Valentines1We had too much fun making bird-themed Valentine's Day cards this year. Check them out on the Audubon Alaska Facebook page, and send them to your favorite bird lover! Don't have Facebook? View them here.

(Photo above: Short-eared Owl / Steve Garvie, Creative Commons)

Many spring bird festivals have announced their 2017 dates, such as the Copper River Shorebird Festival, the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival, the Kenai River Birding Festival, and the Yakutat Tern Festival. Some are even open for registration. Be sure to get these dates on your calendar! 

Check out our website for an updated list of upcoming bird festivals.

Not in Alaska? Check out the America Birding Association website for festivals near you.
Audubon Alaska Staff Retreat 

Audubon Alaska staff spent two days at a retreat in Girdwood earlier this month. We outlined priorities for the coming year, looked closely at how our goals align with those of our counterparts in the National Audubon and Pacific Flyway offices, and discussed how to adjust our strategies in light of a new political climate. We returned feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready for the opportunities and challenges ahead!

Pictured from left: Erik Schneider, Policy Associate at National Audubon Society, Susan Culliney, Policy Director at Audubon Alaska, Sarah Greenberger, Vice President for Conservation at National Audubon Society, and Justin Stokes, Director of Legislative Affairs at National Audubon Society
Arctic Strategy Meetings 

ArcticLast week our Policy Director, Susan Culliney, traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in Arctic Strategy Meetings. These meetings convened organizations partnering on issues such as ensuring protections remain in the Arctic Ocean and preserving the Arctic Refuge. The organizations worked to align strategies and combine efforts in our shared goal of protecting the Arctic.

Ecological Atlas of Southeast Alaska
southeastWhere can you find the highest number of bird species in Southeast Alaska? How much 
is the temperature of this region expected to increase by 2049? Audubon Alaska's  Ecological Atlas of Southeast Alaska (published in fall 2016) answers  these questions and more through maps and written descriptions. Check out the full atlas here:

A Page from the Atlas: Northern Flying Squirrel

There are two subspecies of flying squirrels in Southeast Alaska, the Alaska coast flying  squirrel and the Prince of Wales flying squirrel. The map to the right displays data about the quality of habitat for northern flying squirrels in Southeast Alaska, as well as the range for the two subspecies.

Learn about why flying squirrels rely on old growth forests for habitat, how they contribute to forest health by disseminating fungal spores, and much more by downloading this 3-page section of the atlas:
Atlas on Display at the Esri Corporate Library 

Esri, the company behind ArcGIS, had high praise for the Ecological Atlas of Southeast Alaska. 

"I and many of my colleagues at Esri are very impressed with the quality, artistry, and cartographic relevance of exhibited work that you have published." - Jaynya Richards, Esri Cartographer.

Esri let us know that they have displayed a hardcopy of the Atlas in their corporate library to serve as "a formidable example of contemporary Atlas design."

Great Backyard Bird Count

birdcount2Join the Great Backyard Bird Count! From February 17 - 20, count birds for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as you wish) on one or more days of the four-day event and report your sightings online at Each checklist submitted during the event contributes valuable data to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. Anyone can take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count, from beginning bird watchers to experts!

QuizHeadlineName that Bird Photo Quiz

Last Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
The previous quiz bird was the Boreal Chickadee, our 2016 Bird of the Year! The Boreal Chickadee calls Alaska home year-round, toughing out winter temperatures of forty below or colder and then nesting in tree cavities in spring.

This month's quiz bird is a coastal duck that breeds in  low-lying wet tundra and higher slopes in treeless terrain, also openings around lakes in northern forest. It is more vocal than other ducks in its genus. This bird is a Red Watchlist species. 
Join Audubon Alaska in Cuba!cuba

Cuban Gnatcatcher, Wikimedia Commons

 Dates:  November 3-11, 2017
Trip Details (links to a PDF):
It's Not Too Late to Pick.Click.Give!  

Alaskans: You have until March 31st to apply for your PFD. When you apply, you can donate a portion of your PFD to Audubon Alaska.

Thank you for your support!