In this edition of ENews:
- 60th annual Peddler's Fair brings thousands to Benicia
- Bishop Megan Visits St. Stephen's Colusa
- West Coast Collaborative students gather at St. Luke's Woodland
- Best Skills Best Churches Registration Open
- How you can help the fire victims in Hawai'i
- Update on Refugee Resettlement
Commission on the Environment shares Young Voices for Creation Care
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St. Paul's 60th Annual Peddler's Fair attracts thousands to Benicia | |
Last Saturday, thousands of folks visited downtown Benicia for the 60th Annual Peddlers Fair, a fundraiser sponsored by St. Paul's Benicia. What started as a small outdoor event in 1963, with a few collectible and antique stores displaying their items on tables outside St Paul's Church, has now grown into a grand affair. The fair boasts 300 select antique and collectible dealers from all over the country, along with a diverse range of arts and craft makers. | Click here to see a video from Bishop Megan at the event. | |
Bishop Megan Visits St. Stephen's Colusa | |
Left: St. Stephen's Church is beautifully maintained Top Right: Click here to watch a video of the bell-ringer in action. Bottom Right: Deacon Mary Boeger, The Rev. John Vafis, Bishop Megan, and the acolyte (our apologies – we didn't get her name). | |
Last Sunday, Bishop Megan visited with the faithful community of worshippers at St. Stephens Colusa. Assisted by Priest-in-Charge The Rev. John Vafis, and Deacon Mary Boeger, the Bishop lead Worship, preached, and celebrated the Eucharist. Thank you to the folks at St. Stephens for your warm welcome and hospitality. | |
West Coast Collaborative Students gather at St. Luke's Woodland for in-person training. | |
Top Left – Diaconal students: Back Row: Diana Deen, Paul Mallatt, Karen Hoida. Front Row: Joanie Cahill, Gigi Miller Top Right – Instructors: Back Row: The Rev. Katherine B. Doar, The Rev. James Mathes, The Rev. Susan Arnold. Front Row: The Ven. Margaret Grayden, The Very Rev. Kathy Lawler
Bottom: Diana Deen with The Ven. Margaret Grayden
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Last weekend, West Coast Collaborative (WCC) Diaconal students from the Diocese of Northern California and Diocese of San Diego gathered for three days of reflection, instruction, and hands-on training at St. Luke's Woodland.
The students are part of a larger cohort which also includes students from the Diocese of El Camino Real. Together, our three dioceses have created the WCC, which uses course material from the Iona Collaborative in an innovative pedagogy format. In addition to diaconal formation, the WCC offers training programs for folks interested in becoming a licensed lay preacher. For more information about the collaborative, click here:
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Best Skills Best Churches Registration Now Open! | |
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California is partnering with Arizona State University, Lodestar Center to provide Best Skills – Best Churches, an innovative program designed to help you grow and strengthen your church.
This exciting program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.
This is a six month program with classes held one weekend a month on Friday night (6:00pm – 9:00pm) and Saturday morning (9:00am – 12:00pm.). There are 6 courses that will consist of 2 classes per course (Fri & Sat).
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St. John's Roseville set as Location for Revival | |
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is scheduled to appear as he prepares to leave office next July at General Convention. Our planning committees are hard at work designing an experience you will not want to miss! No snake-handling…we promise! More details to come.
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Highlights from the August Board of Trustees Meeting | |
This is a short synopsis of what happened at the most recent Board of Trustees meeting. While this is not a full report of our meeting, it does share some of the highlights of our work.
The Board heard a report about our delegation to EYE23 (Episcopal Youth Event 2023). Rev. Mack Olson, Missioner for Church Life, reported that we had 19 youth and 4 chaperones attend this year because of the full sponsorship from the Board. This was the biggest group for our Province and one of the largest groups to attend EYE23. Fr. Mack reported that many of our youth delegates are the only teens in their church, and they appreciated being able to find their “people” and explore their passions. Each participant expressed real gratitude for the gift of being able to attend and our youth had a real sense of being invested in by our Diocese.
Treasurer John Nykamp gave an update on the 2024 budget process. While there is still work to be done before the budget is presented to the Board for approval, it is clear that the budget includes investment in the well-being of our congregations, small and large.
Bishop Megan gave the Board an update on the Fearless Faith Revival scheduled for 2024. This will be a once in a lifetime event with our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and is looking like it is going to be an exciting weekend!
Canon to the Ordinary Julie Wakelee gave the Board a report that updated us on the churches in transition throughout the Diocese. In addition, Canon Julie spoke about some of the things she learned at the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) conference, and offered us some ways which we may be able to use GIS and data mapping across the diocese.
Canon Julie also brought forward a Commitment to Diversity statement. Canon Julie stated that such a statement is necessary to bring high quality, diverse candidates to the Diocese of Northern California.
The Board approved the following statements:
Diocesan Commitment
Covering the northern one-third of the state, The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California seeks to represent the rich diversity of our region in its leadership at all levels. We also acknowledge that our churches sit on land where indigenous peoples have lived for millennia. We believe that all people are created in God’s image, and that we are created to be in community with one another. Therefore, we know we are most fully the Church God desires us to be when we actively work to include all.
