Volume 84 August 2024

Trojan Alumni Newsletter

Alumni Association

Forever True

August, 2024

Dates to Remember

Teutonia Mannerchor Alumni Luncheon

The next alumni luncheon will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. NOTE: the cost of the luncheon is now $17 which is payable at the door. Beer and soft drinks cost extra. You can call Jim Eberz (412) 445-4446 or Don Gruber (412) 874-2906 for more information.

There were 51 alums in attendance at the July luncheon. Many regular attendees were on vacation. Thanks to Jim and Don for all their hard work.

First time attendees Rege Roethlein ('77) and Greg Lankes ('88)

The Class of 1959 regained the attendance championship.

As always, a good time was had by all.

Trojan Open Golf Outing

Plans are in full swing for the North Catholic Bill Ryan Trojan Open Golf Outing. Limited spaces are available. Cost includes golf, lunch, and dinner.  




All of You

During the school year we feature alums who answer various questions about their time in the Halls of Troy. For the next two months, we want all of you to answer one of the questions. Last month's question was

Who were your favorite teachers/coaches and classes?

Here are the responses we got from all of you...

"Hands down, my favorite teacher was Mr Hmel for senior English. He was an incredibly dedicated man/educator of young men who had a terrific sense of humor. He was one of my inspirations to go into education and ultimately to become a Superintendent of Schools." ... Richard Domencic, class of 1964

"My favorite teacher was Mr Reick and my husband Ron "Rodge" Williamson's favorite teacher was Mr Dilallo."... Laurie Santa Williamson, class of 1983 and Ron Williamson, class of 1977

"Brother Becker - chemistry late 60's Ron Hughes - assistant football coach late 60's." ... Ed Dice, class of 1970

"Frank Orga and Accounting, Walt Lease 7 Calculus, Mrs Morrisey and Blackjack, err Chemistry and of course Walt Quinn and AP English." ... Carl Apel, class of 1974

"Mr William Garvey, US History, grade 11." ... William Novakovic, class of 1962

"My two favorites were Bro. Grundish, American History junior year, and Bro Sciarotta, Latin II, sophomore year." ... Dave Brink, class of 1965

"Favorite teacher - Bro James Watrous." ... Bill Rumpf, class of 1968

"Mr Brandt 1959 Geometry." ... Jim Savage, class of 1962

"While history was his favorite subject, Mr Frank Orga was his favorite teacher. "Mr Orga was not only my teacher, but also a great leader who stepped up to coach hockey in 1973 when we had no one to coach us." ... Terry Cronin, class of 1975

"Walter Lease." ... Joanne Yokel Zucofski, class of 1978

"Tie - Walt Quinn for English and Marty Gaughan for AP History. Loved the field trip we took in the spring of Senior year to Ligonier and Fort Necessity, camping out in some cabins." ... Roy Bixby, class of 1974

"Mr Quinn - GOAT." ... Greg Joos, class of 1975

"English and Chemistry were my two favorite subjects which explains why Mr Stutz and Mr O were my two favorite teachers." ... Lisa Munsch Parey, class of 1984

This month's question is

What are your favorite memories of North?

SO .... What were your favorite memories?

Send us your answer here.

Transcript Information

Alums who need a high school transcript should note that the process has changed.

Alumni from 1939-2013 should contact Diocesan Archives at (412) 456-3158 for a copy of your transcript.

Alumni from 2014-present should go to northcatholic.org under the Alumni tab and download the request form.

Memories Available

The alumni office has some past editions of the yearbooks. If you can't find yours from senior year, we may be able to help. Not all years are available and supply is limited. Contact us here for information. NOTE: while there is no charge for the yearbook, we do ask that you make a donation to the school.

Some people who have requested yearbooks in the past year have never followed up when informed that a book was available. Those books have gone back into the archives. If you were one of those people, you will have to ask us to pull it back out of the archives.


Scroll down to learn more about the program and see the businesses taking part in this great opportunity!


You can stay on top of what's going on at your alma mater by following North Catholic on Facebook - www.facebook.com/NCForeverTrue.


Congratulations to Karly Smrekar ('14) on her recent engagement.

Congratulations to Hayley Sullivan ('12) on her engagement to Shawn Conrad.

