Oneonta District 
  of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church
August 3rd, 2020 Oneonta District News for you
* Please share this newsletter with your friends and congregation members.
Annual Conference Announcement

Bishop Mark J. Webb recently announced that that Upper New York’s Oct. 3, 2020, session of Annual Conference will be virtual as the world continues to try to keep people safe from COVID-19. See a video message with details on this change from Bishop Webb.
What delay means for General Conference

Until COVID-19, The United Methodist Church and its predecessors have never delayed the church's top lawmaking assembly by more than a year.
With General Conference now postponed from May this year until Aug. 29-Sept. 7 in 2021, organizers are navigating uncharted territory. The Commission on the General Conference answered questions related to this delay. Click here to learn how this delay will impact the session of General Conference.
Helping to combat loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic
While a virus may limit where you can go and what you can do, it cannot limit your affection for others or their affections for you. Social distancing may physically isolate people, but technology and creativity can bridge the gap. The best cure for loneliness is genuine companionship.
Resource UMC has provided dozens of creative ways you can help your congregants combat loneliness. Click here to read this resourceful compilation of ideas.
Rev. George Gallandorm
is named as our Oneonta District Associate as of July 1
July 1 marked the start date for Regional and District Associates across Upper New York.
Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Mark J. Webb said, “To increase our ability to equip local churches in each District and Region, we have added the role of Regional or District Associates. Our goal is to place our resourcing ability closer to the local church.”

The District Associate under the supervision of and directed by the District Superintendent(s) will assist the work of the Superintendent(s) in several areas. Read the full story   on the UNY Conference website.
Church Reopening Guidelines
As you know, guidelines for church reopening are being updated frequently. Building occupancy limits are set by your county's Health Department .
Congregations meeting in person must observe both New York State and Upper New York Conference guidelines.
Churches are required to have developed a Safety Plan  and have it available/on file at the church and to submit a form   that affirms that guidelines are being followed prior to reopening.
Upper New York also is requiring that churches affirm their compliance with safety requirements by submitting this form .  Deadline for submission was Friday, June 26, 2020 This is required even for churches that choose to continue to meet only remotely. . Please be mindful this form needs to be submitted whenever your church's method of worship changes.
Weekly Spiritual Practice
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Upper New York Assistant Director of Vital Congregations for Spiritual Life, the Rev. Nancy Dibelius, has been providing videos of helpful spiritual practices to help deepen people's relationship to God during this difficult time.
This week, Rev. Dibelius discusses a practice known as Praying the Hours. In this practice, you select specific time(s) of days to lift up a specific prayer. Click here to watch this video and learn more about this spiritual practice, which will draw you closer to God through unceasing prayer.
Discover, Develop, Deploy Christ-Following Leaders Initiative
How can we assure that Upper New York is making more disciples? What does it take for more people to say "Yes!" to following Jesus? Over the last seven years, the Conference Leadership Team, the Bishop's Operational Team, and the UNY Cabinet have developed measurable goals for this work to be reached by June 30, 2025.
Click here to read more.
Paycheck Protection Program extended
On June 30, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed an extension for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) application process to August 8, 2020.
  Click here for additional information on the PPP program. If you need further assistance on applying for the PPP, please contact Bob Flask, the Conference Treasurer at [email protected]
Part-Time District AA Job Opening

The UNY Conference is currently seeking a part-time District Administrative Assistant for the Niagara Frontier District office located in Cheektowaga, NY. This is a part-time position for up to 29 hours per week.
The person in this position must maintain good working relationships with staff members, attend quarterly District Administrative Assistant meetings either in person or via Zoom, and is encouraged to attend the Annual Conference. This person should also foster and maintain good relationships with clergy, retirees, local church members, and collaborate with other District Administrative Assistants in the Conference.
If you know someone who would be interested in this position, have them click here to apply.
Dismantling Racism Resource
The UMC will lead a sustained and coordinated effort beginning now and continuing through General Conference, August 29 to September 7, 2021, to actively engage in the ministry of dismantling racism and promoting racial justice. The UNY Conference Communications team will regularly share worship, advocacy, and educational resources to help with this important campaign.
Resources for Responding to Systemic Racism
We must be prepared to minister to those that are hurting and to adequately address the issues that are confronting our nation. Discipleship Ministries has collected resources to help churches address the topics of racism, systemic oppression, violence and more. Click to view the resources.
Advanced Lay Servant Course-Open to All Laity

