August 2020 Newsletter
Message from President & CEO Susan Suarez ...

Hope you and your families are well and safe. We have lots of news to share with you this month. We are seeing an increase in visitors to the Museum. Many of our guests have noted that they planned to come this Spring, but postponed their visit due to COVID-19. For more information on how to schedule a visit to the Museum, please click here. You will find information on purchasing timed tickets and the COVID-19 precautions we have in place at the Museum for your protection. The Museum has just joined the "Paradise Pledge," an effort promoted by the Naples/Marco Island/Everglades Tourism Bureau to let visitors know that businesses are open and following the CDC guidelines.

Our Work is More Important Than Ever ...
Statistics contained in a recent article on hate speech pointed out a stark and sad contrast, and shows how our mission - to teach the lessons of the Holocaust to inspire action against bigotry, hatred and violence - couldn't be more timely.

There has been a tremendous increase seen in hate speech online in the U.S. since the May 26 death of George Floyd. Yet, the article also stated: "Also interesting is that following the outbreak of the pandemic until George Floyd’s death, we actually saw a pretty significant downward trend in hate speech overall.'." 

Let that statement sink in for a moment ... We pulled together to fight the pandemic. We recognized our dependence on each other, had empathy for the needs of others, and acknowledged our individual responsibility to contribute to the greater good. We valued each other. Hateful thoughts and words disappeared, replaced by words of thanks and heroic and generous actions.

Now, hate speech is re-emerging, not just from the expected places, but now even from the world of sports. Here are links to two articles highlighting the responses to this: one from sports journalist Mitch Albom and from basketball great Kareem Abdul Jabbar.

Our Education programs must continue to educate young people about the lessons of the Holocaust. We must encourage them to adopt and implement a "we" and not an "us vs. them" mindset. And, given the way much of society communicates today, we must also get through to them why they should call out and oppose the hate they see expressed on social media platforms.

The recent Stop Hate for Profit campaign was launched by the ADL, Common Sense, Color of Change, NAACP, LULAC, NHMC, Mozilla, Free Press and Sleeping Giants. It has led to a groundswell of corporate support to address hate, antisemitism, racism and misinformation on Facebook. More than 500 companies, ranging from Unilever to Verizon to Hershey’s, have agreed to pause Facebook advertising until the company takes bold, clear and concrete steps to remove a wide range of hateful content from its various platforms.

"Heroes, Heroines and Helpers" ...
I am happy to announce the Museum's 2020-2021 programming theme will be "Heroes, Heroines and Helpers." These are the important people who emerge during stressful times to assist others, often at great personal risk to themselves and their families. They have been with us since the beginning of time and are out there today, working for the greater good. Human nature being what it is, there will always be a need for them. The children's TV personality, Fred Rogers, had a famous quote. During a scary period in his childhood, his mother sought to reassure him by saying "look for the helpers." These are the people who will always be around to assist us. In addition to an upcoming Museum exhibit, we will be offering a variety of virtual events on this year's theme. Genshoah SWFL, the group for the children and grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors, will also be using this theme for their programming this coming year.

Summer Virtual Discussion Series ...
Our new Virtual Discussion Series has been very popular. Held via Zoom, participants view a movie or documentary at their convenience, then we gather on Zoom for a virtual discussion. We provide link information for the films, plus background articles and film clips of interest as well as suggested discussion questions.

The first film discussed was The Long Way Home, about the dilemma faced by Holocaust Survivors at the end of WWII. We were pleased to have Mark Harris, USC School of Cinematic Arts Faculty member and the Director of this Academy Award-winning film join us. He shed light on why he wanted to make this film and the impact he hoped it would have.

Against The Tide examined the American Jewish community's efforts to rescue European Jews trying to escape the Holocaust. It proved so popular that a second discussion was scheduled, with small breakout sessions led by Museum Docents.