Congratulations to Henry Pwano ('09) on his engagement to Amanda Cahill




Congratulations to Robert Ferguson ('07) and his wife on the birth of their daughter, Eliana.

Congratulations to Andrew Schacht ('08) and Cass Speicher on the birth of their daughter, Maxine.

Congratulations to Erin DiSanti ('11) and her husband on the birth of their son, Santino George.

Rest in Peace

Larry Bienemann - class of 1960 59o

Ron Steedle - class of 1972

Louis F Smykal - class of 1956

Joseph Woehrel - class of 1959

John T. Rieger - class of 1964

We were informed of the passing of Joseph Woehrel who died in November of 2021. While we have no obituary, we did want to include his photo.

While working on last month's newsletter, we included a picture from the 1964 yearbook of Tom Gregrich, however it was not Tom Gregrich. The editors of the yearbook had incorrectly labelled the photo. Tom's brother, Ron, not only pointed out our error, but also found his brother's picture.







Request for Prayers

Continued prayers for the following alumni:

Jay Attanucci ('91)

Denise Enzerra ('82)

Bob Rathke ('59)

Bill Niederst ('59)

Gary Tevis ('68)

Don Lewis ('57)

Fr. Bill Seifert ('57)

Harmer Weichel ('48)

Brooke Sturgis ('20)

William McDonough ('47) and his wife

Bruce Miller ('54)

Chuck Meharry ('88)

Kim Altman Girty ('88)

Santo Pino (59)

Alfred Camus ('57)

Edward Sommers ('64)

Jim ('61) & Rita Finn

Jim Hamm ('59)

Joe Chalovich ('70)

Jim Profozich ('59)

Vince Ranalli ('56)

Dick Turici ('59)

Ed Smith ('47)

James McMahon ('58)

Lori Sullivan ('80)

Art Heiles ('64)

Stanley Lozowski ('53)

Dave McNally ('81)

General Michael Hayden ('63)

James Brennan ('46)

Merl Bell ('52)

Dave Bauer ('57)

Francis "Fran" Janaszek ('56)

Dan Haefele ('76)

Richard Gross ('57)

Rich Bowers ('57)

Tom Neusch ('62)

Antonela Kasic ('15)

Art Costa ('60) & wife, Sandy

William Ward ('55)

Joe Fucci ('62)

Jennifer Mireles - daughter of James Peiffer ('61)

Bill Yoest ('69)

Bill Kraft ('56)

Don Donatelli ('58)

Peggy Bauer ('82)

Tom Loebig ('44)

Tim Rooney ('59)

Fred Slaney ('76)

Charles Hayes ('71)

Tom Cook ('59)

Charles Hayes from the Class of 1971 is in need of a kidney. Please keep him in your prayers. Click here to read his letter asking for help in finding a living donor. 

Let us know of any alumni who should be included in our prayers by clicking here.


The Marianist Women's Ministry would like to offer alumni and the entire North Catholic community a chance to pray for you and your intentions. The MWM gathers weekly to pray the rosary. Please click this link if you have a prayer request. While they would love to have a first name for each prayer request to make the prayers more personal, it's completely understood if you wish to keep them anonymous.

Flashback Photo

Last Month's Flashback

This is a picture from the 1966 yearbook. It was taken at the senior prom. The people are (l-r): Dave Good/Karin Martin; Al Azen/Francine Guarnaccia; Jack Burnett/Judy Lewandowski; Puff McDonald/Cheryl DiPaolo; Ed Shiring/Angie Bucci.

We got a few responses to this flashback. Larry Lucas ('66) said it was from the prom and identified John Burnett and Judy Lewandowski as king and queen. Jeff Witheral said , "that's the Queen's Court at the senior Christmas Party." Jeff also identified everyone in the photo. Dave Eisenreich ('66) misidentified classmates, but then sent a correction. He also said it was the senior prom. Bob Gierl ('66), identified classmates and dates but added this tidbit - "Karen Martin would become Mrs Tom Maier." Tom was also from the class of 66. Bob said the occasion was the Senior Dance held at McSorley's on Ohio River Blvd. Both Tom Balestreire and Jim Beran from the class of 66 commented on Bob Gierl's email. Jim Beran actually responded twice. He said that he recognized all of his classmates as well as Karen Martin and Judy Lewandowski adding that he appeared with Judy in several Mike Morris plays. However, No one was able to explain why the guys were all holding stuffed animals.

