acres of Arctic waters that were withdrawn from oil and gas leasing by President Obama.

A Page from the Atlas: Limitations to Offshore Development atlas2

While the Trump administration is eager to allow offshore drilling in the Arctic, the limits to offshore development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas are clearly recognized. This section from Audubon Alaska's forthcoming Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas outlines those limitations.

The primary factors limiting industrial development in Arctic waters include sea ice, the challenges of deep-water engineering, a complicated regulatory structure, barrel price forecasts, and limited port infrastructure. Read more.
Photo: Kai Reed, Audubon Photography Awards
Test Your Bird ID Skills! quizzzz

Audubon Alaska staff stumbled across this amazing bird quiz on the US Fish & Wildlife Service website. It is a useful resource designed for aerial wildlife surveyors to test their knowledge, but it's also fun for us birders! 

You can test your knowledge in a variety of geographic regions, including Alaska, Arctic Tundra, and Pacific Coastal. Customize your quiz to focus on sea ducks, diving ducks, non-waterfowl, etc. 

Red-footed Booby. Photo: Charles J. Sharp
Join Audubon Alaska in the Galápagos  

galap Join us as we explore the Galápagos Islands' various habitats - from mangroves, lagoons, and sandy beaches to cactus forests, lush highlands, and grassy pampas.
We'll come face-to-face with iconic wildlife: Blue-footed Boobies, Darwin's finches, Galápagos Penguins, Flightless Cormorants, and giant Galápagos tortoises, among others. Don't miss the wildlife-viewing trip of a lifetime!

2017 Bird of the Year Stickers

stickers It's not too late to get your 2017 Bird of the Year sticker featuring the Horned Puffin! 

Donate any amount to Audubon Alaska and receive one of these limited edition stickers. 
2017 Bird of the Year hats are also available! We are offering our classic hats, as well as a *new* mesh trucker hat. Check out the selection here. 

'Name that Bird' Photo Quiznamethat
Photo: Milo Burcham

Photo: Milo Burcham
Last Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
The previous quiz bird was the Red Phalarope. The Red Phalarope  f orages mostly while swimming. It often spins in circles on shallow water to stir things up and bring food to the surface. It nests in the high Arctic and winters in flocks on southern oceans. 

This month's quiz bird  is one of the most abundant birds in the high Arctic. This species winters on both coasts of North America and on all 5 Great Lakes. The males are known for a distinctive breeding plumage feature. 
Upcoming Events  
Map Exhibit: Explore Alaska's Arctic Watersmapexhibit

Friday, August 4th, 6-8pm
49th State Brewing Co. Anchorage

Join Audubon Alaska to celebrate the release of our Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, a comprehensive atlas featuring over 100 maps of Arctic marine mammals, seabirds, sea ice, subsistence, and more.

Come view a selection of our dynamic maps, learn about our conservation work in the Arctic, and find out how you can advocate for the protection of these ecologically vital places.

Free event. Light refreshments provided. Beer, wine, and cocktails available for purchase. 

Anchorage Bird Walks Continue Through Julybirdwalks

Tuesdays, 7-9pm - Potter Marsh Boardwalk
Hosted by Audubon Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Saturdays, 8-10am - Potter Marsh Boardwalk
Hosted by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30am - Meet at the Westchester Lagoon parking lot
Hosted by Audubon Alaska

Family Night: Kids Bird Walk events2

Tuesday, July 25th, 6-8pm