2021 Tax-Exempt Bond Application Now Closed
Due to limitations on available private activity bond cap, the Universal Funding Application (UFA) for multifamily developments utilizing Tax-Exempt Bonds (TEB) + 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits is now closed. For developers who have already been in discussion with Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) about potential bond projects in the pipeline, we will continue to work with you on a case-by-case basis as resources allow. Until further notice, KHC will maintain a waiting list of projects seeking TEB financing and the UFA will be opened to projects in waiting-list order as bond cap is available. As a reminder, any applicant wishing to submit a funding application to KHC must first receive capacity approval for the development team members. Development team members without a current approval letter must complete the Development Team Capacity Application located within the UFA no less than 60 days prior to the submission of the funding application. If you have any questions, please email Tracy Thurston at tmthurston@kyhousing.org.
2021 Competitive Housing Credit Applications Due August 20, 2020
The Universal Funding Application (UFA) for the 2021 competitive Housing Credit funding round is currently available. Applications are due by 12 p.m. ET on Thursday, August 20, 2020. The following funding sources are available to blend with Housing Credits:
- HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) - $1 million
- Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) - $1.5 million
Applicants should ensure that project applications are named with the actual property name that will be on the project sign at placed in service; do not use just the location or development team as the application name.
As a reminder, KHC will not accept any application-related questions - other than technical issues related to the UFA system - within the seven-day period prior to the application submission deadline.
Applicants seeking a waiver to any KHC policy or requirement must submit a waiver request and pay a fee. A separate waiver must be submitted for each KHC policy or requirement for which a waiver is being requested - two or more waivers may not be combined into a single waiver request form. Waivers requested prior to application submission must utilize the Waiver Request Form and must be submitted no less than seven (7) days prior to the application submission deadline to receive consideration. Fees for pre-application waiver requests must be added to the application fee and paid at application submission. If you have any questions, please contact Anthony Wright toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-7630, extension 314, TTY 711; or email awright@kyhousing.org.
Notice of Funds Available (NOFA): KHC Strategic Operating Grants
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is pleased to announce a funding application for modest operating grants, open to nonprofit partners across the Commonwealth. This is a fairly new approach for KHC, as in the past, requests for operating grants have been received and decided upon outside a formal application process.
The UFA for this NOFA will open August 24, 2020, and applications are due September 24, 2020. Awards will be announced in late October/early November 2020.
Cleveland Fed Welcomes Proposals For Community Development Projects in Lexington, EKY
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland is accepting proposals for community and economic development projects likely to be Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-eligible that:
- Address the needs of low- and moderate-income populations in the Lexington-Eastern Kentucky area; and
- Support workers' ability to prepare for, adapt to, and thrive in changing environments; and/or
- Address barriers that keep the current and future workforce from reaching their full potential.
Register now:
- September 10: Orientation and CRA Training Webinar, 10-11 a.m. | Register |
- September 22: Drop-in call to answer questions about the RFP process, 1-2 p.m.| Register |
- October 6: Deadline to submit via the Investment Connection portal. Please be sure to attach your most recent reviewed or audited financials.
- November 10: Selected proposals will be presented virtually before an audience of funders.
Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities to COVID Testing Appointments
The Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) and the Kentucky Transportation Department are partnering to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain transportation services for COVID testing appointments.
Individuals with disabilities who need this service can contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 877-925-0037 to learn more about how to access this service.
DAIL Commissioner Victoria Elridge has posted a video on YouTube explaining this new service, which will provide individuals who may not qualify for Medicaid the transportation they need to get to local, free, drive-thru testing sites.
Career Opportunities
KHC has the following positions available. Join us in helping Kentuckians find safe, quality, affordable housing!
MOR Asset Specialist I Tenant Assistance Programs Hourly Range: $19.44-$24.30 Please respond no later than Tuesday, August 18, 2020.
PBCA Program Support Specialist (Part-Time) Tenant Assistance Programs Hourly Range: $14.70-$18.37 Please respond no later than Tuesday, August 18, 2020.
Full details are available on KHC's website, under About, Careers, Job Opportunities.