August 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to our ICF Austin August 2022 newsletter! We are thrilled to share with you many exciting programs and events we have coming up and to highlight our Membership Committee.

We’re still basking in the glow of getting to connect and visit with many of our members and friends at our recent Summer Social at Chez Zee. Guests made new friends and contacts and reconnected with others while relishing in the exquisite, buttery vocals of fellow coach Ofie Ofuatey-Kodjoe and her talented piano accompanist.

We want to extend a special thank you to each of you who attended, bringing your warmth and friendliness to one another and the event. And, we want to express our appreciation for Michelle Hefner, Programs Director and the driving force behind the event, and our other board members and advisory board members who helped to make the event a success.
Here are some photos from the Summer Social event at Chez Zee on July 27, 2022:
Our Chapter is Growing!
Welcome New Members!
We’re delighted to welcome our new members to the ICF Austin Charter Chapter! We look forward to learning more about you and getting to know you.
Merger Update: ICF Lonestar
As you may know, leadership from ICF Austin, ICF Houston, and ICF San Antonio started meeting last summer to discuss the possibility of merging our three chapters into one organization, ICF Lonestar. We continued to work throughout the year and created a letter of intent with the help of a consultant last spring. 

Your ICF Austin Board announced the ICF Lonestar possibility at our Annual General Chapter Membership meeting in April and sent out a pulse check to get a feel for your thoughts about it. The results of the pulse check were overwhelmingly positive with a few concerns for us to consider going forward, which we have done.

Since then, Susana Morales, Director At Large, and I have met most weeks with representatives from ICF Houston and ICF San Antonio to move this project along. Thanks to ICF San Antonio, we now have ten paid interns, mainly students from Dallas College who are paid by Dallas College, working on various projects to support the proposed merger, such as digital marketing, communications, and membership. We are also moving to create structures for governance and finances for the new organization.

At this moment, the merger is not definite as all three chapters need to agree on these important aspects of the new organization. Eventually, when the details are finalized, we will submit the plan to each of our memberships for a vote. 

If this possibility becomes a reality, we can look forward to a greater scope of programming and professional development as well as creating a wider community of coaches with whom we can collaborate. Of course, we will continue to have local events to maintain our unique ICF Austin culture—welcoming, caring, and collaborative.

We will keep you updated as we continue to make progress. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support and involvement with ICF Austin. We would not be who we are as a community without your individual contributions to the whole. 


Tracy Winter
President, ICF Austin
Upcoming Events
Southeast Regional Webinar Series
"Our Inner World: Coaching in the Presence of Trauma"

How do we continue to coach in service of our clients while they feel capsized under strain? Where do we find the resilience to be adaptive to uncertainty?

Let us explore the tools that we currently have and look at what else may be needed to coach clients to clarity and strength during these uncertain times.

Date: Thurs, August 11th 11:00am-12:30pm

Speaker: Brad Hardie, PCC

1.0 Core Competency, 0.5 Resource Development
Virtual Coaching Conversations (Monthly)

Let's have lunch together online for Virtual Coaching Conversations! This is a fun-filled hour of networking, community building and deep discussion of all things coaching.

Date: Friday, August 12th 12-1pm
"Explorations into the Being and Doing of Coaching" HAPPY HOUR BOOK CLUB

Join us for a deep dive each month into a chapter of our new book.
Grab the beverage of your choice and share your insights and experiences related to the month's topic, written by ICF Austin member and Treasurer Susan Corbin, ACC.

"Chapter 4: Coaching Lessons

Date: Friday, August 19th 5:30-6:30pm

.75 Core Competency, .25 Resource Development
Chapter Meeting (Monthly)
Topic: "Coaching for Disruption"

AI has been called, “the new electricity,” and 9.5 out of 10 CEOs expect their job to be disrupted by it. One study predicts nearly half of all jobs will be automated within 15 years. Overwhelmed at the thought of so much change? So are your clients, unless they’re not yet aware of its scale. Our speakers, who combine engineering and coaching certifications, have developed coaching models that encapsulate methods for bringing individuals and organizations to greater levels of resilience.

