August 2020
Dear RCC family,
Thank you for opening the latest newsletter! We hope you enjoy this August edition. Here's what is new!
  • For the book of the month, all you will need to do is simply click on the picture of the book and it will take you straight to a link for easy ordering.
  • Sometimes an article will have a "Read More" or "Click here for more information" link - be sure to click on those links if you need more information about certain happenings as they apply to your family.
  • At the bottom of every newsletter, there will be several links which will always be the same. Should you need a telephone number for a deacon, or if you can't remember what day you have nursery duty, or if you would like to send one of our missionaries a letter, you will always be able to find all of that information by clicking those individual links.
We hope that this will be a user-friendly newsletter for you to stay informed about RCC. Thank you for supporting and loving this local body of Christ!
Elder Meeting Summary - July 2020
Here are the notes from our last meeting on July 7, 2020:

  • We opened our meeting with a good time of group prayer, praying for our precious church family, especially for those who are struggling with sickness. We are also praying for Remembrance Community Church in light of Scott Anderson's resignation as pastor effective July 31.

  • We met with Donna Lingerfelt to discuss her oversight of the church newsletter on an interim basis. We also got her input on the re-starting of Sunday School.

  • Our tentative start-up dates for the fall are as follows (emphasis on "tentative"):
  • September 9 - Midweek ministries
  • September 13 - Sunday School (and Nursery/Extended Session)
  • September 14 - Morning Women's Study
  • September 15 - Morning Men's Study

  • The quarterly financial report was very encouraging. Praise God for His gracious provision through His people!

  • Cheryl McDonald will move to full-time counseling starting in September. We are in the process of converting the former teacher workroom in the Sunday School hall to her counseling office. We continue to pray for her replacement as Administrative Assistant.

  • We met briefly with Justin Hornsby to hear from him regarding seminary and his ministry goals.

  • We continue to thank God for the peace and unity in our body, and we pray that we will remain focused on Jesus in these challenging and unique times.

  • Mark closed our meeting in prayer.

Working together with you for our joy in Jesus,

The Elders of RCC
Memory Verse: Colossians 1:17-18
"And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." (ESV)
Book of the Month:
"The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture and The Church" by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
The president of Southern Seminary reveals how secularism has infiltrated every aspect of society and how Christians, equipped with the gospel of Jesus Christ, can meet it head on with hope, confidence, and steadfast conviction.

Click on the book image for more information and to order your copy today!
Lord willing, we will begin our Wednesday night ministries on Wednesday, September 9, at 6:15 pm. A nursery is provided for children 4 and under.

Kids Rock - Kindergarten through 6th grade
Youth - 7th-12th grade
Women's Bible Study
Band of Brothers

Children are a blessing from the Lord!

Samuel Bruce Burkholder
June 18, 2020
8 lbs, 8 oz
21 inches long

Congratulations to Bruce & Abbe,
Jimmy, Gracie and Cara

Save the date
August 18 - Elder Meeting

August 29 - Next Generation Ministry Meeting & Room Prep

September 9 - Midweek ministries begin

September 13 - Sunday School begins

September 14 - Morning Women's study begins (more details to come!)

September 15 - Morning Men's study begins (more details come!)
2455 Old Salem Rd SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: 770-922-0107