
Shabbat Morning Services
All services take place at the  MNJCC, third floor at 10:30 a.m.

Our Next Service:
Saturday, August 6th

Join us for our mid-summer service, lay-led by Lorne Blumer in the tradition of our regular Saturday morning Shabbats, with chazzanut (musical liturgy) from Paula Wolfson.  We thank Gita Schwartz for chanting Torah at the service. 

Our free children's program (ages three to eight) will have special activities; of course, children are always welcome to join their parents in the chapel.

We will enjoy a light kiddish after the service.

Upcoming Shabbat Morning Services and Other Events (10:30 a.m., MNJCC, 3rd Floor):

Contemplative Chanting Circle: Saturday, August 20th
An experiential, meditative, musical and joyful event led by Lorne Blumer, with musical help from member volunteers. Light refreshments are served.  No childcare is available.

September service: Saturday,September 3rd

October service: Our pre-Yontif Service, Saturday, October 1st 


Join our Choir: A Message from our Chazzan, Daniela

To the members, friends, and families of our Shir Libeynu community,

Each year, several members of our congregation join forces to form the Shir Libeynu High Holy Days choir. Some are professional musicians, while others have never dared to sing outside of their own homes. Some are fluent in Hebrew, while others have never spoken a word of it. 

High Holy Days 5777
For 20 years, we have been celebrating the High Holy Days with meaningful, joyful and participatory  services . You can find information on this year's services, as well as messages from Rabbi Goldberg, Chazzan Gesundheit and also our president, Jamie Flagal,  here .
To take a stroll through several years at our High Holy Day services in midtown Toronto, click  here.
High Holy Days Links:

Artists Wanted for Juried Group Art Exhibition
Curator: Mahrokh Ahankhah     http://queengallery.ca/
We are seeking submissions for the upcoming group exhibition "A World At Peace," which i s the theme for our first multi-cultural art exhibition, to be held by Congregation Shir Libeynu during the 2016 / 5777 High Holy Days period, October 3rd-12th. The exhibition will take place in the sanctuary gallery space at the First Unitarian Congregation site in Toronto, where we hold our services every year.

In this intensely troubled time, the exhibition organizers believe that the multi-cultural, multi-gifted artists of Toronto can do much to bring our communities together. People are seeking outlets to experience peace, harmony and a sense of community. "A World At Peace," which will pay tribute to spiritual, religious and cultural traditions in a juried display of visual arts, can be another healing initiative.

We welcome you to take part in sharing your interpretations of world peace. 

The Mitzvah of Performing Tahara: Our Renewed Chesed Groups

Would you like to learn how to perform what our sages describe as a "good deed of truth," chesed shel emet? This is the mitzvah of tahara, the task of ritual cleansing of a deceased and the subsequent dressing for burial according to Rabbinic law. This practice is considered to be a most laudable one, as tending to the dead is a mitzvah truly devoid of ulterior motives or expectation of gratitude.

Congregation Shir Libeynu is hoping to organize a small group to learn this holy task. Our goal is to have at least six men and six women who will be available as the need arises to perform all aspects of tahara for deceased members of our congregation.

Please contact Rabbi Goldberg if you are interested and for further information regarding classes on tahara, which will take place in the new Jewish year.

This group will be part of our renewed chevra kadisha (tr: sacred society), which encompasses ritual action for the deceased, and support for the bereaved that includes shiva help. Comforting the bereaved may include the leading of prayer services and/or attending at shiva (traditional week of mourning after the funeral), and also providing food and help during this time.. These are some of the important ways that members can provide chesed (compassion and grace) to other members in need, and they are essential elements of Jewish tradition and practice.

We are in the midst of re-organizing our chesed groups, to include a renewed chevra kadisha, as well as our bikkur cholim/chavurah initiative that will tend to the needs of ill and shut-in members. In the meantime, should you have need for our help, please write to Rabbi Goldberg at: InfoRabbi@shirlibeynu.ca.

If you would like to speak to Rabbi Goldberg confidentially about any of these groups or about matters to do with death and dying, please write to: rabbi@shirlibeynu.ca.

Newsletter Editor:  Harriet Eisenkraft
Congregation Shir Libeynu
416-465-5488 | shirlibeynu@yahoo.ca | http://www.shirlibeynu.ca
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Congregation Shir Libeynu
Mailing Address: 
8171 Yonge Street # 122
Thornhill, Ontario   L3T 2C6
(416) 465-5488