June 30, 2022

In This Issue

2022 Donor Campaign

Donate Now!

President's Message

Who's Who at Audubon Artists?

Board News

Artists Spotlight

—A Dynamic Duo

Member News

2022 New Elected Members

Submit News


our website

2022 Donor Campaign

Platinum Donors

($200 and above)

Evelyn Floret*

Oscar Magnan

Dianne Nungesser

Christina Sanes*

Gold Donors

($100 and above)

Lynda Bottem

Chris Conover

Lisa Gleim

Josephine Guscott

Karene Infranco

Judith Moroney

Vincent Nardone*

Arnold Prywes

Sally Ruddy

Mary Smith

Judy Stach

Silver Donors (up to $100)

Randy Globus

Marian Sims Harris

Shu-ya Hsu

Marie-Paule Martin

DeAnn Prosia

Paula Shipman

Tricia Zimic

*Denotes member of the Board of Trustees; these members also support Audubon Artists financially in addition to countless volunteer hours to govern our organization.

President's Summer Message

Dear Members and Friends,

Our world has changed, turning in turmoil, during these last two and a half years while we have managed to keep our focus on art.

Here at Audubon Artists we have a new Vice President, Caroline Gates, who is also currently serving as Membership Coordinator Chair. Our gratitude goes to Miklos Sebek for his many years of devoted service as Second Vice President. He continues as Exhibition Chair.

Quin Carey is serving in the newly created position of Assistant Awards Chair. She will produce our Award Certificates through a digital process.

The position of Exhibition Catalog Chair, for many years filled by Joe Villa with great expertise, is pending. We wait to fill that position with the person who will produce the Catalog for our 2022 Online Exhibit.

Our 2021 Exhibition was skillfully hung under the direction of Miklos Sebek, Exhibition Chair, with the support of our new Hanging Team, Quin Carey, Caroline Gates, Heather McLeod and Jade Palmiotti.

We now have our own Audubon Artists YouTube channel. The first video posted is the one that I filmed during our 2021 Exhibition. Every work of art in the Exhibition is included. It can be viewed through this link on the Audubon Artists 79th Annual Exhibition page:

New Virtual Tour Audubon Artists 2021 Exhibition


Members are encouraged to submit video demonstrations of their work to audubonartists.org to be considered for future posting on our YouTube channel.

We have had three new online Galleries in 2021-22 available to our members. First, the Showcase Exhibit on our Website and social media which highlights one Artist’s work at a time. Currently Lisa Holley’s artwork and comments are on display while previous Showcase exhibits by Jeffrey Berman and Vincent Nardone continue to be accessible. The Covid Exhibit just ended after many months. Several examples from the Exhibit were featured in our last Newsletter while each Covid submission with the Artist’s comments was highlighted on the final pages of the Audubon 2021 Exhibition Catalog. Focusing on the concerns of the times we now have the Peace Exhibit posted and open to Member submissions.

Susan Story and her father Honorary Member Stanley Maltzman are aglow in our Artist Spotlight in this Summer Newsletter. From his inspiration hers was born.

Our Audubon Artist 80th Annual Exhibition will run Online for a full year from November 6th, 2022 to November 6th 2023. Entries will be accepted from July 1st, 2022 to September 1st. 2022 as indicated in the Prospectus posted on our Website. This year we are making Entries available through ShowSubmit.com a web-based entry system for online submission of artwork. It’s a system that is cutting edge in simplicity.

Our first Zoom Board Meeting on May 10th allowed Board Members to exchange meaningful ideas during an hour-long session.


two and a half

difficult years

we mourn


we have lost,


who suffer


we celebrate

the vibrancy of life

the miracle


continues with Art.



Your donation will be acknowledged in our newsletter and on our website. Again, we thank all our donors.

Evelyn Floret in the Garden of the Bourdelle Museum in Paris

Photo by John Dominis

In gratitude, we salute our sponsors, our donors, our volunteers who make this possible.

With sincere good wishes,

Evelyn Floret


Audubon Artists Inc.

Who's Who at Audubon Artists


President                                Evelyn Floret

First Vice President                Caroline Gates

Second Vice President           Vincent Nardone

Treasurer                                Christina Sanes

Recording Secretary               Denise Roland

Elected Membership

   Coordinator                          Caroline Gates

Associate Membership

   Coordinator                          Tony Migliaccio

Medium Directors and Jury of Selection

Aquamedia                               Marie-Paule Martin

Collage & Mixed Media            Myrna E. DeJesus

Graphics                                   Masaaki Noda

Oils & Acrylics                           Eric Michelson

Pastels                                      Jenny Lin

Sculpture                                   Evelyn Floret

Standing Committee Chairs


Advertising                                Jason Chang

Admissions                                Vincent Nardone

Awards                                      Johanna Lisi

                                                  Quin Carey, Assistant

Exhibition Chair                         MiklosSebek

                                                  Quin Carey, Assistant

                                                  Caroline Gates, Assistant

                                                  Heather MacLeod, Assistant

                                                  Jake Palmiotti, Assistant

                                                  Heather MacLeod, Assistant

Catalog Chair                            Pending

Financial Oversight                   Christina Sanes

Reception Hospitality &

  Entertainment                         Tony Migliaccio

                                                   Natalie Becker, Assistant

Newsletter Editor                       Patricia Hutchinson

Nominating                                Gary T. Erbe

Photographer                            Denise Roland

Presidential Advisor                  GaryT.Erbe

Board News

•Notice: If you are an eligible Associate for Elected Membership who has exhibited with Audubon Artists in three shows in one medium category, please contact Admissions Chair Vincent Nardone.

