Cook's United Methodist Church

August 2024 Newsletter

We exist to make followers of Jesus Christ who love God and others.

What a month! Thank you to everyone who helped make our Commitment to CommUNITY in July such a wonderful experience. There are too many to name specifically, but we had volunteers to:

  • ready the Friendship Hall and then, straighten up for next week
  • make coffee, provide donuts and provide additional goodies
  • teach/facilitate our One Room Sunday School experience and our children
  • setting individual class agendas aside to support the Cook’s Family as a whole
  • decorate and organize our 9th Annual Talent Show (and clean up for Sunday)
  • perform for and attend the Talent Show
  • provide and serve Ice Cream at our social hour
  • brought friends and family at some time during the month
  • prepared/provided something for our “Dinner on the Grounds” to close the month
  • set up, oversee, and clean up after Dinner on the Grounds
  • organize our decorations, etc., for storage in anticipation of our 10th Annual …


I’m sure I’ve not named all the roles you have filled to make our month so full of laughter and love and learning and worship. Thank you! Thank you! 


What a family God is making of us! And, I would be remiss if I didn’t encourage you – especially if you are not involved in a Sunday School class or small group – to find a group to join or create a new one, inviting others to join you as we continue to grow in our discipleship of Jesus.


Through worship and study time we’ve been reminded of the impact of a practical faith lived out in all our daily circumstances. Just some of the takeaways from scripture we considered and from John Wesley’s teaching named “The Character of a Methodist” (some new, some refreshed):

  • The root of Christianity is the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • It is only by faith in the grace of God in Christ Jesus that salvation is ours. And, faith is a gift from God, too.
  • Trusting in our capacity to be a good person to earn God’s favor is a denial of need for God and rejection of God’s grace in Christ.
  • Having a relationship with Church is NOT the same as having a relationship with Jesus.
  • A Christian pursues God in all circumstances: rejoicing no matter what, going to God first (not after we’ve tried everything else), and focuses on the things of God.
  • Those who follow Jesus discipline ourselves, saying “no” to the things that would detract and distract from our purpose in Christ and saying ‘yes’ to practicing all the things that Jesus did regardless of their cost to us.
  • Scripture calls us to walk worthy or to lead a life of faith by saying ‘yes’ to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him; walking worthy challenges us to know our worth as determined by our Creator.
  • Methodists are Christians first and we want (and seek) no other distinction, recognizing our unity with all other Christians.


Many times during the last month, we’ve discovered just how language has changed. We “talk” about God and the practice of faith in Jesus differently than John Wesley did, and that’s an understatement! Our ideas aren’t nearly so different as the way we speak about them. In the West, we most often mean (by the moniker, “Christian”) one who gives nod or ascent to the belief that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of all humankind. But what does that mean?


Let me leave you with some headscratchers I’ve learned from John Mark Comer in his book, Practicing the Way, and invite you to consider studying this book with me beginning Sunday, September 8th. (You’ll hear more about opportunities to meet, to discuss, and to pray together in the Cook’s September Newsletter.)


Do you realize that Jesus never used the name Christian? That word is used only THREE times in the New Testament and the use of the name started as a jibe or a taunt. It literally means “little Christ.” (And, Jesus never speaks of or refers to this body of beliefs as Christianity. That word is never used in scripture. Never.) 


Back to what Jesus calls us. He never used the name Christian, but we are referred to as disciples 269 times! That’s 269 times we are called apprentices to Jesus. We have some sense of apprenticeship. Electricians and HVAC servicepeople, plumbers and pharmacy technicians not only learn in a classroom setting, but they practice at the side with masters in their areas of service, master-ing for themselves the work. Artisanship like glass-blowing or metalsmithing are also apprenticeship-based livelihoods that can be learned no other way but by practicing under the tutelage of a Master. Did you now that career arenas like agriculture and hospitality are employing the apprenticeship strategy, too, so that folks can benefit from the direction of a master and not relying on learning from the mistakes all will make if we’re left to learn on our own?


In Jesus’ day, life as a disciple of any Rabbi was a life of apprenticeship. If you were called to be a disciple of any Rabbi (and said ‘yes’), you lived with that teacher, sharing table and classroom and rest and practice of life ideals day in and day out UNTIL you were ready to lead. Rabbi (in Hebrew) means ‘Great one’, but “great” refers to the volume of knowledge that Rabbi’s passed on and not about power or position. Perspective and purpose were best learned, ARE best learned by the side of one’s Master.


