Volume 71 - August 2020

4th Ward Newsletter
Commissioner Lisa Borowski
Good morning, Ward 4!

Over July and August, the BOC only meets twice. We did have a special meeting via Zoom this past Monday (17th) to receive new information about and consider a vote to fund an emergency stormwater project (details appear below) but we are not scheduled to meet again until September 14. So I don't have an upcoming meeting to report on.

But, there is time-sensitive info to share (Earles Lake for one & return of students to Villanova's campus) and some updates to the section regarding COVID-19 resources (denoted by NEW) . I also want to respond to the many emails I have received from residents looking for my position on some of the commentary from some of my Commissioner colleagues over the past few weeks. I will be brief, because there are more important issues to address.

I firmly believe in the 1st Amendment, especially the right to free speech. Commissioners are no different than the public when it comes to free speech. Social media gives everyone (including myself) a quick public platform, but it is just that, a platform. No one Commissioner has the power to make anything happen without bringing it to a BOC public meeting and securing 4 votes. How members of the Board use the communication platforms available to them is their choice. They need to assess what they think their neighbors want and need to hear, how what they share reflects on them and those they represent and advocate for, and how it can/can't impact the ability of the Township to do business or make decisions.

Ultimately, I have to work with my Board colleagues, but I work for the residents of Radnor Township and most importantly, my neighbors in Ward 4. Residents need to keep in mind that, on the issues, no one Commissioner speaks for the Board unless authorized to do so by a majority vote or consensus and no one Commissioner represents the opinion of the entire Board. All commentary outside a formal meeting is an exercise of free speech. Our public meetings are where meaningful discussion takes place and decisions are made in collaboration with our staff and the public.

Now, on to important business of our community. I hope everyone is well, staying safe, washing your hands and masking up!

Have a great week!


P.S. I'd like to give a special shout out once again to our Public Works team who went above and beyond to clean up large branches left in the streets after the last storm. You guys ROCK! Also, please do not put yard waste in plastic bags (nor recycling) - yard waste will not be picked up in plastic and recycling in plastic will end up in regular trash.
Important Info
Earle's Lake Update
I've written about the situation with the Lake and associated dam which created the lake many times. I apologize for the length of this piece, but I want everyone to know what I know.

The dam has fallen into disrepair and the owners, Green Countrie Village (GCV), have been working with the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - Division of Dam Safety, to find a solution. This was one of the first Ward issues brought to my attention before I was even sworn in. With several homes beneath the dam and adjacent to the spillway/creek which drain the dam, and the township infrastructure which conveys the creek to Darby Creek (including a culvert under a township road) failure of the dam could be catastrophic.

Most recently, GCV submitted a plan to breach the dam and drain the lake. The Township, led by Steve Norcini, Township Engineer, has provided review of the plan which raise many, many questions and concerns. DEP has acknowledged receipt of these concerns as well as concerns from the Radnor residents living adjacent to the dam.

Last Saturday (8/15), neighbors noted individuals on the lake with floating traps. Apparently, before any breach can take place, a "salvage" effort to collect endangered red-bellied turtles from the lake must be completed. No one was was notified and apparently the PA Game Commission has stated this work needs to happen before any breech. This led us to believe a breach might be happening sooner rather than later.

On a call earlier this week, Township Manger Bill White, Steve Norcini, and myself were notified that the Division of Dam Safety is in negotiation with GCV to move forward with a controlled, partial breach of the dam. This could happen as early as October. The timeline has been severely accelerated.

Everyone agrees the dam is in very bad disrepair - honestly, every time it rains, I worry about the neighbors who live below it. GCV as the owners of the dam were given the choice of repair or breach. They have obviously chosen breech, as repair and ongoing maintenance in perpetuity would be expensive. What I am most concerned about is what will be left behind. When I asked that question, the response was (in summary) a muddy wetland area which would retain the sediment which rests on the bottom of the lake because that sediment can not be released into the Darby Creek.

There are still a few steps which have to occur, but I am starting to feel a breach is inevitable. The DEP is driving this work to protect residents from a dam failure. I am pressing to have DEP, in some way, compel GCV to have a plan for how the area will be maintained. I realize it could be left for nature to take its course, which will happen, and DEP expects a natural stream will start to form and wetland plants will grow. But, it will need remediation and I have little to no confidence in GCV to work with residents to address any issues that arise once the lake is drained. I am concerned about standing water, mosquitoes, smell, displaced wildlife, and I'm sure there are a bunch of other things I have not thought of (if you have thoughts, please share). I have stated to DEP this is not a lake in an uninhabited area - it is in the middle of a residential community and they need to have a plan to address quality of life issues that may arise from draining a huge lake that has been around for 100 years.

