August 2017
Dear Ones,
   Well,  summer is here and we are harvesting vegetables and fruit that we planted earlier in the year.  Likewise with our karma - we harvest the results of our actions.  Our historical teacher the Buddha tells us, "we cannot escape the consequences of our actions" (from the 5 remembrances).  May we all choose well when we plant our karma seeds, may we all nourish our practice and may our harvest of that karma promote peace and happiness.
   I have started a new practice of meditation on Suchness.  What a joyful practice.  I will share more as I experience this practice.
   We had a forest fire that came within 4 miles of the Abbey.  Impermanence is very real when we are faced with such a potential disaster - my evacuation plans were to save the animals, a robe, and my favorite pillow and my mini mac - LOL.  Gratefully the fire was contained and we are all safe.  I am so thankful for our fire fighters. The training of impermanence was a good teacher for me - I have peace with not holding on to things.
   May we all be well and happy, may we all know love and peace.          Thay Kozen
Thich Minh Thien's Column
Thay Z at the ocean

  BECAUSE THIS IS, THAT IS… The other night at dinner, (we were having Indian food), one of the diners commented on how wonderful the naan bread was.  It truly was delicious and the question arose, “Where did this wonderful naan come from?”  From that question, the discussion ensued about what the ingredients might be and what recipe was used to create this tasty morsel.  

   From that conversation among fledgling Buddhists developed a deeper discussion about this naan which brought in a concept that goes to the heart of Buddhist meditative practice. The short answer of course was that this was a wonderful cauliflower naan, prepared by a skillful chef from many ingredients, back in the kitchen of this restaurant.  The longer discussion was about how this naan came from sources too numerous to even consider.  The typical naan recipe includes wheat flour, water, yeast, cooking fat, yogurt, milk and then spices or flavorings.  And each of these ingredients has a history of its own.  Without the cows and their keepers, there would have been no milk or yogurt.  Without sunlight, water, earth and the labors of the farmers, distributors, truckers and the rest, there would be no wheat flour or many of the spices that went into the making of this wonderful naan. 

   Like anything else that we might consider, the naan on our table was an aggregate of countless, interconnected things, without which, it would not have come into being. In classical Buddhist teachings, this process is sometimes referred to as “dependent origination”, or, “This is, because that is”.  As Thich Nhat Hanh observes, the statement of “This is, because that is”, states the Buddhist genesis and the main tenets of Buddhist thought, including the teachings on impermanence and emptiness.

   Understanding ‘how things come together”, helps us to understand that what occurs in our inner and outer worlds is not a series of aimless accidents but rather the natural consequence of causes and conditions.  One might think of it like a snowstorm; the coming together of a certain temperature, a certain amount of precipitation, a certain amount of wind, thus co-creating a snow storm.  To look at a flower, and see more than the flower gives a much deeper meaning to all that is around and in us.  Again, Thich Nhat Hanh offers that when looking at the flower, we can see the sunshine, the earth, the water…all the elements that if absent, there would be no flower.  He calls them the non-flower elements.  But because all comes together, we see the flower; ”This is, because that is…”. So, as we chewed on our wonderful naan, we all sat and philosophically chewed on the deeper meanings of “dependent origination”; both nourishing us as they are meant to do.  Because of our meditation practice, we can look inwardly and more deeply and discover that it is impossible for something to be by itself, alone.  Nothing has a separate entity.  Nothing has a separate self.  “This is, because that is”.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa  

Buu Hung Monastery
Join us for meditation and a dharma talk the first Sunday of the month at Buu Hung Monastery
17808 NE 18th St.  Vancouver WA 98684

Contact: Venerable Su Co Hue Huong [email protected]

The abbess, Ven. Su Co Hue Huong has established a wonderful and supportive community.
Join Buu Hung for a
Precepts Retreat
on 19-20 August

at Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple.  Live under 5 precepts for 24 hours
and experience living in a Buddhist community.

Spring retreat 2 2017
Chua Ngoc Son Temple
Thich Minh Thien invited us to attend the memorial service for Hoa Thuong Thich Giac Nhien.  It was an honor to celebrate the ancestry of the Khat Si lineage.
Water is fluid, soft and yielding.

