Volume 22 | Issue 7 | August 2022


National Convention

CSS Corner

Labour Day Picnic

Last Laugh





New Members



Nathan Kraemer

Recording Secretary:

Ellen Foley


Kaleena Baulin

Negotiating Chairperson:

Shaun Jenkins

Maintenance V.P.:

Karl Dahle

Process V.P.:

Wade Schnell

Administration V.P.:

Tasha Lang


Kurt Haakensen

Chief Shop Steward:

Richard Exner

Information Officer:

Ashlyn Heintz


Brandon Mang

Sergeant at Arms:

Nic Skulski


Amy Wisniewski 

Daryl Watch 

Anton Skulski


Unifor's fourth Constitutional Convention was held earlier this month in Toronto, Ontario -- also the first in-person event in three years. Together was the theme for the convention - a play on Unifor's founding mission statement, "to build a modern union that plays a leadership role in society so all workers in Canada have a good job, a decent standard of living, and greater equality".

Unifor 594 sent our maximum of four delegates: Nathan Kraemer, Richard Exner, Tasha Lang and Ashlyn Heintz. This year, not only were we there to vote on a wide variety of resolutions and proposed changes to the Constitution, hear Regional reports, view the 2022-2025 Action Plan and support other workers; we had the opportunity to vote for the leadership of our Union. 

All positions were up for nomination; Regional Directors, Secretary-Treasurer, and National President which had three candidates: Dave Cassidy, Lana Payne and Scott Doherty. All delegates in attendance voted on behalf of the 275,000 Unifor members across Canada. When the votes were tallied, Lana Payne was elected to head our new leadership team. They are as follows:

President: Lana Payne - Predecessor Jerry Dias.

Quebec Director: Daniel Cloutier - No election required. Predecessor Renaud Gagné, retired after 41 years.

National Secretary Treasurer: Len Poirier - Predecessor Lana Payne.

Ontario Regional Director: Re-elected Naureen Rizvi.

Western Regional Director: Re-elected Gavin McGarrigle.

Atlantic Regional Director: Jennifer Murray - Predecessor Linda MacNeil.



Karla Hanson


Debbie Bourassa &

Mitch Bloos

Building Maintenance:

Garth Wendel


Mike Pelzer


Sam Seibel


Corey Strass & Colin Waldie

Fire & Safety:

Daryl Watch

Information Technology:

Cory Frederickson


Shane Thompson


Dave Mushynsky &

Jaret McCloy & Chris Szala


Luke McGeough &

Brandon Mang


Andrea Jordan & Mike Fink


Derek Kups & Karter Diewold

MRP: Garth Wendel

PDD Loading: Jamie Wolf

PDD Warehouse: Vacant

PDD Office:

Christal Wisniewski


Jeremy Lukomski

& Dan Ross


Ryan Dzioba


Nelson Wagman

Section IA:

Dean Funke

Section IB:

Charles Brittner

Section II:

Jason Sharp

Section III:

Josh Hollinger

Section IV:

Pat Pilot & Cam Parisien

Section V:

Andrew Murray


Nathan Fafard


Scott Wicklund


With a full agenda, we were unable to get to all of the proposed changes. The ones that weren't voted on will be sent to the NEB (National Executive Board) for them to vote on and report back.

The notable results to the resolutions are as follows:

  • Unifor National will rejoin the Canadian Labour Congress. Failed - left in NEB hands to have meaningful conversations for the future of the relationship.
  • Include an Indigenous member on the NEB to be selected by the AWOC Caucus at their regular conference. Passed
  • Temporarily amend dues remittance for all locals from 54% to 52% for the 2023/24 fiscal years, and back to 54% thereafter. Passed
  • Transfer $33 Million in equity in the Organizing Fund to equity in the General Fund. Passed

The notable results to the Constitutional Changes are as follows:

  • That all occurences of gendered terms used to designate individuals in our constitution be replaced by a non-gendered term or expression in order to align our constitution with what is required by our union from locals and for bargaining agreements. Passed
  • The elected Leadership shall be elected by all members in good standing, by secret ballot or by a secure and confidential voting system, on a one member-one vote basis. Failed
  • A member who retires is entitled to "retired membership status" and does not have to pay dues. The retired member has all privileges of membership except the right to vote on contract demands, strike votes, ratifications of collective agreements and on matters pertaining to the administration of the collective agreement. In addition, a retired member can vote for, but cannot run for local union executive office and cannot run or vote in elections for workplace respresentatives. Passed
  • Amend Article 6 E (2) of the Unifor Constitution (Aug 2019) Voting and Elections be changed from voting on a "Per Capita Basis" of delegates to a "One member - one vote" for all members in good standing of our great union. Failed
  • Benefits payments will cease upon:
  • The individual member's return to work date, or 
  • The date the individual member qualifies for EI. Passed

Finally, the Action Plan for 2022-2025 involves five main points to become an even stronger union, inclusive union, responsive union and an organizing union. 