There was also confusion about the event - senior prom? Christmas dance? Dave Eisenreich was definite with his answer, "it was a Christmas dance. I was not there because my date was ill."

This Month's Flashback

So what's going on in this flashback photo? Can you name the location for the photo? How about the names of the guys and gals in the photo? What's so special about this event? Send us what you know/guess about this photo.

Send your guesses to us here.

The display case just inside the entrance to the school houses memorabilia from the school's history. There is also North Catholic apparel available.

You can check out the NC gear in the spirit shop by clicking here.

Alumni Class Notes

The Caridi Brothers celebrate a big event

It was a great gathering at Rico's to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ordination of Father Mike Caridi. Pictured (l-r): Greg ('89), Jamie ('92), Marty ('93), and Mike ('86)

Class of 1965

Walt Quinn and his grand daughter take a break from an exciting round of miniature golf.

Class of 1966

Jeff Witherel and his wife continue their travels. Here they are at Machu Pichu in Peru.

Class of 1968

James Tahey sent us some vacation photos. The first is from Bryce Canyon and the second is from Monument Valley.

Class of 1973

Nothing's better than spending time with the grand kids. Just ask Jan Rittle.

Class of 1982

It was a surprise 60th birthday party for Jim Parey at his bar, Shale's. Bob and Lisa Parey, Kevin and Beth Mudd, Bernie Kelly, Dave "Henry" Corbett, Shari Brown Buthler, Tom McConnell, and Jamie Fischer were representing North. We don't know how surprised Jimmy Parey was!

Class of 1984

It's the catch of the day for Dan Schell.

Class of 1989

Kathy Strahler Manno and her husband enjoy some time at the beach.

Class of 1992

Melissa Sosso celebrates a birthday.

Three best friends get together. That's Chris McGrath, Myles Rooney, and John Rovnan. They have been friends since freshman year at North.

Class of 1993

Michelle Cook dances with her father as he celebrates his 50th wedding anniversary.

Susan Lah Lewis sends us this photo of her family with these words, "My son Jack Lewis graduated this year from North Catholic. My daughters Mary ('19), Kelly ('22) and I are proud for Jack to join the club.

Class of 1994

Jacque Morrow and his wife enjoy the heights and the lights of Chicago.

Class of 1995

Mike Quinn rides the big blue slide on a recent visit to Pittsburgh.

Robb Duty and family enjoy a day at Fall Run Park.

Class of 1997

Sometime you just need a vacation. Just ask Gerald Stevens as he takes in the ocean air.

Class of 1999

Katy Delaney Yates and her girls enjoy fun times at the beach.

Class of 2001

Bob Jessop and his special lady attend a wedding in Colorado.

Class of 2002

Paul Bonner and Lauren Kaminski get ready for some Pirate baseball.

Fran Lamb Urmann is in her happy place with her daughter.

It's another beach vacation for TJ Cronin and family.

Sarah Lisjak Gilbert and her kids watch the fireworks on the 4th.

Tara Pagone Boyer and her girls pose for a picture at a family reunion.

Class of 2004

Maggie Kutschbach Bailey and her family are here to help her mom celebrate a birthday.

Allison Balestrino Weisnicht and her famiiy enjoy their holiday in Palos Verdes Estates, California.

Class of 2005

Nicole Aguglia Hans and her husband look on as her daughter meets her little brother after his two month stay in the NICU.

Class of 2006

Congratulations to Melanie Malloy who attended a barbecue celebrating Latino Community leaders at the Vice President's residence in DC.

Marc Gonzales and his wife say goodbye to their first house after its sale.

Class of 2007

Brandon Morris and his wife Neissa Valenti Morris pose with their kids at the beach.

Andrew Dashner and his lady friend are out for a special occasion.

Class of 2009

Jess Hartman Morris is all smiles as the school year ends and she awaits the arrival of her first child.

Nikki Surmacy Colicchio and her husband cap off a perfect vacation with a date night.

