Issue: 255                                
August 18, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Aug. 25: Open House

Aug. 29: First Day of School 1-8 Grade

Aug. 31: First Day of School Kindergarten

Sept. 2-5: No School - Labor Day Weekend

Sept. 14: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 6: Picture Day

Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Like us on Facebook

Administrative Information
Class Lists Are Here!

Please click here to find the class lists for the 2016-2017 school year.
Pick Up and Drop Off Information

The school year is around the corner! Please click here for important information for ALL families regarding pick up and drop off procedures at TCGIS.
Busing Information

If you are interested in the bus service offered at TCGIS, click  here for the details. 


Jo in Us Next Thursday, August 25, for Open House!

The new school year is right around the corner! Join us on Thursday, August 25 from 6:30pm-8pm at our Open House. You'll have a chance to meet your teacher, drop off school supplies, grab a school calendar, and get excited for a great year. We look forward to seeing you there!
TCGIS Now Hiring

We are currently seeking a Front Office Receptionist. If you or someone you know may be interested in this position, please review the full job description  HERE.

To apply for this position, send a cover letter, current resume, and two letters of recommendation to Director of HR & Operations Gael Braddock at gbraddock@tcgis.org.
Action Required for All TCGIS Families 

In an effort to maintain accurate and up-to-date student records, we are requiring ALL students to have updated and complete immunization records returned to school by the first day of class, August 29. Please use our attached file to submit your child/ren's updated immunization records. We understand that some of you may have already handed these in, however we are requiring the most recent immunization record for each and every student and we greatly appreciate your compliance with this request. Records can be turned into the office via email, snail mail, fax or in person. Vielen Dank to the families who have already done so already!
Soccer Registration 2016-2017

Twin Cities German Immersion School will again offer after-school sports to students in 5-8 grade through the MN League of Independent Sports Teams. (L.I.S.T.)  LIST is a co-ed youth sports league in Minneapolis & Saint Paul. The mission of LIST is to promote the development of skill, teamwork and sportsmanship, to build community and foster friendships between the various schools and participants, and to encourage students to play!

We are now registering for the fall soccer team(s). You may  click on the TCGIS Sports Program Page for additional forms and information. Explore around to find out Soccer Information, Soccer Rules, Code of Conduct, L.I.S.T. Membership, and to sign up look for "How do I sign up?" OR on the registation link below.
All registrations  for soccer need to be received by next Thursday, August 25  (if possible). Paperwork & payment can be turned in at the open house or first week of school.
For additional questions not provided on the web site, please contact Chad Prater at cprater@tcgis.org or Michelle Wallace at mwallace@tcgis.org
Returning Student E-Registration for 2016-2017

Great news - returning student registration is now paperless! E-Registration can be found on the left-hand menu of the Powerschool Parent Portaland with it you can easily update any and all student information for your kids. All families are asked to complete this for each student by the first day of school, August 29Need some help? We will be available during the Open House if you have any questions.
Bulk Supply Payments Due Tomorrow

The bulk supply order is being filled and purchased this week. The amounts you committed to have been posted to your Order Lunches account. Please pay this amount by tomorrow,  Friday, August 19

We will send receipts out in September, in case you wanted to deduct school supplies from your taxes.

With participation like this, we can hope to expect more attention given to this effort, with potential to see lower costs and more environmentally sustainable practices.

Kinderclub Information

Please click here for Kinderclub information regarding:
  • new: Kinderclub updates for this year
  • enrollment for Kinderclub 2016-2017
  • ordering window for August/September 2016 care
  • tuition scholarships
  • 2016 calendar & rates

August/September Order Cycle Closing Tomorrow

Log on to our online store  now and place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk. All orders are due by midnight on Friday, August 19th .

If your family is new to our online store, please click here for more information on our online store, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the website. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is TCGIS1 .

If you are a returning family and you need assistance with your Account Log-In information, please email us at ordering@tcgis.org.

Help Us Weed Our Garden

We will have another weeding day on  Saturday, August 20, from  8-11:30. We will have water available, so bring a water bottle, sun screen and any tools you like to use for weeding. Students are welcome, too!

Contact  hgoetzman@tcgis.org  for more information.

Board Member Appointee

The board is currently seeking applicants for a one-year board appointment. Ted Johnson is unfortunately stepping down, and the TCGIS By-laws state that a new board director shall be appointed by the board. Ted has been a great contributing member of the TCGIS community, and his financial expertise has been a great boon for the school; he will be missed.

Because of Ted's specific expertise, the board may give preference to candidates with training and/or experience in finance, especially in non-profit organizations, but any interested party should feel encouraged to apply.Applications are due  September 8th, so we can appoint at the  September 22 board meeting.

Questions? Applications? Send them to Andy Thompson at  athompson@tcgis.org.

Band Program for 2016-2017

It's still not too late to sign up for the TCGIS concert band!  Please click here for general information on the band, and call or email Krista Johnson with questions.

Please find the tentative lesson schedule herePlease let Krista Johnson know if you have any questions. It is color coded for Wednesday and  Friday  lessons.  Note that there are a few 6-8 graders with  FRIDAY  lessons. They will still attend full band after school on Wednesdays. If you believe your child should/shouldn't be on the list, let Krista Johnson know as soon as possible.

Sponser a Music Stand

The TCGIS band program is growing, and we really need some decent music stands! Groth Music in Bloomington has a set of 6 stands for $237. This breaks down to $39.50 per stand.  Individually they are $47.50. If anyone would be interested in donating $40 for a stand, Krista Johnson will stencil "donated by family name" on it! If you're interested, please reach out to Krista Johnson
Please Return All Summer Library Books

Thank you to the 20 volunteers who helped make the TCGIS Summer Library a success.  Please Remember: ALL books MUST be returned to the Library by Thursday, August 25  (during the school's Open House).

News from the TCGIS Lunchroom

Lunch Order Cycle Closing on Friday, August 19! Please remember to order your child(ren)'s school lunches and milk for August & September. Follow this quick link https://tcgis.orderlunches.com and start ordering. Please make sure to place your order before midnight on Friday, August 19.

We are pleased to have Lancer Dining Services providing healthy meals to the TCGIS students again this year. Please read this Welcome Letter from Lancer to kick off their 2016-2017 School Lunch Service Program.

In addition, please take a moment to read the letter from the TCGIS Lunch Team about important information and/or changes to the Lunch Program for 2016-2017. We appreciate your support, and look forward to another year of serving healthy meals to our students!
Auf Wiedersehen & Danke to Outgoing Staff

This year we said goodbye to many wonderful members of the TCGIS staff. We would like to thank all of them for their hard work, passion, and energy during their time at TCGIS. Auf Wiedersehen und Dankeschön to Herr Bier, Frau Buhr, Frau Challes, Frau Fritz, Frau Gabriel, Meijie Goudy, Frau Jurewicz, Molly Kalda, Michelle Lanz, Heidi Lauer, Frau May, Jeri Mullan, Kristen Newell, Frau Schmitt, Herr Solachau, Denise Stegmann, Frau Streeper, Frau Suter, and Melissa Varanasi. 

We appreciate all you've done for our community, and wish you all the best in the future!