  1. Expanding Collective Bargaining and Union Rights - by growing the union membership & advocating for worker-friendly labour laws.
  2. Confronting the Affordability Crisis - by developing inflation-guarding bargaining strategies & improving pension literacy and retirement security.
  3. Securing Fairer, Safer Workplaces -by strengthening labour and health and safety standards & advancing mental health supports.
  4. Strengthening Democracy - by fighting to stop public service privatization & improving member engagement.
  5. Building Solidarity - by engaging with global union partners & combatting racism and hate.

Overall, the five-day convention was very informative. We are awaiting the results from the NEB regarding the resolutions/constitutional amendments we didn't get to. The next Constitutional Convention will occur in three years. If you have any questions about the changes made, don't hesitate to ask any of the members that attended!


There is no such thing as a summer break from grievances! The Grievance Committee has been working diligently over the last three months to address our backlog that stretches back to 2014. We have met with Human Resource & Labour Relations representatives on several occasions now, as well as sent a plethora of emails, to find a common understanding of where we sit on issues, which grievances can settle and which ones will require arbitration.


When we met with the Company on July 20th we discussed 132 grievances and identified:

  • 111 grievances for settlement discussions
  • 10 grievances that are going through the Judicial Review process (ex LOU 61 & Savings Plan)
  • 6 grievances both parties agree should go to Arbitration
  • 2 grievances the Union has withdrawn (impacted employees no longer work at CCRL)
  • 2 grievances that will be slated for Arbitration, but are not part of the Backlog (Vaccination Policy Terminations)
  • 1 grievance that has been arbitrated and we are awaiting an Arbitrator's decision.

The next step is to meet with the Company and have blunt conversations about the issues that caused the grievances to arise in the first place and how we can creatively resolve the issue and potentially avoid future similar grievances.


We have met once already on August 15th which was focused primarily on Process Department grievances. The conversations were respectful and productive. We have additional meetings scheduled for September 12th, 22nd & 23rd to discuss grievances related to the other departments.


As grievances get resolved, or advanced to arbitration, we will do our best to update the membership at Executive and General meetings. Your regular attendance at those meetings is the best way to stay up to date!

In Solidarity,

Richard Exner



It is even easier for employees to enroll using the Saskworks Payroll Portal. New or existing employees who would like to participate in the payroll program can visit  saskworksfund.com and select "Option 1, Payroll Deduction". Once registered, Money for Tomorrow will provide the payroll/HR department with the payroll deduction information.

Saskworks is an outstanding investment opportunity, allowing employees to save money and pay less tax. Invest in Saskatchewan, get a 32.5% tax credit! Stay tuned for information sessions!

  • Congratulations Brenden Heck (Pumps) and Krystel who welcomed son Rykin Heck born May 22, 2022.
  • Congratulations Jay Galecki (Boilerhouse) and Sydney who welcomed son Gus Phillip Galecki born June 17, 2022

  • Congratulations Ryan Fox who received his Journeyperson for Electrical in late June/early July 2022.
  • Congratulations Kyle Holinaty who received his Millwright Red Seal in July 2022.


Labour Day not only marks end of the summer, but it is a day to support the labour movement and its workers. Join us to celebrate all workers at the Labour Day Family Picnic on September 5th from 12-3 at the City Square Plaza downtown Regina! Food, entertainment and fun - for free!

Employee & Family Assistance Program
The Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is through Homewood Health and is available 24/7/365. Call 1-800-663-1142 or reach out to a trusted confident, friend or co-worker if you aren't feeling like yourself.

594 SWAG

Are you interested in sporting Unifor 594 Swag?

Check out our list of swag at:



For any new members, or if you know of new members not receiving Union Communications please talk to your Shop Steward or e-mail: info@unifor594.com