Step Eight: Made a list of all persons we had harmed,
and became willing to make amends to them all.
Spiritual Principal: Self-discipline
Can’t find what you’re looking for on the website?
Combed the menus and come up empty? Try the search box. If you can’t find journals, for instance, like our custom created Ocean and Bay Journal (which provides a clear outline for daily 10th Step and other writing), anywhere in a menu, or are just not sure where in the heck it would be listed and now you’re just aggravated, simply type “journal” in the search box. The computer algorithm will search diligently for you and create a list of all pages with the words “journal” on it. Ta daa!
Another meeting goes in-person,
in a new time slot!
Beginning Sunday, August 7, 2022 The Art Of Abstinence Meeting Will be held IN PERSON with phone participation.Starting Sunday, August 7th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm at St. Mary’s Episcopal Parish Hall, 324 East Main Rd. Portsmouth, RI 02871
We will be studying the Step on the first Sunday of the month out of the OA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Book and Using the Step Topics from VOICES OF RECOVERY Book the remainder of each month.
Please join us for an hour of recovery. • Contact #’s: Eileen N. 401-497-5797 • Or Pat D. 401-742-5174
Have you heard?
We have a new website! It takes a lot of time to do this, thank you to all involved for your service and look forward to sharing the new look further down the road. The meetings are much easier to access from a cell phone as well.
Give it a try:

Also, Lifeline will be launching a blog version of the magazine.

Mission & Vision Ocean & Bay Intergroup is dedicated to supporting individuals in need of recovery from compulsive eating (e.g.: overeating, bulimia, anorexia) through carrying the OA message and empowering all meetings within the Intergroup. 
Strategic Goals 
1. Help members strengthen their personal recovery 
2. Increase the number of sponsors 
3. Increase the number of newcomers 
4. Increase the retention of newcomers 
5. Help those in relapse 
6. Inspire people to give more service 
7. Increase outreach activities, including outreach to members and healthcare professionals 
Please note that every effort has been made to adhere to OA's policy for newsletter publications. Opinions and experiences expressed within are those of the individual writer and not OA as a whole. 

SUBMISSIONS: This is your newsletter! We welcome your contributions of news items or commentary.* Deadline: 1st of each month. Example: Deadline 6/1 for June newsletter.

You are also invited to be one of the members who provides answers for a Q&A.
Again, just send us a note to:

*May be edited as space allows.