•The Audubon Artists combined 2018 and 2019 Exhibition Catalog under one binding can be ordered in our Checkout section for $35.00 (includes shipping). This is an unusual but very creative presentation of two exhibition years as designed by Joe Villa, our Catalog Editor.

•The Audubon Artists classic 75th Anniversary Catalog, published 2017, is still available for $40 (includes shipping)to be ordered in our Checkout section.

•The Audubon Artists' 2021 Exhibition Cataog is still available for $30 (includes shipping) to be ordered in our Checkout section.

•If you have your own website, consider making a link to your website in the Membership list for a $15 service charge. This link can be added when you renew your membership.

•Please consider making a donation to our Award Funds for former honorary members David Pena and Carmine J. Palermo (located in the Checkout section.)

•Please contact Johanna Lisi,Awards Chair ([email protected]) if you want to sponsor an award to celebrate or remember someone.

•Consider becoming a Silver Sponsor (up to $100), Gold Sponsor (over $100) or Platinum Sponsor (over $200), which helps to defray costs to continue on with Audubon Artists Awards and other projects.

•Please notify Audubon's Administrator Julie Kiss about any change in your contact information, especially the correct email address.

•A reminder that our online 2021 award winners will be posted on our web site until the 2022 exhibition.

•The Audubon Artists Peace Gallery from members is online. All submissions must be first time entries, as no previous show entries will be accepted. (See web site home page title to process your entries.)

Note: No art submitted to the Peace Gallery is eligible for entry to our Annual Exhibition.

Clockwise from top right:

Cathy Ferrell, Martha Ives, Sue Wall, Martha Ives, Debra Friedkin, Chris Conover, Mary Ann Goodwin, Eve MIller.

Special Feature: Peace Gallery

Through art we can achieve great moments of calm. Audubon Artists invites you to share what brings you peace today. This is a free Online Exhibition for Audubon Artists members. Click here for more information.

A reminder...

Audubon Artists is run by volunteers. PLEASE do not send emails requesting information about the exhibit or catalog.

Additional information will be provided when available via e-blasts.


Mr. Wellington

by Stanley Maltzman


by Stanley Maltzman

Golden Delicious

by Susan Story

On Edge

by Susan Story

Artist Spotlight

— A Dynamic Duo

Stanley Maltzman and Susan Story

My father, Stanley Maltzman was born 1921 in the Bronx. He grew up playing in empty lots and sneaking into pool halls, movie theaters, and Yankee Stadium. A love of nature was instilled in him by the Boy Scouts. His love of art occurred by accident - in high school, Maltzman was mistakenly placed in an art class, and that is when it all started.

Maltzman enlisted in the Coast Guard during World War II, and in 1942 was sent to Hoffman Island Signal School where he learned visual communications, including blinker lights and signal flags. He was assigned to the original crew of the USS Centaurus (AKA-17), an Andromeda Class attack cargo ship commissioned on Oct. 21, 1943. While in the Pacific, the crew of the Centaurus shot down several enemy planes and “They all knew I was trying to be an artist, so they got me to paint the Japanese flags on the side of the ship.” Maltzman carried his sketchbook and pencils with him during his service, a practice he has continued throughout his life.

When he returned home from the war Stanley married his childhood sweetheart. He attended Phoenix School of Design on the GI Bill and made extra money lettering on trucks. In 1952 Maltzman, his wife and two daughters moved to Yonkers. He commuted daily to New York City where he was a package designer, making initial drawings and hand lettering all the super fine print. During his lunch breaks he visited art galleries.

Maltzman is basically a self- taught artist who relished experimenting with different media, materials and techniques. After work, most nights he worked in his home studio on a painting or drawing. If he was working on a lithograph, he would bring a huge piece of limestone home to draw on. I always looked over his shoulder very quietly so as to not disturb him or I would draw next to him on the studio floor.

I had no idea at the time how lucky I was to have the opportunity to absorb so much of his teachings. He exposed me to the art world by taking me to museums and art exhibitions such as the Audubon Artists and the Greenwich Village Art Show. I will never forget our trip to the Guggenheim Museum. I must have been around ten years old. It was the first time I saw works by Degas, Monet and Redon. Then and there I knew I wanted to use pastels to make the colorful marks I saw that day.

We would often go on painting excursions together during which he taught me to observe with a critical eye. We’d usually find a nice spot in the woods or a field. This is one of the reasons that these subjects are so comfortable for me now, particularly our shared love of trees. This past summer we once again sat together on his porch, sketching side by side. It was very special to spend this time together once again.