Mike Mulvey and his wife Lindsay Marshall Mulvey celebrated their 7th anniversary.

Ryan Porter enjoys being a dad.

Class of 2010

John Klocko and his wife are ready to break the bank in Vegas.

Shayla Mitrik and her beau take a break during a hike.

It's a giant bouquet of fungi that Diana Sieber holds.

Dom Massimiani and his wife hold their little one for this Baptismal photo.

Nicole Szulborski-Cusimano celebrate their wedding anniversary - where else but Disney World.

Class of 2012

Shannon Quigley is looking lovely as she heads to an outing with friends.

Pat Corcaran is all smiles as he stands with his special lady.

Hayley Sullivan poses with her fiance after she said YES.

Katie Roos finished her flight training and gets ready for the next phase of her career.

Class of 2014

Mason Guckert and his girl strike a pose for this selfie.

Jarred Fragapane is with his lady at an outing.

Class of 2020

Brendan Haggerty (in the blue) poses with a former roomate as they play a round of golf. Brendan graduates from Coastal Carolina this year.

Class of 2023

The Butler twins, Mackenzie and Michaela and their band, The Pit Crew, played at Picklesburgh earlier this July.


If you know an alum who doesn't get the newsletter and would like to receive it, send us their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.

Thanks to Marti Caridi ('83), Ron Gregrich ('77), Nicole Aguglia Hans ('05), Susan Lah Lewis ('93), Jeff Witherel ('66), Jim Tahey ('68), Shari Brown Butler ('84), Medio Monti ('75), Tom Sullivan ('81), Carmen DiGiacomo ('59), and Jim Eberz ('64) for sending information and pictures to us.

If you have news/photos you want to share with classmates, send them to alumni news.


ALL reunion updates will ALSO be available on the school's website, northcatholic.org or by clicking here!

Want to make sure you get the details for your class reunion?  

Update your contact information HERE!

Reunion News

NC Class of


NC Class of 1964

The milestone 60th Class Reunion is planned for Friday, September 13, 2024, at the North Park Skating Rink and Saturday, September 14, 2024. Spouses are invited to attend the dinner on Saturday, which will start at 5pm, location to be determined. Transportation by an NC bus will be available for anyone wishing to attend the North Catholic football game at J.C. Stone Field on Friday. The class will be honored at the game, and our champion "63" football team members will be recognized. More details to be announced.

NC Class of 1965

Planning has begun on the 60th class reunion. Bob Colbert will be leading the committee. Like the 50th reunion, the party will be held at North Catholic on Saturday, June 7, 2025, which marks the date of graduation back in 65. Bob wants you to save that date and look for more information here as details become available. If you are interested in helping with any of the details, you can contact Bob at bobcolbert@comcast.net.

NC Class of 1966

If you want a comprehensive resource organizing any reunion especially a 50th: 

           Go to YouTube on any browser

           Put “North Catholic Reunion Book” on Search bar.

Slides are shown on a 7 second interval automatically or you can scan forward using the scanning bar on the lower left, Bob Gierl can help and is available at robertcgierl@gmail.com.

Bob Gierl says the 60th class reunion will be October 15, 2025!

NC Class of 1969

Mark your calendar for a great time with old friends! A 55th Reunion is scheduled for Sunday August 11, 2024, from 3 pm to 7 pm at The Magnolia & Pine Restaurant (5018 Bakerstown Rd. Gibsonia, PA 15044, https://magnoliapine.net//). The venue has indoor and outdoor spaces so we will be all set rain or shine. Cost is $25 per person (please bring cash), including gratuity, and there will be a cash bar. Cost includes a nice selection of appetizers. Thanks to Bill Stout, Ed Porter, and Len Stidle for making suggestions and scouting out venues. Please email Joe Bradley ASAP (joe_bradley1@comcast.net) if you plan to attend or not, so he can provide a head count to the venue by Aug 1, along with any dietary restrictions so he can inform the restaurant. Spread the word to any and all NC69 classmates you stay in touch with. Feel free to bring guests; the more the merrier!

NC Class of 1974

The 50th class reunion is set for October 26, 2024. The location will be at North Catholic High School.

Ed Ober has all the information. forms, websites that you will need by clicking here.   

