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August 2, 2022

A Message From The Executive Director

There are very few occasions in life when we can say we are truly the centre of attention. A time when all the world stops and focuses its gaze solely on us. Even when I made my few minutes of fame on The Amazing Race Canada it was never about just me but, rightfully of course, both my son and me. No, seldom are things simply all about me or you.

However, there is one very special time in life when this notion is turned on its head. That time is a wedding and it’s very special centre of attention - the bride. I can attest to this truth both as a married man, (I mean in truth on my wedding day nothing much more was expected of me than that I show up dressed and on time…but I digress), but also now as ‘the father of the bride’. As such let me assure you that the process leading up to this special day gives every evidence that this day is 99.99% about her. The Bride. All else falls away into the distance.

Yes, well, so what does this fine soliloquy on weddings and brides have to do with us and Parkinson’s? I am, over the next number of months, going to put forward the idea that this journey through life with Parkinson’s is all about me. Yes, that it is a rare, bride like moment, that is indeed all about me.

The following is an excerpt from the speech, “It’s All About Me."

Some months back now I wrote a blog on having passed my tenth anniversary with Parkinson’s and some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I would like to share with you an excerpt from that blog:

“The #1 lesson I’ve learned over the past 10 years is this – It’s All About Me. Contrary to what Mom taught us I believe this conversation is all about me…It is not about the next cure – it’s about me. It’s not about the next breakthrough – it’s about me. It’s not about the next great scientific marvel – it’s about me.”

This may seem like an odd way to start a discussion on the topic of Parkinson’s but I think you will come to see my point and will agree that in the end it really is All About Me!

There are few things that we can control when it comes to Parkinson’s. We can’t control that we have the disease. We can’t just shake it off and get rid of it anytime we please.

However, once we move beyond the acceptance of this initial reality, we discover that we do have control over the next and most important aspect of the disease. We do have control over how we choose to live with it. And this comes down to our attitudes.

My movement disorder specialist played a critical role is shaping my attitude right from the outset. He said to me, “Tim you’re doing as well as you are because of how you have looked after yourself all these years. He followed that up with the statement, “If there was one thing I could do for all my patients I would turn them into athletes.”

These words motivated me and ultimately led me to the conclusion that our pursuit of wellness is indeed the cornerstone in our quest to end Parkinson’s. For you see without a healthy community, there will be far too few to take part in research studies, to advocate, raise funds and give leadership.

Now, I know that some of you are smiling, even smirking. I can hear your eyes rolling around in your heads and I can even hear your thoughts, “What? Me, an athlete?” Yes, you, an athlete.

What is an athlete? Google the word and you will get a broad range of definitions that encompass this thought, “Someone who has been trained to compete…generally in sports”.

Daily you and I are in a competition with Parkinson’s. Will it let me walk today, stand, write, type, think clearly and on and on. We daily make decisions; how much can I push back, how much pain can I take, what will PD get today, what will I take back.

Like an athlete we surround ourselves with coaches, trainers, counsellors, nutritionists, physicians; a broad team of specialists whose only goal is to get us across the finish line as champions.

We set goals, we refine plans, we adjust routines, we adapt, we change, but we remain laser focused on the ultimate goal.

We learn to do things we’ve never done before…like sports. Many of my fellow athletes at U-Turn Parkinson’s never exercised a day prior to being diagnosed. Now they have made the mantra ‘exercise is medicine’ a part of their DNA and daily prove their athleticism. They have changed who they are so that they might become who they want to be.

To be clear our pursuit is not purely in the physical realm. Like any world class athlete, we control what makes its way onto our daily calendars. We are continually learning & improving our knowledge of our competition and our ‘game’.

We ensure that we surround ourselves with a community of family and friends who support us and we give special care to our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

In short, we continually train ourselves for the daily competition we wage with PD.

We are indeed Athletes and Parkinson’s is our World Series, our Stanley Cup, our World Cup, our Super Bowl and the trophy we are competing for is our very lives.

….To Be Continued Next Month.

Please take the time to sign up for our Walk to U-TurnPD. We are looking forward to a great day with our community!

Live Your Best!


Upcoming Events

The Walk to U-Turn Parkinson's is 8 weeks away!

REGISTER: Register to join us as an individual or family!  

FUNDRAISE: Create your personalized fundraising page in support of Parkinson's! 

FUN: Join us on September 24, 2022 for a day of walking to raise awareness, activities for all ages, lunch and U-TurnPD class demos! 

Head to for all of the information you need to get started.

Have a question? Call us at 431-335-6810 or email [email protected]

Register Today!

Highlights from Heitha

Hello Friends,

We hope you've been enjoying the summer, hard to believe it is already August! We have many class offerings for you throughout the summer, we hope you will continue to join us!

Take a look at our On Demand Video Workout Series for those days you just can’t get to the gym, make a regular online class or need a 20-minute fix! These are available to you anytime, anywhere!

Our online live-stream classes: Power Stretch, Empower-U and U-Tunes online are also a great option to stay active this summer! Maybe you're on a trip or at the cabin? You can still join us and our coaches to get exercise from wherever you may find yourself. 

Of course, our in-person classes in Winnipeg are still running at our North and South locations including Rock Steady Boxing, Golden Gloves and U-Tunes. We would love to see you. 

