In this edition of ENews:
- Bishop Megan and Missioner Mack Tour New LDS Temple
- Regional Discernment Group Training
- Episcopal Foundation Announces Grant Recipients
- Commission on the Environment Receives $25,000 Grant
- Season of Creation Begins September 1
- Best Skills Best Churches Registration Open
- Help the fire victims in Hawai'i
- Anniversary of Martin Luther King's March on Washington
Are You Ready for A Disaster?
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Bishop Megan and Missioner Mack join Dignitaries on private tour of New LDS Temple in Yuba City | |
Left: Exterior of the New Feather River Temple. Right: Robert D. Howell, Interfaith Relations for LDS Church, Elder Ahmad Corbitt, General Authority Seventy of LDS Church, Bishop Megan, Missioner Mack. |
Last Friday, August 18, Bishop Megan and Missioner for Church Life Mack Olson joined with Civic and Religious Leaders from the Yuba Sutter area to tour the newly completed LDS Feather River Temple. The temple will be dedicated on Sunday, October 8, 2023, in two sessions. Once dedicated, the temple will only be open to Latter Day Saints.
Episcopalians and Latter Day Saints often work side by side during times of disaster, and the tour proved both informative and helpful to strengthen connections between our faiths.
The 41,655-square-foot structure is located at 1470 Butte House Road in Yuba City. A new adjacent meetinghouse and distribution center will meet the needs of Latter-day Saints throughout the area.
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Calling Listeners
I am a Spiritual Director and get to ask fun questions like, “where was God in that situation for you?” People then tell their stories. Often people say profound truths in our sessions. However, they rarely hear their own wisdom. People will speak a profound utterance but not hear what they said. This is one reason we need other people. We cannot see ourselves clearly. So, we need to act as mirrors for other people so they can hear themselves. This is one reason why we practice Discernment with other people. We need others to help us to see what is happening in our hearts and lives. One of the greatest gifts you can give your community is to listen. Deeply listening acts as a mirror to help people see themselves. Surprising insights happen when we share with others.
I am asking people with the gift of listening to lend your gifts to the Diocese. We need listeners, especially those who listen with the Holy Spirit. The Diocese needs you to use your gift of Spiritual Discernment to help identify new clergy. We are asking you to join groups that listen and recognize God’s movement in others. We need to form Regional Discernment Groups (RDG) for people who are discerning a calling and need a team to help clarify the calling. RDGs attempt to recognize the will of God for the Church and for the discerner. Please contact me at if you are interested in joining in this holy work.
— The Rev. Anny Genato
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Episcopal Foundation of Northern California Announces Grant Recipients
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Last week the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California announced the recipients of their Foundation Grants and Mustard Seed Grants. Congratulations to all the recipients, and thank you to the Foundation for your generosity.
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Foundation Grants ($102,958)
St. Luke's, Auburn | $4,046
For the "Growing Back Green" greenscaping project
St. George's, Carmichael | $6,000
For upgrading the church signage
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Sacramento | $5,000
For the homeless respite center, Wednesday dinners, and The Burrito Project
St. John's, Chico | $12,000
For the replacement of playground equipment
St. Francis, Fortuna | $2,500
For an energy audit and facility needs assessment
St. Timothy's, Gridley | $3,776
For improvements to it's newly-opened community garden
St. James, Lincoln | $3,500
For the purchase of an electronic hymnal system
Holy Trinity, Nevada City | $5,000
For the 15oth anniversary celebration, advertising for Sunday Compline service
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St. John's, Petaluma | $3,805
For the Godly Play Children's Ministry
St. Clement's, Rancho Cordova | $10,300
For an energy assessment and a smart board
St. Peter's, Red Bluff | $5,480
For "Energy-Saving" Project
The Center at St. Matthews, Sacramento | $11,500
For a comprehensive energy audit, and comprehensive tree care services
Incarnation, Santa Rosa | $5,300
For supplies for the children's choir
St. Stephen's, Sebastopol | $16,000
For the "The Playground" project and ADA parking spots and walkway
Epiphany, Vacaville | $8,701
For the "Community Meals" program
Mustard Seed Grants ($950)
St. Peter's, Red Bluff | $450
For materials for monthly Spanish services
The Belfry, Davis | $500
For their front yard transformation
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Commission on the Environment Awarded $25,000 Grant for Carbon Neutrality Proposal | |
Episcopal Diocese of Northern California, Commission on the Environment was just notified they will receive a Grant of $25,000 for their proposal: Answering the Call for Climate Justice: Planning for Carbon Neutrality by 2030. Congratulations! | |
Seeking to support creative and long-term eco-ministries, The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on the Care of Creation and Environmental Racism selected 12 new grant recipients, approved by the church’s Executive Council during its June meeting.
In 2022, The Episcopal Church’s General Convention allocated funds to the task force to continue supporting local and regional eco-ministry efforts, recognizing “care of creation and environmental justice as integral and ongoing parts of the church’s loving, liberating, and life-giving work.”
Led by the Rev. Stephanie Johnson, chair, and Alexizendria Link, vice-chair, the task force continues the work of past trienniums with working groups on grants, worship and liturgy, storytelling, and more.
Read the entire story here.
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News From Fallen Leaf Lake:
Peggy & John Cecchettini, who live in Placerville, visit the chapel at Fallen Leaf at least once a summer, as they were married at the chapel on July 23, 1966 and love it as we all do. Along with a generous donation to the chapel on the occasion of their 57th wedding anniversary, they provided two photographs, below.
