Issue 2 Volume 1 August 2024

Strengthening the lives of at-risk youth and young adults so they may be mentally healthy and receive needed mental health programming and support.

Hello Mary Jo,

Life can be messy, but we’re learning there are multiple ways to live, move and work through it.

One short year ago, we established Meg’s Legacy of Hope, choosing the lotus flower as our symbol of hope and strength. The beautiful, delicate lotus grows in muddy waters but rises above it, signifying resilience.

The mission at Meg’s Legacy is to help in providing such hope, strength and resilience to young people needing mental health assistance. Through your generosity in our first year, we are funding four amazing organizations with programs that directly support teens and young adults to get the counseling and attention needed to live mentally healthy lives.

Impacting the lives and mental health of our younger generation is in reach.


Larry Butz

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Wow! So much was accomplished in our first year, thanks to your generosity.

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This is a 100% volunteer organization. Your gifts and donations are being put to work to efficiently fund the mission of mental healthiness.

Grants of $122,000 were awarded to Chicago-area not-for-profits addressing mental health and suicide prevention for teens and young adults, especially those at-risk and without resources to get needed mental health support. 

Here’s a snapshot of the programs at our four grant recipients:

Barrington Youth and Family Services - Drop-in counseling is being expanded to the middle schools to help students develop coping skills earlier. Our funds are also assisting to bring a new counseling program to Harper College, including a bilingual counselor.

Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute - We are funding a mental health program for young children dealing with grief caused by trauma - whether it be a death, loss of stability, family separation or other struggles.

Partners for Our Communities, Skyward Bound Program - Our grant continues to provide 250 hours of clinical therapy and mental health services for students ages 14-22 at high-risk for suicide.

St. Anthony’s Hospital - We support a School-based Mental Health Program (SMHP). Counseling is in place in six underserved partner schools in downtown Chicago, providing on-site individual therapy for children, plus crisis interventions when needed. PATH Program, which we also support, is a new pediatric and adolescent stand-alone clinic. 

Barrington Youth and Family - Betsy Wintringer, Executive Director, and Board Members

POC - Kathy Millin, Executive Director, and Lisa Hanson Braun, Director of Advancement, and team members

Chicago Psychoanalytic - David Brooks, President

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Here at Meg’s Legacy, we think it’s important to be a voice to destigmatize mental health issues. We begin by featuring an educational article in our newsletters, and this one is timely for all parents with college-aged children.


College visits can be both exciting and daunting. Parents and teens look at a variety of factors to determine which college might be the best fit. An important topic typically overlooked while selecting a school is the availability of mental health resources. 

During campus visits, there may be a brief mention of the counseling center, which reassures parents that if their child ever has a need, help is “readily available.” The unsettling truth is that college counseling centers are more overwhelmed and understaffed than ever. It’s not unusual for students to wait weeks to get in, and when they do, they are limited to the number of sessions they can have per semester or per school year. 

Dr. Beth Sherman, Psy.D. is an ambassador at Meg’s Legacy and shares this helpful article.

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Thanks to so many supporters for celebrating the One-Year Anniversary of Meg's Legacy of Hope on June 27th at Phase Three Brewery!

The huge turn-out of more than 200 attendees was so gratifying and humbling! It’s a true testament that our shared mission to improve mental health for youth is an important goal that binds our community together.


We raised $11,000 at the event- thank you for your donations! A great night was had by all. We look forward to hosting more fun, casual events like this to support mental health.

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We want you to meet more of our integral team of volunteers and get a bit of insight into their involvement and passion for Meg’s Legacy of Hope.

Susan Stoga

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Kerry Miller

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Meg's Legacy of Hope is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Golf Outing and Dinner which is on Monday, September 9, 2024, at Hawthorn Woods Country Club.

You can still support our mission even though golf and dinner tickets are already sold out! Become a sponsor or donate by clicking here:

If you have items to donate for our silent or live auction, let us know. It could be a vacation offering, fun experience package, or unique gift. We would greatly appreciate your contribution.

Please contact our Golf Co-Chairs with any questions: Sophie Butz and Kerry Miller, at

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We are excited to announce our new grant cycle will be open in August! Meg’s Legacy will accept and review grant requests from organizations in the Greater Chicago area. All submissions will be made via a new online portal this year.

If you know of any non-profit programs that serve youth in counseling or mental health, please tell them about us! We would love to consider supporting them. For any questions or suggestions, please email us at

Stay tuned and check out our website for details and deadlines.

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