CCEI August 2022 Newsletter
Strengthening Character Traits
Character traits are those pieces of our personalities that influence how we act and respond to everyday situations. There are character traits that are deemed desirable within a community’s culture and those that may be viewed as less desirable. Learn More
Exploring Character Traits
Recognizing Character Traits
Practicing Character Traits
Director's Corner: Focusing on Character on all Levels
Additional Articles
CCEI Poll Results: July 2022 Newsletter
What is your favorite community building practice
to use in your program?

Here are the top ten responses from the survey last month:

  1. Parent volunteers
  2. Learn about community helpers
  3. Family nights
  4. All about me activities
  5. Recycling
  6. Community partnerships
  7. Inclusive activities
  8. Guest speakers from the community
  9. Using a project-based approach
  10. Participating in free community events

To view the July newsletter, click here.
Which reflects your experience with helping children strengthen their character development?
A. I have used a commercial (or purchased) character education curriculum
B. I have created my own character education activities for children to explore
C. I have used commercial products & self-created character education activities
D. I don’t have experience teaching children about character development yet
Making Decisions about Character Education Programs

Several considerations arise when a program decides to implement a character education program. First, will they purchase a commercial program or develop their own? There are pros and cons to each approach.

Read more
Ready to Get Started? 
It's Not Too Late! Take CCEI's No-Cost Trial Course Today!
CCEI offers SCH106: Character Education in the School-Age Child Care Environment as a no-cost online child care training course to new CCEI users August 1-31, 2022.

This is a three-hour, intermediate-level course and grants 0.3 IACET CEU upon successful completion. CCEI professional development courses are available to account holders with an active, annual individual or center-based subscription, or can be purchased individually.
Watch how CCEI has helped childcare providers in their professional development journey just like you.

CCEI students have completed nearly 8,200,000 online course hours and over 42,000 early childhood professionals have graduated from CDA and other certificate programs. CCEI also maintains excellent student satisfaction scores and 99.4% of students say they would recommend CCEI to others.