In This Issue

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This Week ThisWeek 

Friday, August 16
  • Summer Reading lists and assignments here
  • Fall 2019 girls volleyball sign-up here
  • Fall 2019 flag football sign-up here
Saturday, August 17
  • After-School Program enrollment online here
Tuesday, August 20
  • Aloha Check-In for 7th and 8th grade, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Hillview quad
Wednesday, August 21
  • 6th-Grade Parent Hospitality, 8:30 - 9:00 a.m., PAC
  • New Parent Orientation, 9:00 - 10:15 a.m., PAC
  • 6th-Grade WEB Day, 9:00 a.m - 1:30 p.m., Hillview campus
  • 6th-Grade, schedules available at 1:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 22
  • First Day of School, 8:25 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., Hillview

Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27
  • Flag Football mandatory evaluations for 6th and 7th grade, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., Hillview field
Wednesday, August 28
  • Back-To-School Night, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Hillview 
Thursday, August 29
  • Girls Volleyball Workout, Hillview gym
    • 6th-grade 3:30 - 5:15 p.m. 
    • 7th-grade 5:30 - 6:45 p.m.
    • 8th-grade 6:45 - 7:45 p.m
Friday, August 30
  • No School- Staff Development Day
Monday, September 2
  • No School- Labor Day

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Hillview School News  hillviewschoolnews
Aloha Check In
Tuesday, August 20 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Hillview quad
7th- and 8th-grade students will receive their class schedule and school-issued iPad, provided you have taken care of some details beforehand. Below you will see a description of each item. Download and review these so that you can come prepared.
  • Welcome Back Newsletter from Mr. Haug here (what's happening this year, the Aloha Check In, FAQ's, new staff introductions - and much, much more!)
  • Aloha Check In Flyer for 7th and 8th grade here (what to bring and to do list)
  • One Community Campaign here (information about how to support our schools)
  • iPad Acceptable Use Policy here (the expectations we have for all students around iPad use) and signature page (student and parent sign this to indicate acceptance of the policy). This includes our *NEW* annual Home Internet Survey - this MUST be completed and returned.  
  • MPCSD Board Policy about student technology use and and signature page here (student and parent sign this to indicate acceptance of the policy)
  • Safe Arrival Information here and Safe Arrival FAQs here (how to report a student absence to school)
  • After-School Sports Registration, see links in Afer-School Sports section below or above in This Week (open now for girls volleyball and flag football)
Samtrans News
Changes to SamTrans Route
Westbound 83 route at 7:28 a.m. has been canceled due to low rider numbers. 

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Hillview PTO News 

Welcome Hawks!
The Hillview PTO would like to welcome all to school. 
The PTO strives to foster a positive culture and caring environment, while supporting strong academic programs in middle school. We provide our students with a variety of enrichment opportunities, including after-school activities, after-school athletics and lunch clubs. Students can explore a variety of interests, develop self-confidence, and curiosity...a path for success. Social and emotional well-being of our children is critical. This year, we will introduce more educational speakers, particularly focusing on middle school needs, which parents and children will be able to attend, together!
For our PTO programs to be successful, it is essential to have parent involvement from as many parents as possible. There are endless possibilities, all parents are encouraged to find something that best fits your interests and schedule. We truly appreciate the contributions that our volunteers make.
The PTO is active in helping to fund many of the enrichment programs. This year, we are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Menlo Park Atherton Education Foundation (MPAEF) to create the One Community Campaign. Our goal is 100% participation. Consider giving to help support ongoing enrichment of our students. For more information see here. Carolyn Kryger and Liliana Perazich, Hillview PTO Co-Presidents

Get On Board for This Year!
The PTO has begun gearing up for 2019 - 2020. Get involved for the first time or continue volunteering, we are excited to have you! Read through the Google form here and look at the PTO Volunteer page here for descriptions of the many different volunteer opportunities available. Checking a box indicates interest, not a commitment; the coordinators will contact you closer to an event to see if you are available. Email Emily Moberg Robinson here.

August Back-To-School Volunteer Activities 
6th-Grade Camp Hillview  Volunteers
Wednesday, August 21 
Camp Hillview is a program for incoming 6th-grade students designed to help make new friends and get to know the Hillview campus. This event takes place during the first week of school and is devoted to playing games, character education, and team building exercises. Teachers and 8th-grade student volunteers run Camp Hillview. Email to volunteer here.

Aloha Check-In Help Needed
Tuesday, August 20
7th- and 8th-grade students will receive their class schedules for the 2019-2020 school year at Aloha check-in. We are looking for parent volunteers to help with set-up/clean-up and to assist with handing out schedules to students. It's a fun way to start the year and meet a couple of Hillview parents! See SignUpGenius here for more information.

Be an Academy Lead Parent
Help Hillview by volunteering to be one of the Academy Lead Parents. It is the best way to interact with your students and see their teachers in action. The work is simple and takes overall less than two hours per trimester. We take multiple parents for each academy. If you are interested and have specific questions, contact Hillview Academy Parent Coordinator Hongran Stone here. Sign up with the Academy Lead Sign-Up Form here.