The Just Mercy discussion featured special guest Ben Schaefer, an attorney with the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI). Founded in 1989, EJI is a nonprofit organization providing legal representation to people illegally convicted, unfairly sentenced, or abused in state jails and prisons.
Ben Schaefer of the Equal Justice Initiative discussing
the film Just Mercy and the work of EJI.
You can join these discussions via computer, laptops, tablet or smartphone. And, since they are virtual, you can join in from wherever you happen to be, locally or out-of-town. Please feel free to tell your friends and family members they are welcome to join future sessions.

Museum Receives Visit Recommendation ...
Thank you to Mike Sheffield, Director - Community Relation & Outreach, Office of the Collier County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, who emailed the following message:

"This is just a brief note to let you know that the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center was one of two locations listed in the latest newsletter of the Office of Collier Clerk of Court Crystal Kinzel, as a place to visit to reflect on lives lost & peace gained during the upcoming 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. Our newsletters are distributed monthly to 3,000 (mostly local) recipients.  I hope to visit the center in September, and will continue to encourage others to do so."

News about The Luncheon ...
We will have an exciting new "virtual" way for you to participate in this year's annual winter fundraising event, The Luncheon. The special program will have a unique local connection, too. Read below for more information. Sponsorships are available - please contact me for more information at

We continue to remember all those affected by COVID-19, and the continuing personal sacrifices made by front line and essential workers and their families as this crisis continues.

Susan Suarez
President & CEO

Photo credit: Dell River Imagery
Tribute and Memorial Gifts to the Museum ...

In Honor of:
Al Hornik from Jay and Mindy Sterns

In Memory of:
Anonymous donation for the PopUp Museum in memory of Bella and Pinkus Solnik

In Memory of Lucille Vegh from Tracey and Howard Sosnik, Ellen and Gary Resnick, and Phyllis and John Giuffrida.

In Memory of H. Monna Schwartz from Patti and Pete Bloom

In Memory of Nina Iser from Jeff and Ida Margolis

If you would like to make an "In Honor Of" or an "In Memory Of" donation to remember friends or loved ones, you can easily do so online on our website - just click here. We will send a card with your personal message to the individual/family member you designate, and you will receive a separate acknowledgement of your donation. Thank you to those who have generously made these gifts.
Introducing a New Virtual Series - "Discussion with A Docent" Zoom Presentations ...

We have an exciting new Zoom series starting this month! Each "Discussion with a Docent" will feature an overview presentation on a particular Holocaust-related subject, followed by small breakout group discussions and ending with a general group discussion. Upcoming subjects include a look at Displaced Persons Camps and the account of one family's emigration experiences, an in-depth look at the wartime and post-war life of a local Survivor, and resources for further research on Holocaust history.

Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Eastern Time
Topic: "Displaced Persons Camps - Germany, Austria, Italy, 1945-1959;
Delay in Emigration"
RSVP Required: click here
Displaced Persons on the move after World War II
(credit: wikicommons photos)
Join us on Wednesday, August 19 at 4pm Eastern Time. Museum Docent Stuart Mest, M.D., will join us via Zoom to discuss the Displaced Persons camps and the struggles faced by those awaiting emigration to other countries.

Click here to view an eight-minute video created by Yad Vashem on the subject of the DP Camps and Emigration after WWII. Feel free to watch it before or after the presentation.

Click here to register - link information will be sent shortly to the e-mail you provide on the registration form.
Education News ...
Teacher Workshops Now Available online ...

2020-2021 Teacher’s Workshop Series
The Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center is excited to offer a year-long Teacher’s Workshop series available on our website.The series can be accessed under the "Education" tab and by selecting "Teacher Workshops" from the dropdown menu.

Exploring the broad issues of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and more, the series will provide information and instruction materials on various 20th century events. Because this is a "virtual" Workshop Series, the segments will accessible to teachers anytime that is convenient for their schedules! Each session will be pre-recorded and uploaded to the Museum’s website. Teachers will be able to download all materials presented during the session as well. Museum Education Staff is always available to answer questions - just email Director of Operation/Education Specialist Sam Parish at, or call 239-263-9200. A Zoom meeting can also be arranged to help. The Museum will work with Collier County Schools to explore Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for these workshops.

The first workshop is the introductory "Genocide and Unfortunately More ...", which became available on July 1st. Following that will be "The Cambodian Genocide", available as of August 1st, followed by "The Mexican Revolution."

