Unifor's fourth Constitutional Convention was held earlier this month in Toronto, Ontario -- also the first in-person event in three years. Together was the theme for the convention - a play on Unifor's founding mission statement, "to build a modern union that plays a leadership role in society so all workers in Canada have a good job, a decent standard of living, and greater equality".
Unifor 594 sent our maximum of four delegates: Nathan Kraemer, Richard Exner, Tasha Lang and Ashlyn Heintz. This year, not only were we there to vote on a wide variety of resolutions and proposed changes to the Constitution, hear Regional reports, view the 2022-2025 Action Plan and support other workers; we had the opportunity to vote for the leadership of our Union.
All positions were up for nomination; Regional Directors, Secretary-Treasurer, and National President which had three candidates: Dave Cassidy, Lana Payne and Scott Doherty. All delegates in attendance voted on behalf of the 275,000 Unifor members across Canada. When the votes were tallied, Lana Payne was elected to head our new leadership team. They are as follows: