Cook County Mid-Year Budget Meetings
More than Just about $$
Members of the League’s Cook County and MWRD Governments Interest Group (“CC & MWRD Govts. Group”) observed the meetings held by the Cook County Finance Committee with the different County elected and appointed officials to review the status of this year’s fiscal year and to begin discussions for the next budget year that begins December 1. While the meetings certainly included information about the actual and projected revenues and expenditures for this year and next, these meetings also provided a review of what each area has accomplished this year, what the challenges have been, and what the departments are looking to do in the coming year.
We learned:
- There are projected surpluses of $214.7 M in the General Fund and $402.1 M in the Health Enterprise Fund for the 2023 fiscal year.
- The court system has implemented a permanent hybrid process.
- The Sheriff’s office provides responders training on de-escalation procedures and provides online support via tablets in dealing with a mental health crisis in the field.
Second instalment tax bills expected to be sent out by Nov. 1 with a Dec. 1 due date this year.
The Treasurer created a new Artificial Intelligence unit within her office.
- A Land Bank program acquires 4-5 houses per block in a blighted area with the intent of changing the entire block and market.
- Cook County Health reported that costs for providing health care for asylum seekers in 2023 are projected to be $26 M.
And looking ahead to the 2024 budget …
There is a projected gap between revenues and expenses of $170 M. The Budget Department will work with each area to see if revenues can increase and expenses can be reduced. In October, the Cook County President will present a balanced budget for review and approval by the Cook County Board.
Cook County ARPA Website is Updated
Cook County has revamped its website, reporting on how one billion dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act is being spent. It includes the strategies, projects, goals and outcomes.
Cook County Health Interest Group
A visit to Cook County Health's Provident Hospital
In late June, the LWVCC's Health Interest Group took a tour of Provident Hospital led by Dr. Arnold Turner, of the Provident Executive Management Team.
Provident Hospital is now a Cook County public community hospital primarily serving residents in the Grand Boulevard neighborhood and on the South Side of Chicago. It was founded as the first African American owned and operated hospital in American by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams in 1891 to provide health care and medical training to all regardless of race. After closing for several decades, it was purchased by Cook County in 1993 and provides health care access and services to all residents of Cook County regardless of ability to pay.
The hospital offers same day surgery, comprehensive diagnostic imaging service, cardiac diagnostics, kidney dialysis, and laboratory and rehabilitative services, as well as 16 other medical specialties. In the fall of 2022, it restarted ambulance runs and is now averaging around 300 a month with emergency room visits averaging about 500 a month. The 8th floor is dedicated to the John Sengstacks ambulatory health care center, and the value to the community seemed evident by the number of people being serviced.