Please sign-up by heading to our Class-Calendar page or get in touch with me for help! We are committed to helping you maintain and prioritize your health and wellness this summer, however that looks!


WHAT’S IN A NAME? Starting September 2022, we're going to be launching a new colour-coded indication system alongside our classes which will indicate the difficulty/intensity level of the class.

This will allow our members to ensure that the classes they are signing up for are appropriate for their ability. Alongside this, the name of our current “Rock Steady Boxing Winnipeg” (RSBW) classes will change to “Empower-U”. 

We'll announce this and our vision in more detail in September but in the meantime, we wanted you to know so that those of you who like to sign up for classes in advance know you will be seeing  “Empower-U” in place of RSBW starting in September.

URBAN POLE WALKING DEMO: August 17th at Provencher Park

We are pleased to offer another Urban Pole Walking Demo on Wednesday, August 17th at 1pm. Urban Pole Walking is a fun and fantastic way to be and keep active, especially as you age! Compared to regular walking, urban pole walking uses poles similar to ski poles, with each stride.

If you'd like to join us, please sign-up via the class calendar or get in touch via email or phone to reserve your spot. All equipment will be provided. 

New to U-Turn PD? Register with us HERE and we will get you started!

Already a member? Visit our Class-Calendar and sign up for classes!

Of course, we are always here to help, just get in touch: 204-510-4869 or [email protected]

See you out there!

-Heitha Forsyth, Program Manager

Behind the scenes: U-TurnPD Staff Meeting

Did you know our dedicated staff team meets at least once a week to plan, coordinate, and update on all matters U-Turn Parkinson's? We may be a smaller team but we are mighty in our vision and commitment to our U-TurnPD family and community!

U-Turn Parkinson's Family Spotlight:

South Side Empower-U/Boxing Coach- Saba Mohammadalinezhad Kolahdouz

When did you become a part of U-TurnPD and how did you get started with us?


I became part of the U-TurnPD family by volunteering for Golden Gloves classes because I wanted to be more in touch with the community that I am researching for my PhD.

I am a fully-funded Ph.D. student at the University of Manitoba in the Applied Health Sciences program. For my master's program, I graduated from one of the best universities in Iran in the Motor Control and Learning program.

My research in my master's program was on Parkinson's disease where I tried to understand the effect of the auditory and visual cues on the lower limb muscle activities in people living with PD while they were cycling in Virtual Reality.

For my Ph.D. research, I am working on a new rehabilitation method for people with PD. I use one of the promising non-pharmacological strategies known as “vibrotactile stimulation” and "RAS stimuli" to improve functional ability.

I am super interested in helping people, especially older adults. I believe everyone deserves to be happy in this life and I enjoy helping improve ones self-esteem. 

What classes are you currently coaching and what makes them a great class for those living with PD?

Right now I am coaching RSBW South Side Mondays at 11am (soon to be called Empower-U) where I am trying to incorporate some new ideas, such as my research and karate knowledge.

Having an active lifestyle is the number one rule in a persons life leading to physical well-being and increased social integration. I believe U-TurnPD is the best place where everyone is on the same page to improve their quality of life by participating in a happy and regular workout program.

Fun facts about Saba:

  • I am an Iranian Turk and immigrated here in September 2021. 

  • I was a professional national Karate athlete and champion in Iran and have been participating and coaching Karate for 21 years.

  • I'm a personal trainer with 10 years of fitness coaching background.

  • I love buying sunglasses in different colours and have a sunglasses collection.

  • I speak 4 languages fluently! 

If you would like to join Saba's class at South Side Rock Steady Boxing Winnipeg, get in touch with us and we'll help you get started!


Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 204-510-4869

Join Our Community

E.R.I.K: Emergency Response Information Kit

Whether we like it or not, emergencies can happen when you least expect them. The best way to prepare for an emergency of any kind is to ensure you have a plan in place so that you, your loved ones and first responders have all the information they need as quickly as possible. 

E.R.I.K.®  (Emergency Response Information Kit)

E.R.I.K.® is a useful tool for anyone with a medical condition who is required to take a lot of medication. The kit contains all pertinent medical/prescription information for each individual, therefore each person taking medications should have their own E.R.I.K.®.

The kit comes with a magnet to hang up on your fridge as first responders are instructed to look there for the information they need. The included sticker is placed on the outside door of your residence. This lets first responders know that they should look for the E.R.I.K.® for all your important medical information in order to best assist you.

For more information about the kit – please follow this link to the E.R.I.K.® Guide.

Get Your E.R.I.K Kit
Visit our Resources Page

Have you seen the U-TurnPD resource page? 

There's an entire page of resources on our website designated to educating and empowering you in your pursuit of wellness with Parkinson's. 

Find recorded educational events, helpful articles and links to Parkinson's leaders around the world, podcasts and more! 

Have a PD resource you think we should add to the website? Send it to [email protected]

Become a PD Avenger today!

You can join the Global Alliance raising their voices for those living with Parkinson's Disease by clicking HERE.

PD Avengers is not a charity nor affiliated with any one organization. Their mandate is to use the value of combined effort, influence and skills to prove Parkinson’s matters and to build a sense of real urgency to end this disease.
We are so grateful for all of the funding provided to U-Turn Parkinson's. Sponsorship & Grants Provided by:
U-Turn Parkinson's | 204-510-4869 |