August 2022 News & Events
Washington BAT members get around
TU volunteers Helping Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group in the Naches River
Kevin Sugden and his son Gatlin are members of BAT (Barrier Assessment Team) & the Yakima River Fly Fishers TU Chapter in Yakima. They recently volunteered with Mid Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group (MCFEG) for the Naches River dewatering and enhancement project. Kevin commented on how amazed he was at the amount of life they found in a 100 yard reach of the river when is was drained via diversion technique. He said they found trout, sculpin’s, crawfish, lampreys, and a huge amount of stonefly and cased caddis moving around. He said they really enjoyed the day and learned a ton!! Thanks Kevin & Gatlin for volunteering to help fish partners in this important project!!
Oh and BTW - these two are also already out with Matt DeAmico, another Yakima BAT volunteer, doing what they were trained to do in BAT......assessing culverts for possible fish barriers!!
Thanks guys, you ROCK and are greatly appreciated!!
If you want to join the BAT program or get more information please visit our website HERE or contact us HERE
Seattle Cascade Chapter Holds First Post-Covid in Person Event @ Richmond Beach Saltwater Park
WCTU Volunteers came out to support the Seattle Cascade Chapter and president Jake Watrous on Saturday at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. What a FUN Day to meet new people and talk about what we all love to share, saving trout and salmon and protecting their watersheds.
A BIG Thanks to Jake for putting together a really fun, community engaging event! We met lots of new people and enjoyed the day. We talked to people about the lower Snake River dams; members of the BAT program were there with gear to show folks just what BAT is all about. There was free fly casting for anyone interested. Seattle Cascade Chapter had a table loaded with chapter information for all who stopped by. We all helped clean up the beach at the end of the day; but the winning part of this event went to the kids who came and participated in the scavenger hunt! What a great idea that was Jake!! The winner took home a new book all about fly fishing!! If you would like more information on this chapter and what's in store for them next ......visit there website HERE
Yakima River Headwaters Chapter holds community science training event for fish monitoring and habitat assessment in the Teanaway River watershed
This chapter is one of the smallest chapters in the state, but they are mighty and get amazing things done! They have been working with WDFW fish and habitat biologists in Ellensburg/Cle Elum for 4 years to understand the current status and health of the Westslope Cutthroat Trout; and tributary water temperatures in the Teanaway watershed.
This project in its early stages was presented at the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Regional Conference in Reno in 2019, as an example of how agencies partnering with NGOs could help work to mitigate climate change effects on fish.
This week the current results of our 4 years working with WDFW are being presented again at the AFS Regional Conference in Spokane by WDFW fish biologist Gabriel Temple. Our TU chapter received credit in the study presentation along with Mid-Columbia Fisheries, and Yakama Nation. We are grateful and excited to be part of this collaboration!!
"Coupling Westslope Cutthroat Trout Monitoring with Climate Resilient Habitat Restoration Activities Cast of Characters: Gabriel M. Temple, FP-C (Presenter), Scott Coil, Stefan Woodruff, Patricia Hesselgesser, David ‘Bouta, Ryan DeKnikker, Rebecca Wassell, William Meyer, and Kevin McPhee American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting Spokane, Washington August 2022 "
Lower Snake River Dams - It's HOT in those reservoirs right NOW and smolts are dying! Tell Congress to Save Snake River Salmon and Steelhead by Taking Action NOW
Article by Sophia Kaelke - Published in Wild Steelheaders United "Snake River". Read full article HERE
ARLINGTON, Va.—The Biden Administration released a draft report in mid July from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) determining that removal of the lower four Snake River dams is urgently necessary to save plummeting populations of salmon and steelhead in the basin.
