Start of School Information
Please use the west side (southbound) parking lane on Greenlawn Avenue during drop-off and pick-up. We ask that you avoid double-parking, dropping students off on the opposite side of the street (so that they have to cross the street during busy traffic times to reach campus), and parking on the east side of the street. Pedestrian cross-traffic during school arrival and dismissal times is not safe, and limiting school-related traffic to the west/southbound side of Greenlawn Avenue is also a courtesy to our neighbors.
If your child is planning to drive to school in the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out the Student Driver Form linked below. Senior parking is on the west side of Greenlawn Avenue, between the drive-in gate and Colfax Avenue. Junior parking and senior overflow is on Esther Street starting at Jefferson heading north. This year's form is required for both repeat and first-time student drivers.
Student Driver Form
7:30 a.m. Locketeria opens
7:40 a.m. Faculty are available to meet with students
8:05 a.m. Morning Prayer
12:30-1:00 p.m. Lunch and recess
3:00 p.m. Students are dismissed to go home
Study Hall is offered each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. The first Study Hall of the year will be on Monday, August 26. When picking up your child from Study Hall, you will need to use the side door on the north side of the building (near the bike rack and up the steps) as our front office staff will not be available after office hours to let you in the front entrance of the School. Study Hall ends promptly at 5:00 p.m.
If your child is going to be late or absent, please inform the front office as soon as possible (preferably by 8:15 a.m., on the day of the absence) by emailing If your child is going to leave at any time during the day before 3:00 p.m., please have him or her bring a note signed by parents to Morning Prayer stating the time of departure, to be signed by the dean. When it is time to leave, your child will wait at the front office for you to either come inside for pick-up, or call the front office upon your arrival.
Students may take medications at school. We ask that both the medication (in its original container) and the signed parental consent (with any necessary instructions) be turned in to the office in a ziplock baggie with the family name written on it. Even non-prescription medications such as pain-relievers, cough drops, or antacids must come from home and be accompanied by a signed note giving the student permission to take them as needed.
Students may keep medication with them, but only with the express written consent of a parent. There are certain prescription medications, however, that the school reserves the right to keep in the office.
Students are asked to bring their own water bottles to school every day, as well as any eating utensils they need for lunch. The front office does not have cups or disposable eating utensils available.