Additionally, Class of ‘74 Golf Event is planned for Saturday, July 27, 2024, 9AM, at North Park Golf Course. Golfers and non-golfers are welcome to participate. 18-hole scramble, $30 per person due at the course (for golfers and non-golfers). If you can’t join us on the course, stop by the golf course pavilion around 2pm for a beer and an opportunity to catch up with NC Classmates. Food and beverages can be purchased at the course concession (air-conditioned seating available). Response is needed by July 20th, 2024. Prizes will be handed out. Contact Tom for more info:Tom_radz@yahoo.com or 412-680-1954 (call or text).  

NC Class of 1984

Plans are underway for the 40th reunion. Save the date for Saturday November 23, 2024, 7pm-10 pm in the North Catholic Cafeteria. For more information, contact John “Jack” Adlesic at (412) 290-3316 or by emailing umpirejack@yahoo.com

NC Class of 1994

Plans are in the works for a 30th reunion this fall. Stay tuned for more details.


NC Class of 1999

There may be plans in the works for a 25 year reunion. We will share details when we hear more.

As we move to 2024, the classes of 1994, 1999, and 2014 are ready for reunions. Don't forget to let us know if you have details that we can post.

Scholarship News

Military Legacy Scholarship

North Catholic has a Military Legacy Scholarship in honor of all alumni who have served in our nation’s military forces. The goal is to provide a $1,000.00 scholarship annually. To date, over $30,000 has been raised to fund this annual scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to the student provided certain benchmarks are met. Every 4 years (or sooner) it is awarded to an incoming 9th grade student.

If you wish, you may make a contribution in someone's honor/memory. Donations can be made by sending checks payable to North Catholic, write "North Catholic Military Scholarship" in the memo, and mail to: 

North Catholic High School

1617 Route 228

Cranberry Township, PA 16066

ATTN: Development Office

A kiosk with the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school. Thank you for your service.

The John Latulippe Memorial Scholarship

The John Latuilippe Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Gabriel Grindstaff NC class of 2024. Thank you to all who have donated. 

Class of 1959 Scholarship

The NCHS Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund has awarded $5,200 Scholarships for the 2023-24 School Year to Mary Narvett and Mary Taggart-Snyder.

The Fund has awarded scholarships totaling $103,600 to twelve recipients since the inception of the Fund. Contributions to the Fund can be made at any time and should be sent to the North Catholic Foundation, North Catholic High School, ATTN: Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

If you would like more information about the Fund, please contact Joe Blitzko(joeyblitz@aol.com), Dick Halleran (rhalleran@verizon.net), or Mike Conroy (conroy1603@gmail.com).

Class of 1965 Legacy Scholarship

The Legacy Scholarship was set up as part of our 50th class reunion by Dan Wolovich and Wayne Young and has been under the direction of Bob Colbert and Walt Quinn for the past few years. The fund now stands at about $50,000 and growing. As we prepare for out 60th reunion we are hoping to increase this amount twofold.

The scholarship has helped students with the ever increasing cost of Catholic education. When we were at North, almost all of the tuition was paid by our parishes (remember having to face your pastor as he reviewed your report card?) Now the cost of tuition has fallen completely on the parents. Tuition for the upcoming school year is $15,850.

In order to help parents provide the great education that we received all those years ago, we need more of our classmates to step up and help keep our legacy scholarship fund growing. No contribution is too small. Big Shout Out to classmate, DAN WOLOVICH for his recent contribution. Joe McKelvey and Bill Gubanic as well as many others continue to make contributions periodically through out the year. Other classmates have continued to make small monthly contributions by setting up a monthly credit card donation (read $10 to $25). The great thing about that is it's painless and adds to the scholarship fund which continues to grow. As of the beginning of May there is $50,000 in our endowment.

We are happy to announce that this year's Legacy Scholarships for this school year have been awarded to junior MADISON SERETTI. The first semester honor roll was recently posted. Madison is an honors roll student with a GPA of 3.9 and is the daughter of NC alum, Leslie Filip ('89). Senior DONNIE SCHUBERT is a basketball player and made the high honor roll with a 3.9 GPA.  

As we begin planning for our 60th class reunion, we are looking for classmates to step up and make a contribution to the scholarship fund.