The photograph taken on their wedding day in 1966 documents what appears to be a cloth drapery behind the altar, which now is unadorned and simply beautiful wood. I have never seen the drapery and found that really interesting. Perhaps it was a style “of the day” in the 60s? :)
– Ruth Rich, St. Francis of the Mountains
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Peggy & John Cecchettini today, and on their wedding day at St. Francis of the Mountains at Fallen leaf Lake. | |
We have only a few posters left!
To mark the 100th Anniversary of St. Francis of The Mountains we are offering a limited number of posters for sale.
Designed by Alan Rellaford, based upon a photograph by Ruth Rich, the poster is designed to capture the spirit of WPA-era posters created for the National Park System.
Each poster is a high-quality giclee print on archival paper. The size is 12 x 18 inches. The print run is limited to 100 pieces.
A limited number of posters are available at Fallen Leaf Lake for a suggested donation of $50 plus shipping. All proceeds benefit St. Francis of the Mountains.
For an additional charge, we will be able to ship a poster to you. Please contact Alan Rellaford at for more information.
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Help for Hawai'i
To date we have received 56 individual and/or church/diocese donations towards the disaster in Maui totaling $12,840. Thank you for all who have given to help our friends in need.
We are still receiving checks and online donations!! The need is great.
Give Now: 100% of your gift will go to disaster relief.
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Don't miss the opportunity to join
Best Skills Best Churches
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This exciting program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.
This is a six-month program with classes held one weekend a month on Friday night (6:00pm – 9:00pm) and Saturday morning (9:00am – 12:00pm.). There are 6 courses that will consist of 2 classes per course (Fri & Sat).
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
Remembering The March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech 60 Years Later | |
It has been 60 years since 250,000 people marched on Washington to raise their voices for social justice, the end of segregation, fair wages, economic opportunities and the right of full citizenship, and Dr. King gave his prophetic speech at the Lincoln Memorial.
On August 28, 1963 he delivered his “I have a dream” speech.
Link to transcript of the speech–
The Episcopal Church has prioritized mobilizing our faith community to work together to build the Beloved Community–to tell the truth about racism and its harmful impact on our communities, to proclaim the dream of a community without the inequities and harm created by racism, to grow in our capacity to love each other the way Jesus wants us to love, and to engage in our communities to address inequities created by racism.
This long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation and justice invites all of us, as followers of Jesus, to get involved with our communities, and to live more fully into our Baptismal promises.
For more information about The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to building the Beloved Community, please see the resources provided at
In the Diocese of Northern California there are resources available to support our congregations:
The Commission for Intercultural Ministries. Its Mission is “Striving to reflect the diversity of heaven by living into the long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice of the Beloved Community in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California.” For more information see the Commission for Intercultural Ministries’ webpage on the Diocesan website.
Sacred Ground Circles and “I Will With God’s Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice” workshops. For more information about these formation opportunities, see the Racial Healing and Reconciliation Training and Sacred Ground Dialogue Circles webpage on the Diocesan website.
Miriam Casey
Co-Chair, Commission for Intercultural Ministries
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Registration for "I Will With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice" Now Open! | |
This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be more loving toward our neighbors. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth. | |
* This workshop meets the requirement for licensing in the Diocese.
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Commission on the Environment | |
Did You Know?
The Season of Creation Begins September 1
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The Season of Creation, September 1 through October 4, is celebrated by Christians around the world as a time for renewing, repairing and restoring our relationship to God, one another, and all of creation. The Episcopal Church joins this international effort for prayer and action for climate justice and an end to environmental racism and ecological destruction. The 2023 theme is Let Justice and Peace Flow. In celebrating the Season, we are invited to consider anew our ecological, economic, and political ways of living. (source: The Episcopal Church, Creation Care webpage.)
Learn more about The Episcopal Church’s resources for the Season of Creation.*
Here is a brief video that highlights the urgency of the climate crisis and the invitation for us to work together to care for creation, for justice and peace to flow. Prepare for Season of Creation 2023: Let Justice and Peace Flow
— Miriam Casey | Commission on the Environment |
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* Important Note from Bishop Megan: the additional non-biblical texts that are offered may not be used as a substitute for any of our scriptural readings. They can be added in and read in addition to our usual lectionary or shared at the homily time. | |
Deadline for Proposed Resolutions is Monday, September 4
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Missioner for Disaster Resilience | |
Are You Ready for the Next Disaster? | |
Saturday, September 16
10 am – 3 pm
St. John's Church, Roseville
Free and In-person only
| How ready are you for a disaster? Join us for a series of workshops and exhibits by representatives from law enforcement, fire, utilities and other organizations. | |
Missioner for Church Life | |
Monthly Evangelism Gatherings on Zoom
The Last Wednesday of Every Month at 5:00 PM
Mark your calendars! Our next evangelism gathering is coming soon, on Wednesday, August 30 at 5pm. Each month, we gather on Zoom to discuss evangelism resources, share evangelism success stories, and address evangelism challenges. Everyone is invited to attend. The Zoom link to attend is here. Also, be sure to check out the Evangelism Resources on our diocesan website, where you’ll also be able to find recordings of past monthly gatherings.
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October 14, 2023, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Webinar/Workshop: Contemplative Practices & Well-Being | The Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner
Sponsored by Province VIII Health & Healing Ministries Network and Dioces of Northern California Partners in Ministries of Health
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Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Encore Living Retreat | Led by Rev. Sam Shafer | Church of Our Savior Placerville
Register by sending an email to
with “ Encore Retreat” in subject line.
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Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Saint Paul’s | Sacramento is seeking a Director for Hope's Space – a healing ministry funded through donations and a grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. Read the Position Description Here. | |
Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here. | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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