We recognize that our tradition and our diocese have actively ignored and/or sidelined the voices of many in our broader communities, and therefore we commit ourselves to seeking leaders among historically underrepresented and marginalized communities in our denomination, such as (but not limited to) indigenous peoples, women, racial or ethnic minorities, individuals self-identifying as LGBTQIA+, veterans, individuals with disabilities, economically disadvantaged groups, first-generation immigrants, or people with any intersections of these descriptors.
Shorter Diversity Statement
We are a community rooted in the promises made at baptism to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, honoring our neighbor as ourselves,” and to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” As such, diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California and are embraced as key practices to thriving and faithful life as the Church.
– Margie Harrison-Smith, Vice President
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
Two Years Later: The Refugee Resettlement Team pauses and takes note | |
Two years ago this month Kabul fell to the Taliban and our military was scurrying to evacuate Afghan families. Their herculean efforts enabled 75,000 of our Afghan Allies to escape and eventually resettle in the United States.
At this same time, concerned lay folks and clergy in the diocese began to meet and discuss what could be done to help these new refugees resettle in our country. The Commission for Intercultural Ministries Refugee Resettlement Team grew out of these conversations and quickly became focused on welcoming our new neighbors to our communities. In these two years, resettlement teams in the diocese have lovingly opened their arms and hearts to 20 Refugee families, totaling over a hundred individuals–fathers, mothers, young children, and sisters and brothers–and enabled them to restart their lives in a safe place.
The Office of Government Relations in cooperation with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy is hosting a webinar noting this two year anniversary on Wednesday, August 23 at 3 pm (Pacific).
Join The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for a webinar presentation to learn about the current status of Afghan resettlement, the situation of those who were left behind, updates on the Afghan Adjustment Act, and how people of faith can continue to
support Afghans and advocate for policy to help them.
Click Here for more information and to register.
New Refugee families, Afghan and Ukrainian, are still arriving in Northern California and being welcomed by our resettlement teams. If you would like to help these existing teams or start your own team, please contact me.
- Bob Wohlsen -
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Registration for "I Will With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice" Now Open! | |
This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be more loving toward our neighbors. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth. | |
* This workshop meets the requirement for licensing in the Diocese. | |
Encore Living Retreat
Are you wondering what you are going to do with the rest of your life?
The Encore Living retreat is being offered to help answer that question. The course curriculum is designed to open hearts to a renewed purpose for life; and it encourages participants to apply their energies, experiences, wisdom, and resources to meet a need and help solve problems confronting our communities today. That second act might just surpass all that has gone before.
This one-day retreat is being led by Rev. Sam Shafer at the Church of Our Savior in Placerville on Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please register by sending an email to
with “ Encore Retreat” in subject line.
Lunch will be served. Donations will be taken at the door.
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Have You Registered Yet?
Registration is still open! Over 300 clergy, delegates, and visitors have registered. Register today!
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Missioner for Disaster Resilience | |
How You Can Provide Help for Hawai'i |
Here in Northern California, we are no strangers to disaster and the destruction that follows. We are now looking at the news and seeing others being deeply impacted by disaster, in the diocese of Hawaii. Something inside us is stirred and we feel we must do something to help relieve suffering and follow the command of Christ to love each other.
Please remember when considering what you can do in support of Hawaii now, or local communities in the future:
- The best help you can provide while the disaster is happening, is to donate money to the Bishop’s Disaster Fund
- Do not decide for yourself that you are going to go where the event is happening; you will get in the way and endanger others
- Ask what is needed and how you can help, once the immediate emergency is past
Bishop Megan has been generous in sharing with those in need, but the disaster fund is emptying quickly. We are in need of donations to help survivors recover. Please donate now and allow us to continue caring in your name. 100% of your gift will go to disaster relief.
Give Now:
– Mark Dibelka | Missioner for Disaster Resilience
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Become Disaster Ready! Save the Date! | |
How ready are you for a disaster? Join us for a series of workshops and exhibits by representatives from law enforcement, fire, utilities and other organizations. |
Saturday, September 16
10 am – 3 pm
St. John's Church, Roseville
Free and In-person only
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Missioner for Church Life | |
Mark your calendars! Our next evangelism gathering is coming soon, on Wednesday, August 30th at 5pm (we’ve moved from 3rd Wednesdays). Each month, we gather on Zoom to discuss evangelism resources, share evangelism success stories, and address evangelism challenges. Everyone is invited to attend. The Zoom link to attend is here. Also, be sure to check out the Evangelism Resources on our diocesan website, where you’ll also be able to find recordings of past monthly gatherings.
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Commission on the Environment | |
Young Voices for Creation Care Plenary | |
Last week the Commission for Intercultural Ministries published an article about the festival–it’s three areas of focus (evangelism, racial reconciliation and justice, and creation care) and specific information about a number of the racial reconciliation-focused sessions.
This week, the Commission on the Environment is presenting information about day 3 of the festival, when three young voices expressed their unique and compelling perspectives on the climate crisis and our call, as people of faith, to work together to address this urgent situation.
Read More
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Partners in Ministries of Health | |
Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Saint Paul’s | Sacramento is seeking a Director for Hope's Space – a healing ministry funded through donations and a grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. Read the Position Description Here. | |
Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here. | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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