Walt Quinn and Bob Colbert meet with NC Class of '65 scholarship recipient Donnie Schubert ('25).

Walt Quinn and Bob Colbert meet with NC Class of '65 scholarship recipient Madison Seretti ('26).

Consider making a donation to the fund today!

You can send your check to the school with a notation that it's for the '65 scholarship fund; or If you would like to contribute a small monthly amount via your credit card, contact Amber Nicotra Morrison to set it up.

If you have questions about our efforts, feel free to contact Bob Colbert (bobcolbert@comcast.net) or Walt Quinn (quinn.walter@comcast.net)

Special Shoutout

John Mikulan is also donating 20% of the royalties from his book, The Bark of the Day to the fund.

Class of 1966 Scholarship

The Class of ’66, is proud to announce the selection of their third scholarship recipient, Maddie Stillwagon ('28). Maddie, Dom Dixon ('27) and Andrew Scears ('26) were selected by the committee, under the leadership of Tom Balestreire. The committee is well on its way to funding its goal of $150,000 for the Class of ’66 Scholarship Fund. The Fund will be administered by the Class in conjunction with the school. We, Tom Maier, Jim Beran, Hank Marziale, Paul Ladish, and Bob Gierl have contacted many, but if you or someone you know is wishing to be included, contact Tommy, 404.358.4864, text or call.

Hank Marziale (L) and Jim Beran (R) pose with Dom (C) earlier this year after presenting him with the scholarship.

Kathy Monti Memorial Scholarship

Special thanks to all who donated to the Kathy Hickey Monti (’75) Award. Each year the award is presented to a young woman who possesses the same leadership qualities that Kathy demonstrated in her life.   Congratulations to recipients Ava Walker (4.1 GPA), Sara Loughry (4.0 GPA) and Joleen Condle (4.7 GPA).  If you'd like to donate, please click here or checks can be sent payable to North Catholic

with "Kathy Monti Scholarship Fund" in the Memo and mailed to North

Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

NC Class of 1953 Scholarship

Thank you to all who have donated to the North Catholic Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund.  More than $31,000 has been raised. Freshman Gianna Fuller (4.3 GPA) was awarded the scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year. 

The Fund was proposed by Reg Urschler in the Spring of 2021, and an ad hoc committee was established, comprised of Reg, Charley Goetz, Bob Muth, and Vince Brogan.

The ad hoc committee urges all classmates to make new or continuing contributions to the Fund. Checks should be made payable to the “NC Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund”and sent to the attention of: Amber MorrisonNorth Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228Cranberry Township, Pa 16066.

How fortunate we were to have had the benefit of the education afforded us. What a wonderful opportunity this provides to all of us and the remaining families to "invest" in a "guaranteed return on that investment" by providing a similar opportunity to current students' futures.

Military Alumni

Thanks to many of you, our list of alumni who have served in our nation's military services has grown to almost 1,500. We thank all of you who have taken the time to help us with this endeavor. If you know of someone who should be on the list, please let us know. We will always appreciate your efforts to help us update this honor roll of our alumni.

To view our Military page on the school’s website, please click here.

Additionally, a kiosk listing the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school.

Thank you to all of our alumni for their service to our country!

News From North

School News

On June 15, the school hosted the second annual North Catholic Robotics Competition, NC/RC, presented by Armstrong. The could not have been done without the generous support from Armstrong. There were over 50 volunteers and 15 other teams from NY, OH, and PA. Each team had participated in 3 on 3 qualification matches with random alliances. Then, the top 8 seeded teams selected alliances for playoff matches. The winning alliance was captained by Team 2539, the Krypton Cougars from Hershey, PA. Their victory made them back-to-back NC/RC champs. The school looks forward to hosting NC/RC volume 3 on June 21, 2024.

Hosting this event is important to the North Catholic team because it raises STEM awareness in the community. This event also provides the opportunity to invite rising 9th graders who are interested in robotics and to host them as VIPs. The competition is always free for spectators, and the recording is available on youtube if anyone wants to check it out: https://youtube.com/live/4nD9AOg0jSw


North Catholic students had the opportunity to attend a Steubenville Youth Conference at Franciscan University. Throughout the conference, students listened to various talks given by Catholic speakers, participated in the sacraments and Eucharistic adoration, and met many other young people from around the country who share our Catholic faith.