As a member of the Florida Department of Education Commissioner's Task Force on Holocaust Education, the Museum provides these Holocaust Education instruction programs throughout the year to help SWFL middle and high school teachers meet the state mandate in teaching about the Holocaust. This new program was created with funding from the Merrill Kuller Teacher Education Series Legacy Gift.
During the Cambodian Genocide in the 1970s, millions of Cambodian men, women and children were killed by the notorious Khmer Rouge. One of the most distressing aspects of this genocide was the use of "child" soldiers pictured here.
Core Education Programs Adapted for Upcoming School Year ...
Our Education Staff is placing our core school activities, which are Florida Standards- Based School Programs, online to accommodate the new learning environments in the upcoming school year. When allowed, the program will also be available for on-campus, in-person teaching format.

An 8th grade-specific activity will highlight other genocides and similar events. Using graphic novels, students will learn about an aforementioned event that showcases Survivors and Upstanders

Pictured here are some of the age-appropriate programs now available on our website: Irena Sendler and the Children of the Warsaw Ghetto, Hana’s Suitcase, Curious George, The Mother’s Medal. Additional programs are in the process of being adapted for online use.
Irena Sendler and the Children of the
Warsaw Ghetto - Grades 4 and 5
Hana's Suitcase - Grades 4 and 5
The Journey That Saved Curious George:
Grades 4-5
The Mother's Medal:
Grades 9-12
Girl Power Grades 8-12
Holocaust History and Memory:
Grades 9-12
The popular PopUp Museum program is being expanded and reworked to meet the needs of additional requests by schools and other organizations. Because of COVID-19, there will be a greater likelihood and opportunity for schools to host a PopUp Museum exhibit in school libraries throughout SWFL.
New Videos on Our YouTube Channel ...

Commemorative postage stamps have been long been used to honor major events and individuals who have made a significant contribution to humanity. Education Assistant David Nelson has created a four-part series video series exploring the commemorative stamps issued to honor the heroes and heroines of the Holocaust era. The stamps date from the mid-20th century up to the present, and come from countries large and small. Each video is approximately 15-20 minutes long, and can be seen on the Museum's YouTube Channel.
“Putting Their Stamp on History - Women Rescuers, Resistors, Martyrs and Victims” - "Stamp" Series Part 1 of 4
Part One - "Putting Their Stamp on History" - looks at the courageous women of the Holocaust era. They were honored because of the impact of their actions and lives. Some are well-known figures today, while others are not but should be because of their bravery. Pictured above is Yvonne Nevejean, whose National Child Welfare Organization hid 4,000 Jewish children in Belgium during the Holocaust.

Some of the other women honored are Irena Sendler, French Freedom Fighters, Edith Stein, Anne Frank, Hannah Arendt and Audrey Hepburn.
Click here to view "Putting Their Stamp on History." 
“Camps on Stamps" - "Stamp" Series Part 2 of 4
The stamp above shows butterfly artwork created by an 11-year old girl imprisoned in Theresienstadt. Since the end of World War II, many nations have issued commemorative stamps honoring those who were persecuted and perished during the Holocaust. The stamps shown in this video provide an overview of Holocaust history from Kristallnacht through Liberation. Stamps honoring more recent International Holocaust Remembrance Days are also included. Countries issuing the stamps range from Albania to Costa Rico, Germany to the Solomon Islands and many more. Subject matter includes deportation, killing centers, concentration camps, slave labor camps and ghettos. Click here to view the video.
"Fakes, Faults and Facts"
The photo shown above has been incorrectly attributed as a photo documenting a deportation of Jewish children to Treblinka. In reality, it is a scene from a 1990 Polish movie, Korczak (see below for more information on the movie.) "Fakes, Faults and Facts" looks at the ever-present problem of incorrectly-attributed, faultily-used or intentionally-created photographs of Holocaust events. Click here to view the video.

