Looking for something fun to do with family and friends this August? We got you covered!

Click Here For Free Things To Do This Summer In Denver

We will be welcoming a new team manager . . .

Court Sherwood!

He comes to us with an impressive background of 24 years experience in the tree industry. He's worked with Bill for years and has helped us here at Autumn Tree periodically. We are thrilled to have him as part of the team and can't wait to see all the great stuff he will bring to the table.



The Cranberry girdler is a type of sod webworm. It does its feeding and damage in the late summer to fall. Its evidence looks like drought stress until you tug on the grass and it peels up much too easily. If you are noticing browning of any kind give our lawn department a call.


Dollar spot is caused by a fungus and affects highly managed turf strands worldwide. Extended periods of wet, overcast weather can also lead to severe dollar spot epidemics on susceptible grasses.


Ascochyta is a fungus that causes large irregular patches of turf to quickly turn straw brown and appear dead. It is known to occur on drought stressed turf and during periods of hot weather preceded by wet conditions.


Revive allows water to penetrate deeper into hard-to-wet soils, even through thatch and mat. Revive helps save water and solves problems associated with hard, dry, compact soils and the additional iron helps thicken and turn your lawn dark green. If you have noticed your lawn looking a little sad, then revive might just be the right thing for you!

Get a free estimate! 

Our star of the month for August is . . . Matt !!!

I'm sure you're all familiar with our Plant Health Care specialist, as he goes above and beyond to take care of your trees and shrubs. When he's not out there saving tree lives (like the true super hero he is) he enjoys playing trumpet in his band and eating sushi. His favorite tree is a Hawthorn because he says its "the punk rock of trees!" Matt is a true rockstar and likes all kinds of music. We are so lucky to have someone as dedicated as him on our team.

Dutch Elm Disease

The City of Denver has confirmed its dreadful return. As you may have seen from our alert email, it poses an extreme threat. Read more about it by clicking below!