But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.

As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.

This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.

- Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching
Suco Chodron's Column

Why Monastics?  
One of the most common question we receive as monastics, is do we need monastics in our culture at this time.   I wanted to address this question and a moving tendency to believe that monasticism is outdated and really just an excuse for those who could not thrive as normal human beings.   At the time of the Buddha when he was in the dying process, Ananda, his faithful assistant asked, “ Who will be the next leader?” The Buddha answered, “Ananda, the next leader will be the Vinaya.” 

   T he Vinaya is the code of conduct for the monastics. When we investigate the implications of Buddha’s answer we are shown the monastics are very much needed in the world to walk the talk of ethical conduct and to live simply to show contentment and to cultivate inner peace.” The example of having a monastic community in your neighborhood, brings you the opportunity to benefit from their example and to participate in the loving kindness and wisdom practices.  

   Finally Buddha taught the interdependence of monastics and laity. There was a four wheel drive sort of balance. The monks and nuns and laywomen and laymen. The laity would support the monks and nuns with whatever resources they could share and the monastics would offer teaching and counseling and healing practices.   It is my hope this short piece will bring some answers and also raise questions. I welcome your questions about monastics.  Suco Chodron-(608)692-7474. Or email: [email protected]

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa

The seven spiritual treasures
The treasure of faith
The treasure of persistence
The treasure of listening
The treasure of humility
The treasure of precepts
The treasure of self-surrender
The treasure of meditation and wisdom

According to Ven. Nyogen Senzaki,who stated “Chiki, founder of the Tiantai (or Tendai, Lotus, or Thiên thai school) defined the seven spiritual treasures.

Ven. Nyogen Senzaki.                   Read his wonderful book Eloquent Silence
Trout Lake Abbey Queer Meditation Retreat
Oct 20 -22

Join other members of our local Queer Community in exploring meditation and other contemplative practices at Trout Lake Abbey Spiritual Retreat Center in the pristine shadow of Mt. Adams. This is a sober event with optional AA and Refuge Recovery meetings. All LGBTQ+ folks are invited, regardless of orientation or non-binary gender identity.

Retreat coordinator - Devin Derstler.  You can reach him at [email protected]

We are very happy to host our LGBTQ family at this retreat.

Donate today!


and we need your help

We have started on our plans to build a temple on our 23 acre farm.  Our temple proposal has been approved for up to 4000 sq. ft by the Klickitat Planning Commission, now all we need is the money to start building.  Please help us by donating to our building fund.

1. Donate directly to the temple (Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple PO Box 487, Trout Lake WA 98650

2.  you can donate on line at .  
3.  Buy on Amazon at
Whenever you order from use this link and your regular passwords and the temple will receive a small amount of the purchase price.  

We are a 501(c) 3 organization and donations to the temple may be tax deductible.

click on this link to start (

We've been here for 8 years.  Our retreat area is complete, our gardens are complete, now is the time to start on building a temple.  We have been approved for a 4000 square foot structure by the county and we want to raise $275,000 to build a Dharma Hall.  This will be one of the very few Buddhist Temples in our county. 

Women’s Retreat

at Trout Lake Abbey    

November 10-12

   Yes Yeah!!! We are having a retreat to help nourish and heal our feminine selves. As mothers, grandmother’s and women walking the earth, we are often care giving and active in the well being of others. This amazing quality needs to be fed and nourished. We will come together and pause from our active lives. and reflect inwardly to access our inner hearts. The understanding and wisdom we all have can flow easily when we pause, reflect and connect, to ourselves and the other retreatants. This meditation retreat will have silent times, teachings, and walking meditation. We will offer ample times of rest and reflection.  (“Spring Tara” Artwork above by Laurel Marie Hagner)

   November 10th we will gather and settle in anytime after 1pm, we will enjoy dinner together and then a quick check-in and introduction to each other and the weekend. Cost is $165.00 for two nights (in a hut) and six meals. 2 dinners, 2 lunches and 2 breakfasts. If you prefer the comforts of B&B accommodations the costs will vary. We will not turn anyone away for lack of funds, so please inquire about scholarships. If you are reading this and know of a woman in your life that may benefit from such a weekend, please honor her by sharing this retreat with her. OR offer it to her as your investment in her wisdom and understanding. Call and book your spot soon; we only have room for 15. Suco Chodron (608)692-7474 Or email [email protected] Any questions what to bring and food preferences can all be accommodated when you book your space for the retreat. We will then email you a list of what to bring and what to expect and how we can meet any needs you may have.