Wherever my father taught a workshop or class, I was always there to assist and had the great experience of listening and watching him teach the other students. What terrific exposure I had and what lessons I learned!

Stanley Maltzman has had many awards and accomplishments over his career as an artist. He is the author of two very popular books, “Drawing Nature” and “Drawing Trees,” published by Northlight Books. He’s also a revered teacher who has shared his knowledge and enthusiasm far and wide in workshops and art courses, which he continues to do to this day. His work is in many collections including those of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Reader's Digest, Carnegie-Mellon University, United States Coast Guard Museum, Hudson River Museum, AT&T Company, Sears Roebuck and Museum of Fine Arts to name a few. The Pastel Society of America inducted him as a Signature, Hall of Fame Honoree, and recently the Executive Board of Audubon Artists Inc. has bestowed him with the title of “Honorary Membership with great distinction” for his continued participation.

Over the more recent years I have proudly shown my work with my dad’s work in the same national and international exhibitions. We have had several two person shows in galleries together. My favorite gallery show title was “Side By Side”, at Windham Fine Art Gallery. The Pastel Journal magazine also wrote a feature story about us called the ”Family Tree!“

I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't been so fortunate to have Stanley Maltzman as my father. I am so grateful for all that he has taught me.

Today, at over 100-years old, Stanley is still painting and drawing every day at his home in the Catskills, and he continues to be an inspiration to many.

— Susan Story

In Memoriam

Carmen Frank,1940-2020, lived her life as an artist through and through--dancing, singing, playing the piano, acting and creating various forms of visual art through a variety of media. An incredible, energetic spirit, she lived an inspired 80 years.

Member News

Jeff Berman’s mixed media artwork, Ballet at Carnegie Hall was accepted into the national juried exhibit at BWAC. The exhibit will also be online for the whole year, as well as his other work exhibited in the first floor main gallery. In addition he has one watercolor in the Brooklyn Watercolor Society group show at the BWAC second floor gallery. Six additional pieces are on exhibit in the Members Section at the same venue.

The BWAC Gallery has a huge space covering two floors for juried and members' exhibitions. Jeff was also invited to an exhibit at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. The piece was a mixed media artwork. This was the first show at the new offices in Industry city highlighting Brooklyn Artists of Brooklyn subjects. BWAC stands for Brooklyn Working Artists Coalition.

Carol Z. Brody, NWS, TWSA was awarded the Cheap Joe's Merchandise Award at the Rockies West 32nd National Exhibition of the Western Colorado Watercolor Society, in Grand Junction, CO, for her painting, "Party Papers XIII." the Show runs through April 9, 2022.

Walk in our World, an exhibit featuring work by Tony Migliaccio and Judy Stach is currently on display at the Guild of Creative Arts in Shrewsbury, NJ.

Mike Quon’s exhibit, A Monmouth State of Mind, is on display at the Monmouth Museum in Lincroft, NJ.

Gary Erbe and his daughter, Chantelle, are both participating in a group show at the Clifton Arts Center, Clifton, NJ.

A change of environment can transform the world of a master painter, photographer and art conservator. Villo Varga revealed her penchant for messages all over New York City. Born in Budapest, Hungary she defected in 1983, having garnered hefty experience, studying with Professor Erno Fischer at the Academy of Fine Arts and the Museum Restorers’ Methodology Center, working as conservator for the Hungarian National Gallery, and working as a professional photographer. But in America, her artwork turned to ever-changing urban messages and images not to be lost forever.

Party Papers VIII by Carol Z.Brody

Work by Tony Migliaccio and Judy Stach

Mike Quon and work at Monmouth Museum

Gary Erbe and Chantelle at Clifton Arts Center

Messages of New York, part of a series by Villo Varga

New Elected Members 2022



Kano, Aki

Liu, Pei Dau

Stetz, Robert

Collage & Mixed Media


Porfido, Carmen

Ridge, Mary McKenna

Woronczuk, Tamara



Mattson, Janis

Oils & Acrylics


Clayman, Elaine

Newman, Arlene

Reese, Pamela S.

Schwartz, Jenae

Shipman, Paula

Strapp, Cathy



Infranco, Karene



Zimic, Tricia


Member news entries highlighting a few of your recent accomplishments should be no more than 60 words. Submitted images should be in jpeg format, with a brief accompanying explanation. We cannot write, edit or rewrite submissions--they must be publication-ready. Audubon's Newsletter Editor reserves the right to reject any submitted material considered unsuitable to post. Due to a space limitation, the Editor will not post any text from Elected and Associate Members if it exceeds the maximum wordage. The posting of photographic material is reserved for Elected Members. Any live photographic images of people not considered Audubon members will need written (e-mail accepted) permission or will not be posted.

Please send your news to Pat at

[email protected]

Audubon Artists   [email protected]


To submit member news and other important announcements, contact

Pat Hutchinson, Newsletter Editor

Audubon Artists

[email protected]

Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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