Take a look at these stats that John Mark Comer shares in his book, Practicing the Way citing the Pew Research agency (Gregory A. Smith) and the Barna Group researchers (American Worldview Inventory) respectively. In the U.S., 63% of people self-identify as Christians. (63% of folks believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of humanity.) Seem a little lower than you thought it would be? Well, it’s dropping all the time. When attempting to measure spirituality by using the apprenticeship strategy, the self-report drops to 4%. ONLY 4% say they are intentional about doing what Jesus did and what Jesus said do, practicing the faith like Jesus told us to forgive, to be generous, to be patient and persistent and gracious, and above all loving …


If we started using the title “apprentice to Jesus” to describe our relationship with Him, how well would you say you love God like Jesus did? Love others like Jesus did? As Jesus’ apprentice how good are you at forgiving others or even self? At being generous with your spirit or resources, especially time? Do you assume the best of others? How else will you, will we learn to love God, love others, and love self like Jesus unless we apprentice to the Master?


Samaritan Fund                

The dollars in this fund are used to help those in our community with immediate needs. The money used to fund this account comes from donations left on the altar rail during communion. 

Communion Sunday

We will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, August 4. If you will be worshipping/celebrating with us from home, please gather bread (or tortillas or crackers, etc.) and juice (if you don't have grape, any juice or liquid will suffice) enough for everyone in your household. We look forward to celebrating God's grace in this very special way.

Calendar of Events 

Worship Team, Tuesday, Aug. 6 @ 6pm (Library)

Missions Team, Wednesday, Aug. 7 @ 6pm (Library)

Finance Committee, Sunday, Aug. 11 @ 3:30pm (Lamplighters Room)

Church Council, Sunday, Aug. 11 @ 4pm (Youth Room)

Oliver Academy Parent Meeting, Monday, Aug. 12 @ 6pm (Youth Room)

Discipleship Committee, Thursday, Aug. 15 @ 5pm (Library)

Pavilion Reserved, Saturday, Aug. 17 from Noon-6pm

Men’s Club Breakfast, Sunday, Aug. 18 @ 7:45am (Youth Room)

Trustees Team, Monday, Aug. 19 @ 6pm (Youth Room)

Staff Meeting, Tuesday, Aug. 20 @ 11:45am (Library)

CareGivers Connection, Wednesday, Aug. 21 @ 1pm (Youth Room)

Oliver Academy Move-in Day & Open House, Thurs., Aug. 22 ALL DAY

Congregational Care, Wednesday, Aug. 28 @ 10:00 am (Lamplighters Room)


Wednesdays @ 7pm Choir Practice (Seekers Room)

Last 2 Wednesdays of month @ 6pm Women’s Ensemble Practice (Seekers Room)

Mondays @ 9:30am Bible Study (Youth Room)

Thursdays @ 6:00pm Boy Scouts (Youth Room & Shine Room)

Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays @ 6:00pm TKD (Friendship Hall)

Blessing of the Backpacks

A new year begins this week - at least for Wilson County Schools - and we want to take this opportunity in worship (both services on Sunday, August 4) to pray over our students, teachers, administrators, and ... well, ANYbody who's beginning a "new year." Bring your backpack, book bag, briefcase, totebag, whatever you carry! We will pray over you before sending you out with God's blessings and our support and we'll tag you with a reminder that you are loved and covered in prayer by the Cook's UMC Family.

See you Sunday!

Current Information

The most recent Newsletter, Financial Statement, 2024 Officers / Committee Members Listing, and approved Church Council minutes can be found in the literature rack in the back hallway (just outside the Friendship Hall).

Bless your heart for being so nice! Thank you for the prayer shawl and all the prayers. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. Ginny McKenzie


Dear Cook’s UMC, Thank you so much for your donation to the Mt. Juliet Help Center! We have had a very busy first quarter, distributing over 55,000 pounds of food and paying over $23,000 in utility assistance. We are so grateful for donors like you who make this possible. Your contribution to the Help Center makes a positive impact on our community, and we appreciate your support! Sincerely, Carolyn Smith, Director


Franklin; Ken Cowan; Sandra Carney’s Dad; Shirley Davis;

Tom Hughes; Carol Kraemer; Vicki Pelfrey;

Alexa Stakely; Deanna Thomas

Mission & Ministry of Cook’s UMC

Educators, Students & Administrators

Fellowship Donuts

Volunteers needed to bring donuts for our fellowship time (between first service and Sunday School). There is a sign-up sheet on the wall next to the donut table across from the coffee pots by friendship hall. 4-5 dozen needed each Sunday and must be here by 9:15am. Keep your receipt to be reimbursed by the office. Tax exempt forms available in the office.

