The Art of Fermentation, Tiny, Affordable Artwork, Lemon Rhubarb Muffins and More!
August 2016

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Sebastian Help Requested!
Most of you all know and love our faithful ficus tree, Sebastian, who has been thriving beautifully in our bright clinic space. The treatment table right below him is the most popular spot requested!

He is in need of a good pruning and we are seeking knowledgeable individuals, familiar with our clinic, who may be interested in helping out with trimming him up a bit to keep him healthy and strong.

Feel free to e-mail us, or let Rachel or Katie know next time you are in.

New Work by local Roots to Resistance artist, Denise Beaudet
"What I Am" @ the A.P.E. Gallery 8/26-8/28 - an intimate collection of tiny, affordable paintings & photos
Local artist, Denise Beaudet, creator of the amazing 8 foot portraits on display at the clinic, brings a new show, entitled, What I Am, to the A.P.E. Gallery August 26-28th! Save the date!

Hours of the show:

Friday, 26th: 11-8pm
Saturday, 27th: 11-8pm
*celebratory reception: 5-8pm with snacks and beverages
Sunday, 27th: 9-5pm

Location: the A.P.E. Gallery, 126 Main Street in downtown Northampton. 

What I Am - "a loosely woven tale of a woodswalking artist in tiny words, paintings and photographs" - is a showing of more than 150 tiny paintings and photos full of narrative rememberings and woodland critters, meant to bring meaningful, affordable art to local peoples.

How tiny: Most pieces are no longer than 5 or 6 inches long

How affordable: Most are under $100, along with a few groups of paintings being sold as a set.

The proceeds from the show will fund the final leg of the Roots to Resistance project, which uses art and activism here in the valley to support and partner with women activists across the globe. (This is the name for the project currently on display at the clinic, featuring portraits of women activists from around the world.)

For more information, contact Denise Beaudet: [email protected] or
Blog post on the show
The Art of Fermentation
I have been dabbling with making pickles and jam for some time now, but it wasn't until recently that I decided to delve into the art of fermentation. Even less recently, I realized that I really like sauerkraut and other pickled veggies. I have been blessed with an abundant farm share this summer and while not at a loss for uses of all of the incredible food that I have been acquiring, I came to realize that so much more can be done with it aside from cooking and eating raw salads. 

A friend of mine was visiting recently; we are both into DIY kind of stuff and signed up for a class at The Haberdashery (located in the center of Easthampton) on fermentation. I was impressed with all of the new gadgets that I could add to my collection, along with how easy it is! 

Fermented foods are excellent for digestion and easy to store.
It is great to add a little fermented food to each and any meal; not only does it taste great but is a healthy way to get things 'moving.'

These are some pickles that I fermented with pickling cukes from the farm share. I added fresh dill and some pickling spices. You can add anything, really. I have had fun being creative. All you need is salt, heated in water until dissolved. More salt makes for stronger, longer lasting ferments.

They turned out to be crisp and so tasty.   

Once in the jar, they can stay out as long as you would like them to ferment--depending on taste. I found 1 week to be perfect for the pickles but probably could have left them out even a little longer. Once they are sealed and in the fridge, the fermentation process stops. If you want to give them away as gifts--which I have always enjoyed doing with homemade canned goods-- they do need to be stored in the fridge, but can last for a year or longer. Just tell your friends to keep them refrigerated. 

Let me know of any experiences or recipes that you have around pickling and fermenting.

I would love to hear about it and share more in future newsletters!

Recipe Corner
Gluten-Free Lemon Rhubarb Muffins
My father recently gave me some rhubarb stalks, fresh from the backyard. I had no idea that he had some growing, right between some of his favorite fruit trees! Having fairly extensive experience with cooking and baking, I was mildly embarrassed to admit that I had no idea what to do with it.  I had, of course, heard of strawberry-rhubarb pie, but despite my love of sweets,  I am not much of a pie-person. In any event, I considered myself up for the challenge.

I started looking up easy, low-to-no sugar, gluten-free recipes. Bombarded by thousands, I tried to narrow it down by adding 'coconut flour' to my google search, since I am always looking for an excuse to use coconut and realized that I had a lot on hand.

I came up with the following...yum!
They were light and lemony and so delicious  Hope you enjoy! 

  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • zest of 2 lemons
  • 6 large eggs (room temperature)
  • ½ tsp. vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh grated ginger
  • juice of 2 small lemons (about ¼ cup)
  • ¼ cup ghee (clarified butter) or coconut oil (melted)
  • ⅓ cup honey
  • 1-1/2 cups rhubarb (sliced)


(325 degree oven)

Whisk coconut flour, baking soda, salt and lemon zest.

In a larger bowl, whisk eggs (make sure they are at room temperature), vanilla, ginger and lemon juice.

Melt ghee or coconut oil in a small pan. Add honey, stirring to blend.  Add both to the wet ingredients and blend.

Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and whisk until smooth.

Stir in the rhubarb until evenly distributed.

Line muffin pan and fill with batter.

Bake 24-28 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Let muffins cool for at least 5 minutes before removing.

Note: The eggs should weigh between 12-13 ounces, so if your eggs vary in size--weigh them accordingly--you may use between 5-7, total. 

You can find this, along with other great recipes, at:
Acupuncture Point of the Month
Gallbladder 21
Stress is a common theme when patients visit the clinic, here at NCA. It is easy to be stressed in the environment that we live in; and stress tends to exacerbate and/or contribute to the underlying cause of symptoms that are already problematic. These may include sleep, pain, rashes, asthma and allergies.

Gallbladder 21 is a beautiful point located on the top of the trapezius muscles, between the neck and the shoulder joints.

It is also one of the main points for shoulder and neck tension/pain--a condition often worsened by...(you guessed it!) stress.

You may have had it needled before, and had the practitioner wiggle it around a bit until it 'jumps' (I love doing this). It creates an intense sensation that passes quickly, releasing tension. It is not a necessary needle tactic, but I find it to be very effective in loosening up the muscle in the neck area.

Gently massage it yourself, to relieve neck tension, stress or headaches.

Please Note  **Use with caution during pregnancy **


Herbal Remedy of the Month
Summer is a great time to get outside and enjoy the air, sunshine, mountains and nature. Being active is great for the mind and body and I always encourage my patients to exercise--with varying degrees of intensity--even in the face of injury. 
If you are injured or feeling sore from all of that outdoor activity this summer--or even from slight sprains and strains acquired from every day chores--Arnica offers much needed relief.

Arnica, a homeopathic remedy, is available for internal and external use; most typically found in topical creams and gels. 

Not only is it great for acute sprains, strains and bruises; patients with chronic pain and arthritic conditions can benefit from using it as well.

Rachel and I keep it on hand for the inevitable, pesky bruises that may arise from an acupuncture needle. It seems to take care of it very quickly.

We also have T-Relief Gel available for purchase, here at NCA. T-Relief is is a blend of Arnica and other homeopathic ingredients, excellent to keep on hand or in the medicine cabinet.


Northampton Community Acupuncture  413-586-8251