The draft report from scientists at NOAA, Rebuilding Interior Columbia Basin Salmon and Steelhead, found that “the science robustly supports process-based stream habitat restoration, dam removal (breaching), and ecosystem-based management, and overwhelmingly supports acting, and acting now.” It adds to a growing consensus that recovering healthy, harvestable Snake River salmon and steelhead will not be possible without restoring a free-flowing lower river. Read More about the NOAA draft report - HERE
Update on Chehalis Basin Habitat Restoration Work and Local Actions Non-Dam Alternative (LAND)
In July Governor Inslee visited the Chehalis River Basin. Inslee was joined by U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Gig Harbor) and state Senator Steve Tharinger (D-24th District) to mark the momentous occasion of the first ceremonial groundbreaking for the Aberdeen-Hoquiam Flood Protection Project. Read article HERE
Habitat Restoration projects and Flood mitigation projects remain the focus for flood control in the basin. A dam is not entirely off the table, but the Chehalis Basin Board voted unanimously in July to approve $13.9 million in funding for projects across the Basin in habitat restoration and flood damage mitigation. Board members were united in their excitement to see project proposals that bring to life the mission of the Chehalis Basin Strategy to mitigate flood damage and protect critical wildlife habitat. To follow the Chehalis River Basin Strategy and LAND go HERE
August 27th is the 40th anniversary of the creation of Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument!
"The Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument was established 40 years ago with overwhelming bipartisan support. After its eruption in 1982, this impressive Cascadian volcano is once again providing habitat for wildlife, research opportunities for scientists, and outdoor recreation opportunities for visitors from all over the world. This area is beloved by so many, and we are working to ensure that it remains protected so that future generations can enjoy it as well."
The Green River Alliance is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument - see what they have planned and how you can join the celebration of this special place by signing the petition to make sure NO MINE IS BUILT HERE EVER!! GO---->>HERE
Join TU, and the @GreenRiverValleyAlliance, in advocating for permanent protections against mining developments being proposed on the volcano’s doorstep. Visit HERE to learn more. This is #NoPlaceForAMine. Help ensure that it stays that way.
WCTU Advocacy Committee is following these headline issues:
Click on the blue or green links for information on each topic.
*Salmon Recovery & SMA/GMA
*Warm Water Fish Policy
*Enloe Dam Removal
*Nelson Dam Puyallup River
*Electron Dam
If you would like to join the advocacy team and represent your chapter or just find out more about all these issues in our state; please contact the
WCTU Annual State Council Meeting in Ellensburg Saturday 9/17/2022
Annual State Council Meeting in historic Ellensburg, Saturday 9/17/2022. If you are a Council or Chapter Leader please plan on attending this very important meeting. We need at least 50% of our chapters represented in order to make up a quorum to vote and pass agenda items.
If you are not currently a chapter leader, but would like to attend, we welcome you. Please check with your chapter president to volunteer as a chapter rep and then Register HERE
The meeting is FREE, but we do need a head count for seating and food, so you must Register.
DATE: Saturday 9/17/2022- 8:30am -3:30pm
Yakima River Headwaters TU Chapter Hosting the event with meeting facility, and lunch! Lunch is free but donations for the hosting chapter are accepted. The council will provide morning coffee, tea, snacks, and La Croix drinks. Bring your own water bottle, we will have water for your refills.
LOCATION: Odd Fellows Hall
Address: 307 1/2 N Pine St, Ellensburg, WA 98926
The room is upstairs and their currently is no ADA accessibility.
Parking is free at the SE corner of 2nd and Pine 1.5 blocks away.
Friday 9/16/2022 5-7 PM - no-host drinks and food get together - for those arriving early - we will meet at The Palace Cafe.
Just tell the host you are with TU.
Address: Palace Cafe - 323 N Main St, Ellensburg, WA 98926
Sunday - Stay over & Enjoy Fly Fishing the beautiful Yakima River
Not a TU Member Yet?
Support your cold water conservation for future generations and become a Trout Unlimited member today! Your membership helps support so many conservation efforts around our state. Annual memberships start at $17.50 Click HERE to find out more. If you don't know your local chapter name just put unknown and you will be placed in your closest chapter.
Summer is coming to a close soon. Still Looking for something to do that will make a difference?
Contact your local chapter of Trout Unlimited and ask how you can help get involved. There is so much happening around the state that is fun, educational, supports conservation, and advocates for the fish we love. We even get out on the water and hold fly fishing events!! So check in with your chapter - you can find them on our website HERE
Check out our video and send it to someone you know to show them who we are and what we do!
A Message from the Council Chair
We have a very important Volunteer Council Position Open - we are seeking a new Membership Chair.
You can read about the duties of this position HERE.
We want to share your chapter events and important conservation work in this newsletter. Spread the word across the state about fun and informative events you are hosting - like the ones above. Let us know how your events turned out so we can share your stories!!
Engagement is the way to Grow your chapter!! Learn more HERE
So let us help you spread the word about your events and good work!!
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