Additionally, four North Catholic students (John Palladini, Angelica Glasgow, Alex Lopez-Foubert, and Abby Feczko) attended Franciscan LEAD the week leading up to the conference. LEAD is a five-day long retreat where students learn about leadership, evangelization, and discipleship. As a result of attending this retreat, John, Alex, and Abby stepped onto the stage at different points throughout the conference. John helped to model a small group, Abby proclaimed readings during Mass, and Alex shared a testimony with the nearly two thousand people in attendance.


The school's recent College Caravan took students to John Carroll University and Grove City College (with a quick drive-thru at Westminster College), offering students invaluable insights and opportunities to envision their academic futures.


Four North Catholic students went on retreat in Dayton Ohio with 60+ students from 11 different Marianist Schools. The students who are on this retreat are Ellie Stickle, Hannah Louise Parker, Sophia Isacco and Michael Horton.They went on the retreat not only to grow in their faith, but also to strengthen their leadership skills.


Trojan Sports

Girls Soccer

The Trojanettes will move to section 2 in class 2A. The teams in the section include Burrell, Freeport, Knoch, Shady Side Academy, and Valley.


Girls Tennis

The team competes in Class 3A, section 3 along with The Ellis School, Hampton, Highlands, Indiana, Knoch, Riverview, and Springdale.


Boys Soccer

This season, the Trojans compete in Class 2A, section 1 against Burrell, Deer Lakes, Freeport, Highlands, Leechburg, Shady Side Academy, and Valley.



Congratulations to Brady O'Hara on being named to the 2024 Trib HSSN Preseason Football All-Star Team. Read the story here.

The Trojans play in Class 3A, section 1 against Avonworth, Beaver Area, Central Valley, Hopewell, McGuffey and Quaker Valley. They open the season against Seton-LaSalle on August 23 at Dormont Stadium. Section play begins August 30 in an away game against Knoch. The first home game is September 13 against Quaker Valley. Home games are played at JC Stone Field in North Park and begin at 7:00.


You can follow the teams and enjoy the sports podcasts by visiting the website northcatholicathletics.org

Planned Giving

Planned giving is a wonderful way to prepare for the day we depart this life and enter into God's kingdom. By planning ahead, you can provide opportunities to young men and women by supporting North Catholic. Planned giving allows us to help continue the work of Christ and pass on our traditions and Catholic Marianist values. Gifts can be specified in one's will as either a dollar amount of a stated percentage of one's estate. A growing number of alumni have taken this step and discovered a great sense of joy and satisfaction that they are helping families. If you are interested in finding out more, please click here or contact Amber Nicotra Morrison in the Development Office at amorrison@northcatholic.org.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  

Luke 12:34

Donating Made Easy

Online giving to North Catholic is fast, secure and easy! 
Because tuition alone does not fully cover the cost of educating our students, we are grateful for every gift made to the Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, Scholarships and various fundraisers. Every gift benefits our students and stays at North Catholic. 
Please accept our deepest gratitude on behalf of the young men and women who will benefit most from your generosity. 

EVERY gift stays at North Catholic. 

To make a donation please click here
To make a donation from your DONOR ADVISED FUND please click here

EITC Contributions


Taxpayers can opt to have 90% of their tax liability given to North Catholic High School or the private school of their choice through the EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) Program. Funds directed to North Catholic from this program directly support scholarships for students. 


The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are two programs that can make it possible for many students to receive a Catholic education.

Interested in more information?

Contact Amber Morrison at amorrison@northcatholic.org or

by calling (412) 321-4823.

Watch this short video to learn more how easy it really is!

Click here to watch the short video!

Many thanks to our generous EITC contributors:












Keep in Touch

With over 14,000 graduates world-wide, we strive to spread as much news as we can! If you have personal news, accomplishments, ideas about topics, articles, stories or alumni profiles for our newsletter, please reach out to Newsletter Editor Walter Quinn, NC '65 at wquinn@northcatholic.org or share them with us at alumni@northcatholic.org.
 North Catholic High School
1617 Route 228 
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Thank you for your continued support!