The Onward Oceanside team has compiled responses to what they anticipate will be the final community survey on General Plan Update Phase 2. The survey engages community members on key values, priorities, and concerns. Survey responses indicate general alignment of community sentiment and the policy direction outlined in the updated General Plan and supportive documents. While there remains considerable concern about future growth and change, there appears to be strong support for focusing growth and change in the City’s major commercial corridors, and, in turn, protecting open space, farmland, and established residential areas.
The results of the survey can be accessed here. Note that at the bottom of the response graphs, the Onward Oceanside team has expressed a number of takeaways. They will share these takeaways with decision-makers as part of the upcoming public hearing process.
Thank you to those who took the time and made the effort to respond to the survey. Nearly 140 responses were received, and additional comments from respondents offered many thoughtful perspectives and ideas. These comments will be compiled and posted to the project webpage ( by August 10th.
Reminder: The public comment period for project deliverables and the Draft EIR closes next Monday, August 5th. These materials can be accessed on the project website or on the Planning Division’s CEQA webpage.