DISCIPLE FAST TRACK: Bible Study for Busy Lives

 The Bible remains the primary source for faith development for Christians. In the Bible we encounter God, God's story and God's vision for humanity. More importantly, it is through our experience of the Bible that we are encountered by God, our story is shaped by God, and God's vision for us is discerned. Some of us have the personal discipline to read the Bible daily. The rest of us, however, need structure, a sense of accountability and the encouragement of fellow sojourners. If you are one of "the rest of us," please consider Disciple Fast Track!

Disciple Fast Track helps busy people encounter the Bible in order to grow in faith. Daily readings for private devotion and reflection, as well as materials to help understand the Bible, its content and its development, are provided.

The Conference Lay Servant Ministries Team has approved Disciple Fast Track as an Advanced Lay Servant Ministries Course. The Old Testament portion of the study begins Saturday, August 15 from 9 AM to 10:15 AM for twelve weeks (with the exception of October 3, October 24, and November 14) via Zoom. The cost is $10 with checks payable to UNYAC (Upper New York Annual Conference).

Please purchase Disciple Fast Track: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study Old Testament Study Manual from Cokesbury.

Contact Facilitator: Nancy Goddard at  [email protected] for a registration form and questions. 
Lay Servant Courses Via Zoom
Adirondack Lay Servant Ministries is offering the following courses via Zoom:
Leading Prayer (Advanced Course)
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. August 6 & 13
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. August 15
Please note that dates & times may change
For more information or to register for any of these courses, please contact Adirondack Lay Servant Ministries Registrar, [email protected] .
Virtual VBS is Free for Churches

Cokesbury is offering a FREE virtual VBS option during this time of COVID-19. Knights of the North Castle: Quest for the King’s Armor, invites kids to join Sparky the Dragon and the Knights of the North Castle players to search for and learn about the King’s armor, “God’s Armor.”
Where churches can access and download the content using the United Methodist Publishing House’s media app  Amplify  without having to sign up for a subscription.

Read the UM Publishing House news story about virtual VBS here.  
Are you, or someone you know, interested in caring for or improving your church's program of history?
The General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church will be offering a Local Church Historian School in 2020 for church historians---or anyone interested in the story of their church.
This is the same school developed and offered by the Indiana Conference in the past---now updated---and being offered by the General Commission on Archives and History to any United Methodist church globally.* 
The Local Church Historian School curriculum will cover a wide range of skills necessary to become a "complete" church historian. Participating congregations will benefit from a new consciousness of their heritage and legacy and be motivated to study their unique stories and proclaim it to those around them.
The Book of Discipline says our Conference is "to encourage and assist the local churches in preserving their records, compiling their histories and celebrating their heritage...." This school provides United Methodists the opportunity to do just that.
The school will begin on September, 14, 2020. Plan now to use this opportunity to ensure that the heritage of each of our churches will be celebrated and that each church can receive the full benefit of its own amazing story.
*The only prerequisite for the Local Church Historian School is access to dependable email service. (Minimal computer skills are required.)  
Important Reminder : Reports NOW PAST Due
 Deadline for the following Annual Reports was July 15th

·       Report of Trustees
·      Report of the Finance Committee
·      2019 Local Church Financial Audit

These reports are now past due. Please send these to the Oneonta district office at your earliest convenience. Note: if you have the means to email them vs. snail mail then this is very welcome. 
Thanks to the Oneonta district churches who have submitted these reports!
Register now for fall HealthFlex Exchange ZOOM workshops
The Upper New York Conference Benefits Office will be hosting multiple HealthFlex Exchange ZOOM workshops this fall. Participants will receive information about the plans and tools to help with plan choices. Starting for January 1, 2021, all eligible,  under 65  participants must choose their health, vision, and dental plans through the HealthFlex Exchange.

