August 2020
Your monthly news & updates
Stay up to date on the latest Ohio DC employer news. Find information on changes at Ohio DC, new investment offerings and resources for your employees.
Enhanced eDelivery Options Now Available
Ohio DC's eDelivery option is not new, but it is now expanded to include several new features. Whether your employees are looking to consolidate financial documents into a single folder on their computer or just cut down on the amount of mail coming to their house, eDelivery is a great option. Login is quick and easy to navigate: once in their online account, click on "My Profile" in the upper right corner, select "eDelivery Preferences," choose the options they wish to receive through eDelivery and then click "Save." Send your employees to this link for additional information.
Be Sure You Are Really Talking to Ohio DC Staff
It has come to our attention that private sector sales associates have been contacting employers claiming to be representatives of Ohio DC. Look out for the following clue that may indicate they are impersonating us: use of incorrect capitalization of Ohio Deferred Compensation when stating they are the local representative for your area. Do not be fooled. If you are not sure, but want to determine who the Field Account Executive for your area is, visit this map, which includes a list of all of our Field Account Executives, as well as links to set up meetings. If the person who contacted you is not on this list, give us a call at 877.644.6457 to speak to someone immediately.
Deferred Comp Related Articles for Your Employees
Ohio DC can provide monthly information on financial issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month, we would like to give your employees some helpful information about one of the new capabilities we have added to our website: You Can Now Update Your Beneficiaries Online

Download articles on health care in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by contacting us.
Message From Ohio Deferred Compensation
Roth 457 Option Now Available
The Roth 457 option is now available for our participants, if their employer chooses to offer it. We have already had more than 180 employers sign up to make sure their employees have access to this savings option, which is not pre-tax, but does provide potentially tax-free distributions in retirement.

If your employer would like to learn more about how to adopt the Roth 457 option and how it could potentially benefit your employees, visit this link. You can also find an overview brochure that you can pass along to your employees and more information.