Volunteer at Hillview Hot Lunch
The hot lunch program needs your assistance serving meals. Choose a day of the week to serve, sign-up with friends and say hello to your student at lunch time. Sign-up with Becky Galvez, Hillview Hot Lunch coordinator,  here or contact Debi Rice 650-321-7140 x5616 for more information.

The LunchMaster offers convenience, flexibility, and peace of mind for parents. One entree, fresh fruit, fresh vegetable, snack, and choice of cold beverage delivered to your student''s school, set-up your account here.

New Mobile App 
Find The Lunchmaster mobile app at the App Store or Google Play. 

Help Our Environment!
"The Earth is What We All Have in Common" - Wendell Berry

Hillview will no longer be providing disposable water bottles at lunchtime. 
We encourage all students to bring reusable water bottles and refill them on campus. Other ways we can help decrease environmental waste at lunch:
  • Milk cartons, plastic film on the entree and fruit are recyclable
  • Sporks and left-over food are compostable
Thank you for helping us keep campus and our environment clean!

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Programs & Activities programsandactivities
Hillview After-School Programs
Fall 2019 Programs
Saturday, August 17, enrollment begins. 
After School Program (ASP) enrollment has moved to a single online portal called Homeroom here . F or more information on individual programs, vendors and registration (program subject to change until the enrollment period begins).  
  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Python Levels 1, 2
  • AdvancedCooking
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Lacrosse
  • Mandarin - beginning and advanced
  • Rock Music Band
  • Speech and Debate
  • Writing Workouts
Hillview Library
Summer Reading Assignments
Read this summer? At Hillview, students are expected to read at least two books before school begins.  If your student has not completed the required reading, there is still time to read. Students choose one book from the grade list and one free-choice: 
  • 8th-grade summer reading list here
  • 7th-grade summer reading list here
  • 6th-grade summer reading list here
Students may also read any book by an author that is featured on the reading list.

Students? Books To Recommend?
Students going into 7th and 8th grade have the opportunity to complete a (1) book recommendation form here. English teachers will collect this from all 7th- and 8th-grade students in the first couple weeks of school. 

More information on reading available on the Hillview Library website here

Hillview After-School Sports
Girls Volleyball Registration 
Friday, August 16 - Thursday, August 29 here
Volleyball - mandatory workouts after school at the Hillview Gym on Thursday, August 29
  • 6th-grade 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. 
  • 7th-grade 5:00 - 6:15p.m. 
  • 8th-grade 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. 
Players will be put through some drills hitting, setting, serving. Team practices will be at Hillview Gym and games at the Arrillaga Family Gymnasium. Practice times will be available with team assignment and will begin after Labor Day

Flag Football Registration 
Friday, August 16 - Thursday, August 29 here
Flag Football Mandatory Evaluations for 6th- and 7th-grade only 
Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., all players must come to at least one evaluation. 8th-grade players do not have required evaluations.

Players will be put through agility drills, stations and scrimmage. Practices and home games will be at Hillview and away games at surrounding school sites. Practice time will come with team assignment and will begin after Labor Day.
Parent Coaches Needed 
Donate your time and passion for sports to help our students have a fulfilling experience. Coach flag football or girls volleyball. For now we can only guarantee the first 20 registered players in each grade a spot in football. We will put the remaining players on a waitlist until we can support a second team with coaches. Interested? Contact our new Athletic Director Amar Patel here.

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Menlo Park City School District Parent Education Speaker Series 
The MPCSD Parent Ed Speaker Series is back with an amazing line-up for the 2019-2020 school year!  Check out the event descriptions and the full schedule on our website  here.

All events are free to the public and held at Hillview PAC. Free onsite childcare and pizza are available for potty-trained children. Light snacks and beverages will be provided for attendees. 
Join Us for our First Event
Wednesday, September 4 at 6:30 p.m., Hillview PAC
 "Limitless Mind:  Learn, Lead, and Live without Barriers." Stanford Professor Jo Boaler shares research about mindset from her just published book and how we can learn anything new at any time.

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Community News 
Youth Community Police Academy deadline to apply is Thursday, August 22. Programs begins September 7 and continues for six Saturdays by the Menlo Park Police Department. Youth will learn about our police department and be able to participate in some great hands on activities. Registration is online here. Contact Community Resource Officer Trask here for more information.

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Newsletter Details Newsletter
T his newsletter is published by Hillview School parent volunteers every Sunday of the school year, except for Sundays preceding a full week of vacation.

Submissions to the Newsletter : The deadline to submit to the Hillview Newsletter is Wednesday at noon . Email your submission to . Note that submissions may be edited for content and/or length. Submissions received after the deadline will be eligible for inclusion the following week. Submissions are eligible to run for up to two weeks. 

Submissions with Photos or Names of Students: Provide the names of the students in the photo to the administrator of the school that the student attends. Request that the administrator send approval for the use of photos and student names to

Submissions for Off-Campus Community event: E mail your announcement to . The submission deadline is  Wednesday at noon.

Archives: Look up past issues in our  online archive.