"Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning"

The School Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th has been canceled. The Home and School All Parent Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, August 27, 2024. More information about that meeting will be in the newsletter next week.

2024-2025 School Calendar is HERE. Please note that self study has been removed from the calendar at this time. The scheduled day off on Friday, September 27th is now a school day but will be re-scheduled once the new self study dates have been added.

Dance hosted by the Parents of St. Peter 8th Grade.

2023-2024 Year Books

We have a limited number of yearbooks from last year available to purchase. The books are $15 while supplies last. If you are interested in purchasing one please email KBezler@stpeterjc.org.

St. Peter Interparish School

Picture Day Is: Thursday, August 29, 2024


Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records.

Only online orders will be accepted.

(Please do not bring checks, cash, or order forms to school as they will no longer be accepted.)


Click Here to Order



Online Pre-Order Password: 7D3R4Q9W


Can’t order online or have other questions? We are happy to help! 314-567-5900

Students will wear their regular uniforms on this day.

Big Bucks 2025: February 28th! 

Next virtual meeting August 22nd at 5:30. Please email Abby Borberg (Borberg.abby@gmail.com) or Brad Shimmens (bssdn2@gmail.com) if you would like to help. We are looking for more parents to join our team! 

Church News

Mass Schedule

Saturday - 4:30 PM (Saturday Vigil)

Sunday - 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Espanol)

Monday - 12:03 PM ONLY

Tuesday - 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Wednesday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Thursday- 12:03 PM ONLY

Friday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Quick Reference Guide to the Diocese of Jefferson City Stewardship Model

Catholic Stewardship Renewal/Time and Talent Form


  • To Pray: that is, attend Mass faithfully in the parish on weekends and Holy Days.
  • To Participate: that is, to use one’s time and talents to strengthen the parish community and advance the Gospel.
  • To Sacrificially Give: that is, pledge and remain current on a tithe of financial first fruits to support the life and ministries of the parish. The goal is 8% to the parish and 2% to other worthy charities.

Important Dates

Thursday, August 15, B Day

Friday, August 16, C Day

Monday, August 19, A Day

Tuesday, August 20, B Day

Wednesday, August 21, C Day

Thursday, August 22, A Day


Click on the link to see the attachment:

August Menu

Sign Up For Text Alerts

Scrip Order Form

St. Peter Catholic School Webpage

For questions, concerns or comments related to school, please see below for contact information.

If it relates to general classroom instruction, homework, schedules please talk to the classroom teacher.

If it relates to attendance: attendance@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to general school information such as calendar items, school uniform, fees, lunch, etc: kbezler@stpeterjc.org or chayes@stpeterjc.org

If you need the school nurse: egarnett@stpeterjc.org or jhummel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to policy, safety, &/or discipline: mveit@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to administration: gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org 

If it relates to enrollment or counseling: sgarner@stpeterjc.orgpwekenborg@stpeterjc.org or gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to athletics: kbell@stpeterjc.org

St. Peter Catholic School

314 West High Street

Jefferson City, MO 65101