Date: Tuesday, August 23rd 6:30-8:00pm

Speakers: Pierre Dussault Eng and Peter Scott

1.0 Core Competency, 0.5 Resource Development
Committee Spotlight: Membership
Interview with Membership Director Phil Soloninka, CPCC, ACC
The membership committee is looking for folks who want to play a significant role in the onboarding experience of new members and the membership experience of ICF Austin overall.

If you’d like to know who you would be working with, here are some fun things to know about our Membership Director, Phil Soloninka:

Why did you join ICF Austin?
At the start of my coaching career, my mentor highly recommended joining my local ICF chapter. However, not really
believing I was worthy of being included at
that point due to my novice status as a coach (love that inner critic!), I put aside joining as I worked through my certifications.

As I moved closer to certification status, I began to look again at ICF Austin. As I'd progressed through certification, I had kept hearing this buzz about the coaching community in Austin. So finally, I applied and the Membership Director at the time, our current President Tracy Winter reached out to schedule some time to meet. And I couldn't tell you exact details from that conversation - but I'll never forget how welcomed Tracy made me feel in such a short time. That led to me signing up for Virtual Coaching Conversations and after an hour with that group, I was hooked. 

All that to say - I signed up because it was recommended, but I've found increased purpose, power, connection, community, inspiration, and more in having signed up.

What is your #1 goal for the membership committee during your tenure as communications director?
If you know me, you know it's never going to be just one thing! BUT increasing the engagement and connection of our member base, bringing more in-person events back, and continuing to grow ICF Austin are some of the main objectives we want to achieve this year.

What makes the Membership Committee so special?
Couldn’t tell you as we have yet to make one! But, if we do get committee members, I would hope that it is a warm welcoming crew to the ICF Austin community.

Share a day-in-the-life of a membership director.
Depends on the day! I have a few monthly standing meetings with the rest of the North American chapter, as well as our Board meetings/workshops, and other ICF Austin events like the VCC. I usually travel to meet a new member once a week (one of the best perks of the position!), and I try to approve all member requests within a 2 hr time window as they come in.

Why coaching?
I believe it's one of the most powerful and important professions we have as humans. Especially in our current climate, it feels we're needed more than ever.
Nothing in my life has spoken to me the way coaching has spoken to me. It was apparent when considering jumping into the field with my mentor, it was apparent during my first session, my first course, all of it. It is the thing I knew I needed to be but never gave myself permission to be.

What are your favorite things about Austin?
I'm a huge fan of unique, outside the box experiences - something I think Austin offers in abundance. In addition, I'd list the food, music, outdoor activities, and comedy scene as some of my favorite things about our beautiful city.

What is your favorite place to visit in and around Austin?
In Austin - LOVE the speakeasies and secret bars in the city 
Outside - Fredericksburg + New Braunfels/Canyon Lake.

Share something about you that might surprise others.
Hmmmm depends on how long you’ve known me - but I am a DIEHARD Philadelphia Eagles fan and have been as long as I can remember. I usually make at least one game a year, have half of a man cave decked out in Eagles gear, and took a train from DC at 2am to get to Philly in time for the Super Bowl parade in 2018 - a top 3 experience in my life (and it’s not 2 or 3!)

Thank you Phil! Each month, we’ll spotlight a committee so you can learn more about what’s going on with the chapter, our board members, and our current volunteers. And, we’d love for you to join a committee to further your connection with your fellow coaches in meaningful ways.

If you want to join the membership committee, Phil would love to hear from you at [email protected]!
In Other News
ICF Member Websites
We are thrilled to share that, beginning in September, ICF Members in good standing will have the opportunity to create a free website through a platform hosted by ICF Global. The ICF Member Websites Platform will enable members to create easy-to-build, customizable websites to promote their coaching services.

We will have more information about this as it rolls out.

Become a Member!
Join ICF Austin
Ready to see what membership with ICF can do for your coaching business? Join ICF Austin today!
Let's Get Social!
Follow + @mention ICF Austin
Follow ICF Austin on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to stay in-the-know!

We want to spread the love and share your coaching content. If you’ll @mention ICF Austin in your posts, we’ll share your words of wisdom, tips, and interesting articles to our social media pages.
One last thing before you go! Please take a moment to join our private Facebook group, ICF Austin Members & Affiliates, to get connected with the local coaching community on Facebook: