Dear Cienega Families,
Welcome back to Cienega!!! I hope that all of you had a relaxing summer break with a chance to connect with family and friends.
The 2016-2017 school year is underway, and students and staff are already working hard. Along with our strong academic programs, athletics, fine arts, and clubs are in full strength and have begun their preparations for the school year. Please contact us for information about any extra-curricular activities that your child may be interested in joining.
I would like to introduce some of our staff in order to offer assistance to you and your child for the 16/17 school year.
Assistant Principals:
Kelly Hadden - Grades 10-12, A - L, 400 Building: Athletics, Fine Arts, Clubs, CTE Kim Middleton - Grades 10-12, M - Z, 500 Building: Upper Level Curriculum and Instruction Dean Nourse - Freshman Academy, 300 Building: Freshman Curriculum/Instruction, Special Education
: John Tritz - Seniors
Colette Clendaniel - Grades 10-12, A-L Sy
lvia Lewandowski - Grades 10-12, M-Z Eric Boxley - Freshmen
Rebecca Carrier - Intervention Counselor
Dainah Graham - College Counselor, Bobcat Scholars
School Resource Officer:
Deputy William Farmer
Lead Security:
Ron Burton
In closing, please keep up with your child's academics by using all of the parent resource tools found on the CHS website
. Here you can get connected to PowerSchool, free tutoring/reteach in Math and English and other helpful resources to assist you in being fully involved in your child's schooling. It is imperative that all of our students start the school year strong to carry them through the entire school year.
As we head into the new school year, we thank you in advance for all you do to make Cienega one of the top high schools in Arizona.
We are Bobcat Nation!!!
Unfortunately due to the weather, picture days for Cienega High School has been moved to
August 18 and August 19th
. Pictures will be taken during English classes. Your student should have brought home an order form last week; however, if you are in need of another one, please find it attached to this message and also in Cienega's front office. If you have and question please call our yearbook advisor Chance Calgher at 879-1879.
Attention Senior Parents:
Senior Bobcats need to get their portrait taken with Silhouette Photography before October 31st to be in the senior section of the yearbook. Don't hesitate to call 520-886-1710 ASAP to schedule an appointment because they fill up fast. Please see the flyer below for any info you may need.
Bobcat Parents:
Cienega is accepting payments for Advanced Placement tests. We understand paying these all at once can be difficult, so we have created the following payment schedule to alleviate some stress on families. AP test fees are $93 or $18 if your family qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL). These fees can be paid in the bookstore.
Click below to access the suggested schedule. Please follow it as best as you can.
Why should my student take AP exams?
When students receive a score of 3, 4, or 5 in certain courses, they can use this score to earn college credit at selected universities. That is equivalent to 3 units in some subjects. Current tuition at the University of Arizona is $840.94 per unit. For an AP testing fee of $91, students could potentially save $2359.94 . . .
Students who received free or reduced lunch services in the 2015-16 school year will need to reapply before
September 2 in order to be able to continue in the program for 2016-17.
Welcome senior parents and students!
I am John Tritz, the counselor for the Class of 2017. The senior year in high school is full of exciting challenges and opportunities. Exciting traditions are in place to celebrate our seniors' successes and accolades this year. One of the traditions started five years ago is our "Wall of the Future". When a senior has been accepted to a college, signs military enlistment papers, or enrolls in a technical or trade school, we want to acknowledge this achievement by hanging a plaque in the front office. Last year we had over 120 plaques on the wall and over 300 names on those plaques.
For every accolade mentioned on this wall, the senior student will be placed in a drawing for a free iPad to be given away at Honors night next May.
Other important information:
- Download the new SchoolWay App and join the "Class of 2017" Group to stay up to date on college visits and other important information through out the year.
- Seniors needing a transcript will now need to request them electronically through We no longer manually process transcripts for students. Go to: to request a transcript.
- Fall Testing Deadlines for SAT and ACT:
- All seniors attending a 4 year College or University must take the SAT OR ACT. It is strongly recommended to take it this fall if a student has not already done so. Practice tests are available in the counseling office.
- Click here to access testing dates and deadlines for both tests.
- Scholarship opportunities are listed and updated on the Cienega Website on the "Counselor Page." View the site often for regular updates.
- Financial Aid Night is September 21st @6:30 PM. There are new changes to the FAFSA filing dates. Be informed and plan on attending this event.
- I look forward to working with the students and parents of the class of 2017! You can contact me at 879-1843 or
Our NJROTC program has received the Distinguished Unit Award for 2016. The NJROTC Distinguished Unit designation is awarded annually to schools whose program ranks in the top 30 percent of units throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Competing units are ranked according to the degree of excellence attained in administration, military proficiency, and host school support. This is the first time since our unit was established in 2012 that our program has earned this honor.
Our NJROTC cadets successfully completed the Fort Huachuca Arizona JROTC Summer Leadership Camp which was held 31 May to 3 June 2016. Cadets from all services in Arizona JROTC programs attended the annual camp.
