Monthly Roundtable
Items for the Roundtable are to be emailed to [email protected] by the 20th of each month. 
August 2020

AC4C Members Propose
 To-Go Cocktail Safety Measures

Thank you to all who gave their input and ideas for safety measures for the new Iowa to-go cocktail law.  Below is most of the letter we sent to the Iowa Alcoholic Beverage Division:

"On behalf of the Iowa Alliance of Coalitions for Change, we would like to thank you and your office for your work to establish the alcohol regulations that will keep our youth and communities safe.

As public health and substance misuse experts, prevention staff from across the state have shared their concerns with us on the recent passing of to-go alcohol sales in Iowa. Many of the previous laws and policies regulating the availability and access to alcohol are based on years of scientific evidence and practice to reduce underage drinking, excessive alcohol consumption, alcohol-related injuries, alcohol-related hospitalizations and alcohol-related deaths.

Excessive alcohol consumption, such as binge, heavy, and underage drinking, is a leading cause of preventable death in Iowa. According to the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, in 2018 Iowa had 85 alcohol-impaired adult driving fatalities and 14 alcohol-impaired youth fatalities. While the adult rate of fatalities (26.7%) is similar to the national rate (28.8%), the youth rate of death is concerning. In 2018, 29.2% of fatalities of youth under the age of 21 involved alcohol in Iowa where the national rate was 24%. The rates of past thirty day consumption in Iowa 24.3% was also higher than the national average of 19.3%. And binge drinking among youth was higher in Iowa (15.6%) compared to 11.7% country wide.

Presented as a way to address declining sales due to COVID-19, we have seen an increase in alcohol sales nationwide. Increased alcohol sales with a pandemic accompanied by worsening mental health issues among Iowans is a real concern for professionals.

Addressing economic impact is important. However, doing so in an irresponsible and money-driven manner with little-to-no consumer protections is concerning and will put our youth, vulnerable populations and communities at risk. To put it simply, we have concerns about the unintended consequences of to-go alcohol sales in Iowa.

To reduce these effects, Coalitions across Iowa propose:
1. Tamper-resistant packaging with labels clearly marking the contents as alcohol. Labels should also include instructions for consumers that packaging should not be opened in a vehicle.

2. Label to warn consumption is illegal for anyone under the age of 21.

3. Packaging should include warning labels (such as those present on current packaging) for intoxicated driving, pregnant women, and a warning about how underage drinking harms developing and adolescent brains.

4. To-go drinks should have a limit on the amount of alcohol contained in the cup. Drinks with several shots (Long Island Iced Tea) or doubles or triples of a drink should not be allowed.

5. Require food to be sold with to-go alcohol.

6. Ensure retailer training on steps to take to verify age of purchaser and intoxicated patrons.

As Iowans and professionals, we ask you to protect our youth and communities by taking a very cautious look at the expansion of availability in Iowa as well as any attempts to weaken alcohol policies."


 AC4C Quarterly Retreat Sept. 29-30

We are going to try an experiment with a "hybrid" meeting. Those who are comfortable and able to meet in-person can come to MCTC at Camp Dodge in Johnston (with social distancing, masks, and extra cleaning) and others can join us virtually.  There is no lodging at Camp Dodge available. 

The agenda will be coming out soon, but some of the items on the agenda will include hearing from Mary Schissel, our evaluator, about our progress and her recommendations for improvements, updating our logic models, highlights from the CADCA Mid-Year Virtual Conference, updates from our state partners, and work group/planning time.  

Please REGISTER HERE whether coming in person or virtually.  

In case you missed all or part of our June Virtual Retreat, it is available in 3 sections at these You Tube links: 

Part 1 of Day 1- June 23 with the Cassie Griesen from NABCA presentation and more. 


New resource available:

The flyer below is about increasing the minimum age of seller of off-premise alcohol to at least age 18 in Iowa. The flyer has been sent out by email to members, posted on our Facebook page, and will soon be downloadable on our website. We have copies printed and will hand out in person at the retreat as well.  Please let us know if you want the flyer sent to you by email or mail.  

Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events:
  • AC4C Quarterly Retreat- Sept. 29 & 30
  • AC4C Virtual Prevention Conference- the week of Nov. 16

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 

Members keep up with the latest in the news

Looking for a training



Iowa State Patrol


Iowa Department of Public Health & Your Life Iowa


Partnership for A Healthy Iowa

(formerly PDFI) 


    AC4C Board Members
Front - L to R: Jen Stolka, Katya Boltanova, Sandy Rayhons  Back L to R: Kris Rankin, Stacie Schroeder, Sue Greene. Not pictured: Lynne Coleman, Julie Furne and Kristin Frank. (Soon we will get a new group picture.)

Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions. 
Healthy Iowans. 

Unifying Iowans to reduce youth substance misuse
a state
and community level.

Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!
Access the action team meetings on Mondays (except holidays- due to Labor Day "Other substances will be Wed. that week.). Login information here 
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting - Wed. Sept. 9 @ 9:30am

Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- Sept. 14 @ 9:30am 
Nicotine Action Team 
Next meeting- Sept. 21 @ 9:30am 
Alcohol Action Team
Next meeting- August 24 @ 9:30am

Policy Work Group
4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm
Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes

To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.
Marketing and Communications Work Group (currently meeting with Capacity Work group)
Chair: Sue Greene
normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 

To build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C 

Capacity Work Group (currently meeting with Marketing & Communications Group)

normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 
Click here for meeting minutes

Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest.
Medication Disposal Resources

More resources...

Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) recently featured AC4C on their Podcast.  Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa. 

The 2nd Annual AC4C Prevention Conference is the week of November 16.

Our Virtual Prevention Conference Week will have at least one workshop each afternoon.
 The youth will be presenting too. Each day will have a theme related to our work. More details to come very soon! 

AC4C | [email protected] |
Alliance of Coalitions for Change
Katya Boltanova, Chair
Jennifer Husmann, Project Director, 319-462-4327 x 202