In the HeathFlex Exchange, participants are given a monthly allowance, called a Premium Credit, with which to “shop” for their medical, dental, and vision plans. Premium Credits vary based on coverage tier (participant only, participant +1, and family).
Also, depending on the plan you elect, you will have the opportunity to contribute to either a Health Savings Account (HSA), Dependent Care Account (DCA), or Medical Reimbursement Account (MRA). Two of the plans come with Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) which include employer contributions.
HealthFlex Exchange offers a broad range of plan designs, including:
·        Six medical/pharmacy plans(Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois), most of which include a health savings account (HSA) or health reimbursement account (HRA) to help offset out-of-pocket expenses
·        Three dental plans (Cigna)
·      Three vision plans (Vision Service Plan)
All Six Medical Plans will still include:
·      Preventative and wellness services are covered at 100%, with no deductible required.
·      The same network providers and the same prescription drug formularies.
·      All plans include vision exam core
·      All plans include a deductible which must be met before the insurance pays.
·      Wellness programs, such as VirginPulse, Health Coaching, Employee Assistance Program, MDLIve tele-medicine, Weight Watchers and others
Choosing your health plan is a big decision , and Wespath provides training and decision-support tools, like ALEX Benefits Counselor, to help you compare your options.
The HealthFlex Exchange is for ALL participants and/or dependents that are eligible for Conference health benefits AND are under 65.
You must register in advance for the workshop . The deadline for registration is one week prior to the workshop you are signing up to attend.
Click here  to register for one of the seven dates. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Julie Valeski at 315-898-2001 or  [email protected]
Update for Course Of Study Satellite School

"The Course of Study Program continues to work schedule courses so that everyone remains safe and healthy. To that end, we have moved all fall weekend courses to a fully on-line format. It is highly likely that the winter and spring courses will follow as well.  The deadline to register for the fall courses is September 1, 2020. Because of the online format, we will need to adhere to the 20 student maximum limit. 

On-line courses will have both on-line writing and synchronous "zoom" components. Faculty are now working to adapt their courses and syllabi should be posted soon. Please keep the dates listed below on your calendar for the zoom sessions. These will likely not be the whole day, but parts of the day. Watch for instructions from your faculty person.
Please stay safe, social distance, wear your mask and know that we are praying for you and your churches. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Sheppard at [email protected] ." 
Media Resource Center is partially reopened as of on Aug. 1
The Media Resource Center will begin lending and accepting back overdue resources on Aug. 1. Please send back any items that you currently have as soon as possible. If you need to readjust return dates, please contact Karen Campolieto , Media Resource Coordinator and Archives Assistant. T he Media Center will not be available for personal pick-up, but you can mail materials until further notice as our offices are still officially closed to the public at this time.
Volunteer opportunities at camp and retreat centers
Camp & Retreat Ministries (CRM) welcomes volunteers to support the conference camp and retreat centers through the maintenance and upkeep of the buildings and grounds. The Conference volunteer management team is looking for individuals and teams local to Aldersgate, Asbury, Casowasco, Skye Farm, or Sky Lake. Each camp is ready with a list of projects suitable for volunteers. Local volunteers are encouraged as the camps curtailed overnight accommodations for the summer. State and Conference safety protocols are in place to help keep volunteers and staff safe.
The goal for volunteers: partner with camp staff to assist with tasks suited to your skills. Food and beverage for all the workers is provided by the camp. If you are ready to volunteer at Aldersgate, Asbury, Casowasco, Skye Farm, or Sky Lake.  Click here to register.
Thoughts, questions or concerns please contact Mike Block, Director of Missional Engagement, at [email protected]  or (315) 491-0497.
Upper New York Red Bird Mission Shoebox Campaign seeking drop-off locations
Dave Alexander and the mission team at Endwell United Methodist Church are again coordinating the collection and delivery of shoeboxes for the Red Bird Mission. Red Bird Mission is  a poverty-relief organization that serves a remote, impoverished population in Bell, Clay, and Leslie counties in southeastern Kentucky.
Currently, the Endwell UMC Mission Team is looking for drop-off locations for the shoeboxes. As of now, Endwell UMC, and the UNY Mission Central HUB in Liverpool are two drop-off locations and several other churches have expressed interest. Please consider being a drop-off center. Items can be dropped off from Nov. 2- Nov. 24.
If your church would like to be a drop-off location, please email Dave Alexander at [email protected] by Sept. 1 and a list of the drop-off locations will be distributed to the Conference via the Weekly Digest the following week and will also be published on the Conference website ( ).
Click here to read more about Red Bird and the contents needed for the shoeboxes.
News To Know
2020-21 UNY Appointment List

Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb and the Upper New York Conference release the final appointment list for 2020-2021. Click here to view the full list of changes.

The Upper New York Conference Center in Liverpool, including the Episcopal office and Crossroads District office, will remain closed to the public until Tuesday September 8, the day after Labor Day at the earliest. 

General Conference 
The quadrennial legislative event will take place on August 29 - September 7, 2021, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, MN.  Click here to read more.

Jurisdictional Conferences
The Jurisdictional Conferences in the United States will be held November 10-12, 2021. The days prior to and after can be used at the discretion of each Jurisdictional Conference.  Click here t o read more. 
Webinars offered on several topics

Several webinars are scheduled by , which is a resource for clergy and church leaders, offering CEUs accepted by most United Methodist annual conferences.

Upcoming webinars include :
Growing a church by becoming part of the community
10 ways to turn first-time guests into returning guests
Leading your congregation to think in new directions
Click here to view information and to sign up for webinars.

Keeping church property safe when closed  
Even if your church building is seeing little use these days, the property still faces risk of damage or burglary. Explore tips from United Methodist Insurance that will help local churches keep people safe and make the most of limited visits to the building. To read more, click here
Tune in to webinars
The Conference website has webinars to assist you with the following:
How to Facebook Live
Using ZOOM to keep church connection
Online Giving
Streaming worship online.
Just click here

Tips for streaming your services
Many churches are brainstorming ways to record or stream their services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Click here to check out our Resource page where we describe different services you can use for video recording or live streaming your services.
One popular live streaming platform that churches are using is Facebook Live.
Click here for a very useful video by Baptist pastor Bobby Gillstrap, showing you how to use Facebook Live.

Tips on using Zoom for Bible Studies and small groups
Zoom is a video conferencing as well as webinar resource that Conference staff as well as Conference and District leaders often use to communicate with one another. We are suggesting all committees and teams that usually meet at the United Methodist Center to meet using Zoom while the office is closed, which is currently now through May 15.
Zoom is also a great platform for you to use with members of your congregation and to host Bible studies or small groups. Click here to learn how to get started with Zoom, to watch Zoom tutorials, to access Zoom technical support and to see Zoom-related FAQs.
Click here for a webinar about how to use Zoom created by our friends in the Arkansas Conference.
UNY to offer matching grants for purchase of Zoom
To help churches to continue to be in ministry with their members and their communities, the Upper New York Conference is offering $5,000 in matching grants for churches wishing to purchase the Pro version of Zoom for a year. Zoom is an online meeting software ideal for Bible study, small group discussion, or meetings. Zoom is also an option for live streaming worship services if used as a webinar. To learn more about how to use Zoom, click here to watch a video tutorial.
To participate in the matching grant, simply click here to purchase a one year Zoom Pro Plan. Then, send a copy of the receipt to Alma Malikow in the Conference Treasurer's office digitally at [email protected] or by U.S. mail at 7481 Henry Clay Blvd., Liverpool, NY 13088. The Conference will reimburse participating churches $75, which covers half the cost of the annual subscription. If you have any questions, contact the Conference Director of Communications, Steve Hustedt, at [email protected] .

