August 2024 news from Florida Church Planters!

Naples Project Launches September 22

Over the last year Sy and Monica Huffer, Lead Planters, have been in Naples building relationships and preparing to launch a new church that will reach people primarily east of I-75.  They have been meeting their neighbors, hosting outreach events in nearby parks, meeting community leaders, and inviting people to join them on this journey.  The anticipation is building as they prepare to launch weekly services at The Gathering: A Christian Church on September 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Cypress Palm Middle School!

For the last few weeks the church has been hosting pre-launch services and the momentum is growing.  Please join us in praying that God will draw hundreds of people to this new church and that they will come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Check out more about The Gathering

Florida Church Planters and GCMI Partnership for Miami

While the city of Miami is home to half a million residents, the metro area of Miami is just over 6 million people. Forty-two percent of those living in metro Miami were born outside of the US in nations including Cuba, Colombia, Haiti, Brazil, and Venezuela and other locations throughout Latin America. Miami is also home to significant Jewish communities, Middle Eastern peoples, and Hindu and Muslim South Asians. As a secular city, nearly half of Miami residents never attend religious services of any kind.

Last year, a conversation began when Jeff Swearingen, Executive Director of Florida Church Planters, and Chris Marsden, Director of Ministry Dynamics at Global City Mission Initiative, crossed paths at a ministry event. The conversation continued over the next year. Last Spring, as they met together in St. Petersburg it became clear that a partnership was well underway. Both ministries share a deep desire to see the gospel advance in the metro area of Miami. Over the next year or so, FCP and GCMI will be working together to discover & mobilize catalytic church planters to serve the incredibly diverse communities of Miami. We hope to see work begin on the ground by 2026.

Join us in prayer as we begin this new partnership, seeking to mobilize missionary church planters and to have impact in the greater Miami Metro area. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out here.

Coming Soon

Our next plant will be a Spanish-speaking congregation in Cutler Bay, FL. Cesar and Gisella Salinas will be leading this plant. For the last year Cesar and Gisella have been doing a residency with our Naples plant, and in December they will be moving to Cutler Bay, which is located in south Miami/Dade county. We have been given an existing building to launch this new church in.  

Cesar is currently raising funds to renovate the building and start the new church. If you would be interested in talking to Cesar about making a financial investment in this new church, contact FCP

You Can Make a Difference!

Your support of Florida Church Planters makes it possible for us to continue to plant churches that are making a difference in their communities.  God is giving FCP a number of opportunities for future church plants, but we need your help to continue to make a difference and spread the hope of Jesus throughout Florida.  You can give here anytime.  Just choose “Church Planting” in the drop down menu.  Your gift will make an eternal difference in the lives of people who find hope in Jesus through one of our church plants.

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