August 2023
Bishop Rob and Candie Taylor

There is no doubt about the mission of the church. Jesus, himself, spoke of that mission with great clarity in Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As Jesus’ church we must be committed to fulfilling his mission. According to Jesus, as recorded in the writings of Matthew, that includes evangelism (sharing the good news of Jesus as savior), and discipleship (helping believers grow toward maturity of faith; living and sharing the very message that led them to belief). These are the reason the church exists.

As both ministers and laity, we must embrace this mission, as well as engage in this mission. To embrace the mission means that we acknowledge that it is what Jesus has called us to. To engage the mission is to actively participate in evangelism and discipleship. In this issue of the Aloha State News, we have a number of resources to help you do just that. We want you to be successful at being who God has made you to be and doing what he has called you to do.

Moving forward together with great positive momentum from Camp Meeting, we have established "The Hawaii Church of God SMART Goals Campaign". Each local pastor is receiving a printout and chart of attendance and tithing from April 2022 - June 2023. This will help us have a realistic picture of where we are post pandemic — our new normal. This new normal is a great starting point for setting goals and developing strategies for the future. From these, I am asking each pastor to set two SMART Goals for the next year. The first is in regard to souls saved and the second is in regard to an increase in tithing for the local church.  Our District Overseers will be available as coaches and encouragers to our pastors as we work together to see the Great Commission, Jesus’ Mission, completed in Hawaii.

Candie and I love you. We believe in the call of God on your life, and are here to serve in every way we can. I am so excited about all that God is doing in Hawaii. I am elated to get to be a part of that.

Bishop Rob
Administrative Bishop
Church of God in Hawaii
Bishop Brian and Zara Whitelock

Aloha from the Hawaii Youth & Discipleship Department 
Question: after an amazing camp meeting and youth camp, what’s next?
The creative force behind all great art, all great drama, all great music, all great architecture, all great writing is passion. Nothing great is ever accomplished in life without passion. 
Nothing great is ever sustained in life without passion. 

Passion is what energizes life. Passion makes the impossible possible. Passion gives you a reason to get up in the morning and go, "I’m going to do something with my life today." 
Romans 12:11, 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit,[a] serve the Lord.

Zeal is just another word for enthusiasm…for passion.The word “fervor”,is translated from the Greek word, “Cognate,” which means: to bubble over. Literally, boiling over with interest or desire. Romans 12:11 is saying that our spiritual passion should be boiling hot! Bubbling over!


The word enthusiasm comes from two Greek words: “en” meaning “within.”
& “theos” meaning “God”. So, the literal meaning of the word is “God within”. To be enthusiastic (or passionate) is to be inspired by the God within you.The key to being passionate about the right things is to have the right “God” as priority in your life.

Excitement is a result of what’s happening outside of us. Enthusiasm / Passion is a result of what’s inside of us. It’s a reflection of our heart.
It’s why the writer of Proverbs wrote, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (4:23)

Jesus accurately expressed it this way, “Your heart will be where your treasure is.” (Matthew 6:21). You’ll be passionate about whatever you treasure most. You’ll put your treasure into whatever you’re passionate about. And whatever your primary passion is will influence every area of your life.

Something to think on, "You can’t start a fire in someone else’s heart until it’s burning in your own. And when it is the passion will spread like wildfire!"
God created you with the emotions to have passion in your life and He wants you to live a passionate life. 


Pastor Brian

Brian Whitelock
Youth and Discipleship Director
Church of God in Hawaii
Connect - Hawaii Church of God strives to connect the churches to each other, the church with the community and the community to Christ

Be sure to check our website often for updates and more information. We are working hard to make it a valuable resource. HawaiiCOG.Org
Rhonda Holland -Sermon for THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION
Leaving Lo Debar and other Rhonda Holland books are available Here

Affirm - Hawaii CoG affirms every individual & his or her calling.
Minister's Testing Available January 6 for all Eligible Applicants
Testing for candidates who qualify for the rank they are applying will be January 6. Exhorter testing will be for those who have completed CAMS. Ordained Minister testing will be available for those who have completed MIP. Ordained Bishop testing candidates must meet the qualifications listed on the application and current minute book.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
We Celebrate
those with
August Birthdays

Jeralyn Albino 12
Brian Whitelock 13
Keith Elliott 20
Benedicto Mariano 24
Gabby Abad 27
Ino Bocobo 29
Cassandra Willes 31
Susan Elliott 31

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
Resourcing - Hawaii CoG Resources the Minister & the Local Church

Ministers Resources | hawaiichurchofgod

Introducing a new page to our website. The primary purpose of which is to be a library of information for ministers and ministries. Check here often for updates. Exciting things are in store.

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A Personal Testimony from Lauren Daigle
The single, overriding purpose of Adult Discipleship Resources is to assist individual believers (entire classes and congregations) to develop into victorious, Spirit-filled disciples! Whether a brand new believer or a mature Christian, these book studies and manuals are welcome resources to grow your Christ-walk in deep and practical ways.

Get our One Year Discipleship tool free by clicking here . Buy our Following Jesus: Discipleship Essentials workbook here . The following principles will help you get started with discipleship....

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Evangelize - Hawaii CoG Evangelizes to Win Souls for the Kingdom
5 Ways To Set Evangelism Goals

The more involved in leading a church, the less we seem to be focused on evangelism.

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Serve - Hawaii CoG Exists to Serve One Another, Our Communities, Hawaii & Our World
CAMS Leadership Board
Hawaii Church of God announces the CAMS Leadership Board. Rev. Evan Palmer leads the board. He served as an important part of the inaugural class. The board members are (top row from left to right) Pastor Evan Palmer, Pastor Louie Franco, Rev. Stefanie Calico, (middle left) Rev. Joe Abell, and (bottom right) Rev. Syrah Vergara. Three of the committee just completed the program in May. Congratulations! And, Mahalo for your service.
MIP Leadership Board
MIP begins this month under the leadership of the MIP Leadership Board. The four members of the board have a breadth of experience that will benefit the MIP Candidates. The board is lead by Pastor and State Youth Director, Pastor Brian Whitelock. Pastor Brian is joined by Rev. Ino Bobo (top right), Pastor Dave Pennington (bottom left) and Rev. Wayne White. We are thankful for the leadership of this team. Congratulations and mahalo nui loa!