Download church leader guide
Explore local church tools and resources specially designed to help you communicate all the good you can! The recently updated Church Leader Guide from United Methodist Communications includes:
  • Marketing and outreach tools
  • Online training courses
  • Digital ministry ideas
  • Giving resources
To learn more, click here

Resources available from the UMC
A new video and online resource collection is reminding people that The United Methodist Church connection continues to be there for them. Share the video and resource webpage with those who need to feel the encouraging presence of the church.

Free resources from Cokesbury
Cokesbury has free resources to use to stay connected, and they are adding more resources every day. 
Amplify, Cokesbury's new media platform, is helping churches all over study and support one another from the comfort of their own homes, or wherever they are in life! It gives them direct access to a vast video library of bible studies led by your favorite authors for teaching, inspiration, and faith connections! Amplify provides believers of all ages access to fresh, trustworthy content - all from a Wesleyan perspective. Amplify has made several resources FREE and accessible for churches to participate in a church-wide study and children's content to keep them engaged in the Bible. Help your communities stay connected beyond the church walls. No sign up is required to access: click here   

 Free children's resources on the new CokesburyKids website: click here  

 New adult studies: click here  

Online worship and music resources for live-streaming
From Discipleship Resources: Click here
GCFA offers information on live-streaming and giving
Nashville, TN - The Communications, Connectional Relations, and IT teams of the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) will offer several resources to local churches and church leadership on both live-streaming and giving at the local church level during these times of quarantine and confinement.

While churches across the connection are canceling weekly services to protect the people of the church and help slow the spread of COVID-19, churches still find themselves needing financial resources for the ministries they can conduct and for general operational expenses. To read more, click here
Stay Informed, Up-To-Date Through These Links:

UNY Notes   -Include notices From the Desk of Bishop Webb; Alerts; Announcements; Prayer requests; Death Notices; Camp & Retreat info 

Weekly Digest  - Sent every Wednesday. It will include a listing of all of the new information available.
This will help reduce the amount of e-news announcements coming to your computers.
Another great resource is the UMCOM newslette r. To subscribe, click here
Contact US !
How to get help from UNY Conference for...
Regular needs or questions, contact the Conference (315) 898-2000 or email:  [email protected] and leave a message including what assistance
you are seeking and it will be given to the right person to respond to you.
Technical or creative needs such as online Bible studies/meetings,
live streaming worship, or online giving
(315) 898-2012 or e-mail   [email protected]
UNY Conference Center remaining closed to the public

Please note that the Upper New York Conference Center in Liverpool, including the Episcopal office and Crossroads District office will remain closed to the public until Tuesday Sept. 8, the day after Labor Day at the earliest.
   Conference Office Address:
 The Upper New York Conference 
   United Methodist Center
    7481 Henry Clay Blvd
   Liverpool, N.Y. 13088

Office is closed at this time!
 Phone: 315-898-2000 Toll Free: (same) 1-855-424-7878    
Denominational Website: The United Methodist Church
Update on our Oneonta District Office

Our plan is to continue to work mostly remotely through Sept 8 th but we will be in the District office occasionally. We are adhering to guidelines on safety and social distancing. If you have a need to physically stop by, please call or email us to schedule an appointment and please give us at least 24 hours’ notice. You'll need to wear a mask and follow safety protocols. Call Teresa at (607) 441-5102.

Teresa works Mon.-Thurs. and the office hours vary from day to day.
The Office is closed Fri, Sat. and Sun.

You are welcome to call us after hours at (607) 441-5102 and leave a message or email the district office at [email protected]  and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience .
"Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by... living the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God's love with our neighbors in all places."    
Your Partners in Ministry at the Oneonta District Office

Rev. Nancy Adams - District Superintendent

 Teresa Wood, - Minister of Administration

Phone: (607) 441-5102 *  [email protected]
Fax - 607-353-1034

District Lay Leader - Anna Buell - [email protected]

The District Newsletter can also be found at  

Please note the Mailing Address for the Oneonta District Office is as follows:

Oneonta District Office UMC
C/OTeresa Wood
28 Orchard Street
Oneonta NY 13820
The physical address of the office remains the same:
64 Chestnut Street, Oneonta NY 13820