Thank you- Suco Chodron

This is not 100% complete. An undated  schedule will appear each month    

1-10 Kozen in Texas
6 - NO BUU HUNG visit this month
12-18 Vedanta Retreat housing only
19-20 Precepts Retreat by Buu Hung Monastery - here
23-28 Beyond The Gates (Druid Event)
27 - Ullambana - Buu Hung Monastery - Vancouver
31 - 3 Sept  Xinglin Institute Private

31 August - 3 September Xinglin Institute (private)
23 Autum Equinox (Druid Event)
29- 1 October  NUNM Private

Sept 29-Aug 1 NUNM (Private)
13-15 Fall Retreat Zen - here
20 - 22 Queer Meditation Retreat (LGBTQ)  or
click on the above links to sign up

11-12 Woman's Heart Retreat - sign up with e-mail [email protected]
Private retreats welcome

9 Bodhi Day - meditation 11:30 pm - 12:30 am
meditation 11:30 pm - 12:30 am

Weekly Temple Services 
Monday -Friday 6:30 am Meditation
Saturday  9am full service + meditation
Mt. Adams Zen -  outside of our temple

1st Sunday of the month, Buu Hung Monastery at 3pm
17808 NE 18th St.  Vancouver WA 98684   
contact Venerable Su Co Hue Huong, [email protected]
Every Monday - Trinity Sangha, at Trinity Natural Medicine at 12 noon
1808 Belmont Ave, Hood River, OR 97031
1st and 3rd Wednesday Evenings Study Group  6:30-8:00pm
Withers residence, 1829 5th St., Hood River - behind Rosauer's
Book to be studied: Peace in Every Breath by Thich Nhat Hanh
11th Step Recovery Meeting - A Fresh Step Forward in Recovery Sunday evenings 6:30pm at Bethel UCC Church in White Salmon, WA. Contact Dick Withers: [email protected]; 414-587-4065

Other Meditation Groups in the Gorge

Pacific Hermitage Meditation and Dhamma talk with Thai Forest Monks 6:30-8 pm every Tuesday evening at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon, WA. 

Hood River Zen Sunday afternoon walking and sitting meditation 2nd and 4th" Sundays in the Bamboo Room of Cascade Acupuncture, located at 104 5th St. Hood River, Oregon. Contact Kyri Treiman: ([email protected]).  

Monday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, at Bethel Congregational Church in White Salmon

White Salmon Dharma Practice Group every other Sunday evenings at Atlan (near Northwestern Park outside of White Salmon).  Contact: Scott Cushman: ([email protected]; 925-708-5652)

Washougal Mindfulness + Meditation Group    Last Sunday of each month from 4:00-5:15pm
Washougal Acupuncture & Massage: 1436 A Street  Washougal, WA 98671
Contact: Emily Olson 503-928-2478   [email protected]

Scott Rower, PhD [email protected] has mindfulness classes - please contact him for details

The Cloister
These meditation huts (called Kuti in the Theravada tradition) are in a fenced in area with boardwalks for walking meditation.  The huts are well insulated against the cold and heat.  Each has 1 electrical outlet, fan, heater, and meditation pillows.  Lush trees and shrubs surround the area and provide for added privacy.  Many small shrines are located around the inside fence.
Our Cloister from an areal photo. 
May the Infinite Light of Wisdom and Compassion so shine within us
that the errors and vanities of self may be dispelled; 
so shall we understand the changing nature of existence and awaken into spiritual peace.

Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple    46 Stoller Rd., Trout Lake WA 98650  509.395.2030