SALT (Serving at the Lord’s Table)


CANNED BEANS (northern, pinto, black, kidney, pork & beans)

TOILET PAPER (4-roll package)


BAR SOAP (individually wrapped)


All donations can be left in totes in back hall.

Worship Team

Tuesday, Aug. 6 @ 6pm


Missions Team

Wednesday, Aug. 7 @ 6:00pm


Finance Team

Sunday, Aug. 11 @ 3:30pm

Lamplighters Room

Church Council

Sunday, Aug. 11 @ 4pm

Youth Room

Oliver Academy

Parent Meeting Mon. Aug. 12 @ 6pm

Youth Room

Discipleship Committee

Thursday, Aug. 15 @ 5pm


Parking Lot & Pavilion Reserved

Saturday, Aug. 17

Noon - 6pm

Men's Club Breakfast

Sunday, Aug. 18 @ 7:45am

Youth Room

Trustees Team

Monday, Aug. 19 @ 6pm

Youth Room

CareGivers Connection

Wednesday, Aug. 21 @ 1:00 pm

Youth Room

Oliver Academy Move-In Day

Thursday, Aug. 22

Congregational Care

Wednesday, Aug. 28 @ 10am

Lamplighters Room

Like to read?


We had such a good time chatting about "American Dirt," we decided to do it again! Join us Oct. 8 at 5:30pm to discuss Kristin Hannah's "The Women." We'll share our thoughts, questions and insights over a relaxed discussion and a tasty bite. Place is TBD, closer to the date. (Reach out to Alison Nash if you have any questions.)

Backpack Program

The Backpack program supports our neediest children. Students are supplied with food items to bridge the weekend gap during the school year. The Church at Pleasant Grove sponsors the Backpack Program for 5 schools in our area and they need help stocking their shelves. Items requested are: Instant Oatmeal Packages; Individual Mac & Cheese; Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated; Ravioli, Spaghetti-O's; Granola Bars; Fruit Cups; Applesauce; Juice Boxes (avoid those with lots of sugar). All donations can be left in the totes in back hallway.

Home Centered

Ralph & Miriam Appleby, Dot Creasman, Billie East, Gladys Pennington, Norman & Ruby Walker

Caregivers Coffee Connection

A Caregivers Support Group meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm in Cook’s UMC Youth Room. This is to offer respite, support, and connection for those who are caregivers. Our purpose is to surround each other with support and friendship as we encourage the journey of a Caregiver. If you or someone you know would benefit from a loving time of encouragement or just a place to meet and have coffee, desert and conversation please know you are welcome to meet with us. If you have any questions, call Judy at 615-417-9002.

NEXT Meeting Wednesday, August 21 @ 1pm.

Please note that for your records the church now has a PO Box.

Cook's United Methodist Church

PO Box 397

Mt. Juliet TN 37121


Please send all correspondence, contributions, etc., to the new PO Box above. This adds an extra level of security for those wishing to mail their offerings.

Are You on Facebook?

You can help us spread Cook's news! It's easy: first, be sure to "Like" Cook's Facebook page ( Then keep your eye out for announcements, inspiration, and invitations to worship. When they show up in your FB feed, "Like" or "Share" the posts. The more who do, the more people see it, even if they're not yet members and/or don't “Like” the CUMC page. Have photos from a church event or something you want to promote on social media? Send info/photos to Alison Nash or to the church office.

In Person Giving An offering plate is passed around during traditional worship service in the sanctuary and an offering basket is available at the back of the Friendship Hall during "The Well" worship service, or you can drop your offering off by the church office during regular business hours.

Online Giving You can give online at or text cumc to 73256.

Standard text message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.

Electronic Bank Draft If you are interested in this easy and convenient way of giving, please contact the church office.

7919 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet TN 37122


Sunday Schedule

8:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary), Facebook Live & YouTube

10:00am Sunday School

11:00am "The Well" Service (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube