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CSA Contacts
 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Programs Coordinator

YCSA Coordinator
Registry & Member Services

Reception & Office Administration 

Administrative Assistant
Simmental Country
General Manager
Bruce Holmquist
(639) 314-4613

Programs Coordinator
(403) 793-0409
Board of Directors
Roger Deeg
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President


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Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter

August 2020
In This Issue
2020 AGM Press Release

July 28, 2020
Calgary, Alberta Canada-
2020 has been a year unlike any other, and for the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) and Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF) it has brought new learning experiences as the decision was made to restructure its 2020 CSA Convention. The CSA and FCSF "Virtual" Annual General Meetings were held on Saturday July 25, 2020 via Zoom webinar, and this year's AGM was primarily an information meeting that covered the basic business of the CSA for the 2019 fiscal year.
The meeting was broadcast live from the CSA office in Calgary and chaired by CSA President Garth Rancier. When opening the meeting Rancier stated " that although this was a different reporting process, being able to provide an update to our membership was important. Despite the uncertainty throughout much of the world, Simmental is continuing to thrive and it's a great time for the breed in Canada." This statement was reaffirmed with reporting of an increase of business and activity, as well as another positive financial year for the CSA.

A Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA) update was provided by its President Krista Whelan, and the CSA AGM was paused midway so FCSF President, Ken Lewis could conduct that AGM and provide a review of the Foundation's 2019 operations. Ken also thanked Ron Nolan for his many years of service to the Foundation as he retires from the FCSF Board.

The CSA AGM then resumed and retiring directors Lee McMillen, Blair McRae and Frank Robblee were thanked for their years of dedication and commitment to the board. 

The new 2020-2021 CSA Board of Directors welcomes newly elected directors Jennie Mutch, Vernon, PEI, Bill Biglieni, Douglas, MB and Blair McIntosh, Maymont, SK. who join Byron Johnson, Amisk, AB, Garth Rancier, Killam, AB and Francis Gagnon, Cheneville, QC. The new CSA executive rounds out the board and is comprised of Marlin Leblanc, Estevan, SK President, Roger Deeg, Strathmore, AB 1st Vice President and Shane Williams, East Garafraxa, ON 2nd Vice President.

The CSA along with the Manitoba Simmental Association are looking forward to hosting the 2021 CSA National Convention, YCSA National Classic and FCSF Fundraising Auction in Portage La Prairie July 22-25, 2021!

For more information please contact:
Canadian Simmental Association
#13, 4101-19th St NE. Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Phone: 1-403-250-7979 or email: cansim@simmental.com




Fee Schedule 

Canadian Simmental Association Fee Schedule has been updated as of July 1st, 2020. 
Click here to view it.

Tips on Collecting DNA Samples this Summer and Fall 

DNA Test Kits may now be ordered directly from your CSA Online Account...

You can now order DNA tests through your online account with the CSA registry. Instructions for ordering DNA tests are located here.

Order, collect and send your samples as you need, when you need. If you do need more information or assistance to decide what tests you need to order, please call during regular office hours and our Registry and Member Services Staff will gladly assist you.   
DNA Decisions 
The following is a simple guideline that can help you make sure you order the right test for what you want to do. Standalone tests are available and in some cases represent a minimum requirement, or combinations of tests may be ordered. All walking sires, AI sires and ET Dams must have a 50K alone or in combination with another test. AI sires and ET donor dams are required to have verified parentage. 50K data is also needed for inclusion of the DNA information directly into the EPD calculated by IGS.

Viewing DNA Results Online
Members can view DNA results which have been processed by searching their online account or the CSA website at www.Simmental.com.
1)  Online Simmental.com users - once logged into your account, go to My Herd and click one of the following:

2)  CSA Website - www.simmental.com - On Home Page click Searches / Pedigree Search / Animals and enter Tattoo of Animal, click on highlighted name and LAB Results.

DNA Short/Long Term Sample Storage Recommendations from Neogen
Neogen GeneSeek® Operations 4131 N 48th St. * Lincoln, NE 68504,USA
 402/435-0665     *    fax:402/435-0664

Canadian Beef Industry Virtual Conference 

Visit https://bit.ly/2BtOzNY to learn more and register

Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation 
Thank you to everyone who took the time to tune into our AGM in correspondence with the CSA's on July 25th. We look forward to seeing everyone in Manitoba July 22-25, 2021 for our Foundation Auction.

Donations Always Welcome

Although the auction isn't taking place for 2020, donations to the Foundation are always welcome and a charitable tax receipt will be provided.

Thank you Ron Nolan 

FCSF would like to thank Ron Nolan for his many years of service to the Foundation Board of Directors. Wishing you all the best in the future.

2020 FCSF Scholarships Are Available Now!

Click here for the Application. Deadline is September 30th.

Congratulations Brodyn LaBatte!  

Congratulations to Brodyn LaBatte from Saskatchewan who was elected as the new Director at Large at the YCSA Virtual AGM! The complete YCSA Board of Directors will be announced the beginning of September.

YCSA's 40th Anniversary Gear is Available Now!

Simmental Country Phone Number Change

Please note that the Simmental Country phone line is no longer in service. Please use the CSA office phone number for all future calls 1.403.250.7979

Important Oct/Nov Simmental Country Deadline!

The next issue of Canadian Simmental Country magazine is the Oct/Nov issue. Having a late fall production sale? There is time to get your ad booked in to advertise your sale.  Sept 15th is our booking deadline. 
Ad booking deadline: Sept 15th
Camera-ready ad deadline: Sept 23rd
Contact Sue Giles to book your space
Did someone get married this summer or have baby let us know and send any membership announcements to
Monday, September 7th- Labour Day 
Monday, October 12th- Thanksgiving 
Wednesday, November 11th- Remembrance Day 
Friday, December 25th- Christmas Day 
Friday, January 1st- New Years Day