Please find the fall 2017 ACT prep courses and dates attached. Courses will begin on
August 20th so students can start preparing for the ACT tests that are coming this fall. The $35 fee will enroll your student into
3 sessions! We are committed to helping all Cienega students to increase their composite scores. Contact Eric Tatham @ 520-879-2864 for questions.
Cienega Families:
In order to help you and your student (s) to be informed about the programs we are offering at Cienega, please find the current RETEACH, DETENTION, and TUTORING schedules for the first semester of 2016-17 attached. If you have any questions, please direct them to our Instructional Support Teacher, Eric Tatham. He can be reached at (520) 879-2864.
CHS Administration
Welcome back Bobcat Volunteers!
Thank you to our MARVELOUS volunteers for helping with our registration, frosh bootcamp and orientation, open house and SEP Proposal Reviews! You guys are the BEST!
Please join us on
7:00-9:00pm at COSTCO on Kino and I-10 for our 3rd Annual Costco School Shop Night. Not a member, no problem, you can join that night. Cienega benefits when you shop! See ya there.
Please consider joining CATFRAT, our parent teacher organization. Membership is $10 per family. We meet the 3rd
MONDAY of each month at
6:30pm in the Library/Education CTR. We offer Fry's Community Rewards, eScrip and the Tyson Project A+ programs to benefit Cienega through CATFRAT. Contact me for more information or stop by the "pink" office by attendance in the front office.
NEW and seasoned volunteers...please COMPLETE or RENEW your ONLINE Volunteer APPLICATION at, click on resources, then volunteer resources, click link to apply online and hit SUBMIT and you're done!
Career Watch
Human Systems Engineer:
Making technology work for humans
Human Systems or Human Factors Engineering is a field that combines engineering and psychology to design systems consistent with human capabilities and limitations. The career outlook in this area is very good. Students graduating with this degree will be qualified for jobs such as user experience specialists, user interface designers, human factors engineers, research psychologists and more in a variety of settings ranging from small to large businesses and military and medical settings.
The median annual wage for Human Factors Engineers was $83,470 in May 2015. Schools offering undergraduate degrees in Human Systems Engineering include: Arizona State University, Air Force Academy, Cornell University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Tufts University, University of Michigan.
What To Do and When to Do It - August
Enroll in challenging courses.
Join clubs and organizations that interest you.
Look for services/community opportunities.
Start your high school resume/portfolio and keep it updated.
Register for the October PSAT (registration begins in September).
Join clubs/extracurricular activities.
Document your accomplishments to date.
Register for the October PSAT/NMSQT (registration begins in September.
Practice and prepare for the PSAT.
Research and start a file for each of your top ten colleges.
Update your documentation of accomplishments.
Plan to visit a college during fall break.
Meet with your counselor to be sure you're on track to graduate.
If necessary, register to retake the ACT and/or SAT.
Update your resume.
Attend college representative visits.
Apply to colleges and for scholarships.
Attend all senior information nights and senior assemblies.
Get To Know Your Counselor
Alexis Kinder graduated in 2015 but has been continuing to follow her passion for FFA. She had to demonstrate her involvement in FFA for at least 12 months after graduation from high school, earned and invested $10,000.00 in her work-based learning project and completed at least 75 hours of community service. This is the first American FFA Degree recipient from Cienega and is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a member. Alexis will be receiving her degree and the golden key of the degree on stage at the 88
th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana this October.
Parents it's never to early to order your 2017 Cienega Yearbook. It's easy! Just go to and type in Cienega. Currently we are running a deal until Aug 31 for personalization on your book (See the attached flyer below). The yearbook is currently $85 until the end of August, then the price goes up to $90. So don't hesitate to get your yearbook today!
Student Council is hosting the first dance of the year! The Heroes Welcome Dance will be on
Friday, August 26th
8:30 pm-11:30 pm
in the Student Union. Tickets are $5 at the door with school ID. Guest forms can be picked up in the front office, and must be turned into the Student Council Room 118 by
on the day of the dance.
Dress is casual. Students can c
ome and enjoy the first dance of the year after the first football game of the season!
Student Council is selling official game day shirts! Come stop by Room 118 to purchase a black, navy, or white shirt for $10! Sport your new shirt and school spirit!
Hey Bobcats, are you ready for the first spirit week of the year?! Monday, August 26th is Military Monday, Tuesday is Comic Character Day, Wednesday is Community Heroes- dress up like someone you look up to in the community! Thursday is America Day, and Friday is Class Colors for the spirit assembly! Freshman are white, sophomores are copper, juniors are navy, and seniors are gray with copper and navy. We hope to see you hyped up for spirit week!
Are you interested in the trip of a lifetime?
Then go on the "Spain, French Riviera and Italy Trip" during your Spring Break 2017!!
Why should you go?
Madrid, Barcelona, French Riviera, Monaco, Pisa, Assisi, Florence, Rome and the Vatican City
See the Vatican! See the Roman Coliseum!
Take a bike ride in Barcelona
Why is our trip different?
More countries to visit and tour
Go to and enter Tour Number: 1825006HA
For more information contact:
Thank you, parents, for your support of Cienega. We truly appreciate your involvement!
Cienega High School
CHS Online Store Spirit Wear & More!
Cienega High School Yearbooks