Korczak profiled a true Holocaust hero. Dr. Henryk Goldszmit, known under his pen name of Dr. Janusz Korczak, was a pediatrician, author and advocate for children. He cared for Jewish orphans in the Warsaw Ghetto. When notified the children were to be sent to Treblinka, he declined an offer of safe passage for himself to Switzerland and accompanied them to the camp. He felt it more important to remain with the children and comfort them. After all they had been through, he did not want them to be alone in this last journey.
"Letter from Australia: A Viennese Family and the Holocaust"
The story of tracing the fates of a far-flung family during WWII and the Holocaust began with a donation of correspondence to our Museum. It begins with the letter from Kurt Kriszhaber, a young Austrian interned in Australia, to his relative Sally Faktor in New York inquiring about the safety of his family in Europe. Click here to view the video.
Residential Communities Zoom with Museum…
Director of Operations/Education Specialist Sam Parish hosts a 30 minute, interactive Zoom Presentation introducing the Museum and our Education Programs. You'll get an overview of the Museum's student-inspired founding and connections with local SWFL residents who are Holocaust Survivors, concentration camp Liberators and Veterans, and learn about the impact of our Education programs on SWFL students K-12 through college/university level. Learn about the age-appropriate programs that encourage young people to become "Upstanders" who take action against bigotry, hatred and violence, instead of being "Bystanders" when someone needs help.
Presentations can be tailored to fit any schedule, and can be viewed on computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. The interactive format allows you to ask questions during the Q&A. For more information, or to scheduled a Zoom presentation, contact Sam Parish -
"This Week in Holocaust History" ...

Below are the weekly summaries since the July newsletter was issued of key dates in Holocaust history. The summaries cover the years 1933 through 1945, and were compiled by Museum Education Assistant David Nelson, For questions or additional information, e-mail and put "This Week in Holocaust History" in the subject line.

Curatorial News ...
Archival Storage of Textiles in the Museum's Permanent Collection ...
Have you ever wondered how a museum stores things like flags? Flags and other long, flat textiles have unique issues and require quite a bit of space to store. The Museum is working to maintain its collection of textiles in a safe, stable environment.

If small enough, textile objects are laid flat, either in a box or in a flat file drawer. This allows the object to be safely stored with ample support. The photo on the left shows a donation received from the family of a WWII Liberator. The fringed prayer shawl is known as a "tallit." This tallit been laid out in a flat file drawer as we prepare to evaluate it for further conservation and preservation work. It was donated by Arthur David, whose father, Lothar, was a Jewish man who escaped Europe and served in the Liberating 82nd Airborne Division. The tallit has been in the family for multiple generations and we appreciate his trust in us with such a personal item.

If a textile is too large for storage in a flat file without folding, another option is rolled storage. As its name implies, the textile is rolled onto a tube. This must be done carefully, with acid-free tissue between the textile and the tube and avoiding creating wrinkles on the surface of the cloth. The size of the object determines the length and diameter of the tube used. Once on the tube, it is wrapped in plastic and tied off to prevent dust from collecting, as well as protecting them from issues like water damage. The photo on the right shows how flag donations from Jim Keuthe, Fred Hersh, and former Board Member Homer Helter are being preserved in our Archives.

If you or your family might have Holocaust-related textiles or other artifacts you may be interested in loaning or donating to the Museum, please reach out to Curator Cody Rademacher to discuss them and set up an appointment. He can be reached at or at 239-263-9200.
Private Group Tours Now Available...

As you will see from the photos in the "Recent Museum Visitors" section that follows, the Museum is again hosting Private Group Tours for up to 12 people. Tickets are $15 per person.
To help ensure your safety during an in-person tour, the Museum follows all CDC guidelines, with social distancing, hand sanitizing stations and the wearing of masks by Staff and guests.

For more information on available dates and tour structure, please contact Education Assistant David Nelson at
Frequently Asked Questions ...

Here are answers to a few of the most commonly asked questions from guests:

How do we purchase tickets?
  • Advance-purchase tickets are available on our website or by clicking here.
  • You can select one of half hour slots available from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
  • You can print out your ticket or show it to us on a smartphone; the Front Desk will also have a log of daily purchases made if you forget your proof of purchase.

What if we purchased tickets and are unable to come due to illness or change in plans?
  • We thank you for not coming when you or a member of your party is feeling ill. Please contact us at 239-263-9200 and we will reschedule your visit.

What about admitting guests without a pre-purchased ticket?
  • "walk-ups" will be accommodated based on available space during the time slot in which you arrive.

Do you accept cash payments?
  • In order to safeguard our Front Desk Staff, we are accepting payments by credit card only via a touchless system.

When is the Museum open to the public?
  • Tuesdays through Sundays 1:00pm - 4:30pm; last admission is at 3:00pm
  • Closed Mondays and major U.S. holidays
  • Mondays and morning hours are reserved for private tours and school groups

What safety measures has the Museum undertaken in light of COVID-19?
  • Admission is limited to 12 people per half-hour
  • Seats in the classroom are spaced out six feet apart for those viewing the introductory film
  • Signage and floor graphic symbols in Lobby point out the one-way flow of traffic through the Galleries and proper social distance spacing
  • Hand-sanitizing stations are available throughout the Museum, and all guests, Staff and vendors are required to wear masks inside the Museum
  • Highly touched surfaces like door handles are frequently cleaned

Have a question regarding your upcoming visit? Please e-mail us at or call 239-263-9200. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Recent Museum Visitors ...

Here are just a few of our recent visitors - we hope to see you soon, too!

A Private Group Tour from Twin Eagles ... thanks to Paula Filler for organizing the visit:
Museum President & CEO Susan Suarez greets the Private Tour guests from
Twin Eagles
The guests having a discussion
in Gallery Two
Noelle Strogoff visited with her children Alexander, Benjamin, Violet and family friend Elliot Conaghan:
Strogoff children looking at
map of Europe in Gallery One
L-R: Benjamin Strogoff, Elliot Conaghan, Alexander, Violet and Noelle Strogoff
And Jayne Hudson Uckotter came in with her husband, David, to view the portrait she loaned the Museum for the Through Their Eyes exhibit in the Estelle and Stuart Price Gallery. The portrait is of her father, Dr. J. Robert Hudson. Dr Hudson's battalion, the 378th Medical Battalion of the 45th Infantry Division, was one of the first medical teams to arrive in Dachau after Liberation. The portrait was created by Dachau prisoner and artist György Beifeld in thanks for the treatment provided by Dr. Hudson and his fellow doctors.
Announcing Films for the 3rd Annual "Movies That Matter Series" ...

October 14: Sustainable Nation 7:00pm
October 21: Bedlam 7:00pm
October 28: Telling Amy’s Story 7:00pm
(All Times Are Eastern U.S.)

New Format ...
This year, Movies That Matter will be presented in a new format! You will receive a link to watch the film at your convenience, and then we will gather for a discussion on Zoom with a panel of experts on the film's topic. Each discussion will take place at 7:00pm Eastern Time, and last approximately one hour.

The three important films to be presented on are described below. The issues covered are very relevant to our society - the availability of clean water, and the societal impact of mental illness and domestic violence. Our expert panelists will be drawn from local SWFL organizations dealing with these subjects.

To RSVP for the films, please click on the blue box below. We will send film and Zoom link information at a later date to the e-mail address you provide in the registration form.

Series Sponsorships Available ...
Sponsorships are available for all three films and panels:
  • Gold Level for $250
  • Silver Level for $100
Each sponsor will be recognized on all promotional emails to our entire email list of over 4,000 households, during each movie's Zoom panel, as well as on the Museum's website.
For more information or to become a Sponsor, please contact Museum President & CEO Susan Suarez at or call 239-263-9200.


Series co-sponsors: Temple Shalom, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, GenShoah, Naples United Church of Christ, Jewish Community Relations Council, Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.

Click here for a flyer of the series dates and sponsors.

Please note: there will be no charge this year to participate in the Movies that Matter series. If you would like to make a donation to help cover the costs of our Education programs, please click on the green button below. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, October 14
7:00pm Eastern Time
Sustainable Nation

This hour-long documentary from Imagination Productions follows three individuals who are doing their part to bring sustainable water solutions to an increasingly thirsty planet.

Our Guest Panelists will be:
Dr. Abe Levy- Retired Internal Medicine Physician executive and Southwest Florida Environmental and Social Justice Activist and Dr. William Mitsch- Director, Everglades Wetland Research Park Eminent Scholar, College of Art and Sciences, Sproul Chair for SWFL Habitat Restoration, FGCU
Wednesday, October 21
7:00pm Eastern Time

A feature-length documentary, this film immerses us in the national crisis surrounding care of the severely mentally ill through intimate stories of patients, families, and medical providers.

Special guests joining us for this film discussion will be:
Nancy Dauphinais, Chief Clinical officer of the David Lawrence Center and
Pam Baker, CEO of NAMI Collier County
Wednesday, October 28 
7:00pm Eastern Time
Telling Amy’s Story
Hosted by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay, and told by detective Deirdri Fishel, the movie follows the timeline of a domestic violence homicide that occurred on Nov. 8, 2001.

Special guest speakers will be:
Eileen Wesley- Executive Director, Project HELP and Joe Myers, Producer/Director of Telling Amy's Story

The Luncheon Winter Fundraising Event Presents ...
"The Courage of Colonel Castellanos"
December 10, 2020

We hope you'll plan to join us for The Luncheon, our annual winter fundraising event, which this year will have an exciting new "virtual" format! Details will be forthcoming soon on how to participate in this Livestream event.
Colonel José Arturo Castellanos Contreras
Our 2020 program presents the powerful story of the courageous diplomat from a small Central American country who helped save thousands of European Jews during World War II. And, there is an amazing local connection to this story - one of the families saved by Colonel Castellanos is that of our own Museum Board Member and Holocaust Survivor, Rob Nossen.

As World War II began, Colonel José Arturo Castellanos Contreras was the Consul General for El Salvador stationed in Geneva, Switzerland. Working in conjunction with György Mandl, a Jewish Hungarian businessman, Col. Castellanos provided nearly 40,000 Jewish people and Central Europeans with political asylum in El Salvador. The Salvadoran citizenship papers he issued spared them from Nazi persecution and certain death.

Colonel Castellanos' grandsons will participate in this virtual event, and provide a presentation about their grandfather's courageous life. And, there will be a special conversation with Rob Nossen about his family's experiences fleeing Europe with the protection provided by the political asylum granted them by Colonel Castellanos.

Sponsorships are available and sponsors will receive recognition on all event promotion, the Museum website and during the program. Please contact President & CEO Susan Suarez for further information on Sponsorship Levels and packages - or call 239-263-9200.

We hope you will join us for this unique fundraising event.
Kristallnacht Community Commemoration Service
Date: Sunday, November 8, 2020
Time: 2:30pm Via Zoom
Free; RSVP Required to

The Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County invites the community to the annual commemoration of Kristallnacht. This is the event eighty-two years ago recognized by most historians as “The Night the Holocaust Began."

This year, the service will be conducted via a Zoom Presentation.
Guest Speaker will be Rev. John Pawlikowski, a leading figure in the Christian-Jewish Dialogue. Rev. Pawlikowski is the president of the International Council of Christians and Jews and author of Christ in the Light of the Christian Jewish Dialogue and co-editor of Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust.

Admission is free to attend, RSVP is required. Register at
The Zoom link will be emailed to you after you register.

The event is co-sponsored by Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County; Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples; Diocese of Venice,FL, GenShoah of SWFL, and the Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center. Click here for a flyer.
Please Join Us In Our Mission …

We thank our Members, Donors and Volunteers for their support of our mission and Education programs. Through their loyal support, we are able to inspire thousands of students and adults to act against bigotry, hatred and violence. The lessons for us from the Holocaust are more important than ever. If you would like to join a group of people who have had an enormous impact on our community through their interest in our work, please contact Susan Suarez, President and CEO, at or call her at 239-263-9200.
Thank you to all those continuing to protect and serve us during this pandemic. We hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe.
The Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D.Cohen Education Center
975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd., Suite 108, Naples, FL 34110