The Township has reached out to Newtown Township and I have reached out to one of their Supervisors to try and coordinate. The Township is doing what it can with a focus on how this might impact residents. Again, there are still a lot of steps in the process, but it would appear DEP has made this a priority. As I have more information to share, I will. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up as this seems to be moving forward pretty quickly.
Board of Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners will hold it's next regularly scheduled meeting - Monday, September 14 at 6:30 p.m. The agenda and meeting packet can be accessed here by COB on Wednesday, September 9.

The meeting will be held in the Radnorshire Room with safety precautions in place to comply with the "green phase". Please note these precautions include limiting the number of attendees in the room. This will be carefully monitored. If you plan on attending for public comment, please consider there may be others there to do the same thing and people may be rotated in and out in order to accommodate all those who want to attend. You will need to have your temperature taken when entering the building and wear a mask, please.

The meeting will be aired live on Comcast Cable Channel 5 and Verizon FiOS Channel 30 and posted on the Radnor YouTube Channel.

At the August 10 meeting, the BOC;
  • Was presented a flawless 2019 Audited Financial Statements & Auditor's Report . There were no deficiencies and the BOC accepted the report with the sincere thanks to our Department of Finance & CARFAC members who provided invaluable assistance. Read the resolution here & I have the full copy if anyone would like to see it - I'm glad to drop it off. It is interesting to note that not so many years ago there were more than 30 deficiencies noted in the audit report - what a great job!
  • Approved the Shade Tree Commission's Fall Planting Program. You can get a 6-10 foot tree, planted for only $35 and your cost to water - sign up here.
  • Approved two emergency storm water projects. A third required a special meeting to share more information - details below.
  • Introduced an amendment to the noise ordinance to address construction noise - it is still under consideration and I have learned a few more things since our meeting last week - stay tuned on this one.
  • Approved beginning the process for issuing a bond to support storm water infrastructure improvements. Next up will be a discussion of prioritizing projects. We currently have $15 million in engineered and ready to go projects. We will never be able to fund them all in this round. Personally, I believe we need to look at areas where individual safety are most at risk, followed by property. We also need to work collaboratively with the impacted communities.
  • Approved a resolution encouraging all Radnor citizens to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Yes, it is non-binding, but as leaders we need to lead.
  • Tabled approving an electronic recycling and paper shredding event for November 7, 2020 to secure additional information! Since then I've had several people ask about when we will have it - hopefully it will be approved at our September meeting. In the meantime, a few years ago the Township entered into an agreement with a group who will come pick up a variety of items - you can learn more here.
Ward 4 Happenings
Township Services & Infrastructure Report
You can view the report for the upcoming week here.

Ward 4 Commissioner's Corner
Thanks to Ward 4 resident extraordinaire, Haley Erdlen, for taking the time to help Ward 4 residents remain informed. Thanks also to Main Line Network for continuing to move forward and make these happen via Zoom! Here is the latest edition of the Commissioner's Corner.

Villanova Students Return to Campus
I will not rehash all we know. The University went into the reopening with a plan (they even shared it with residents who inquired before it went public) focused on managing students in the face of a pandemic and still providing an education. There are no perfect answers and students will need to realize the virus still exists - even in their college bubble (and I say that as the mother of a college junior). For a disease process which just showed up 7 months ago, we have learned a lot, continue to learn, and have a long way to go.

Villanova's response has included putting "boots on the ground" to reach out to those who live in homes in our community. No one knew how this would go until inserting the unknown element (students) into the plan. Well, now they know.

Some of you may have seen the posts about the partnership with our Radnor Police as they go door to door notifying students of the no tolerance policy. But, no one can be everywhere at once. So, if you see something that is concerning (house parties, etc), contact Radnor PD. Villanova has stated "there is no room for error" and shared with me that some students have already been sent home for violating the policies. (Photo creds to Radnor Police - I stole it from their Facebook page)

Villanova's is engaging in transparent communications. They are creating an on-line dashboard to report COVID-19 related information once they have a full week of classes in the books. Information about current policies can be found here. The most recent message to students from Father Peter, University President, can be found here.

Fall Tree Planting Program
I mentioned it above - but here is a great chance to get a 6-10 foot street tree for only $35! Special thanks to the Shade Tree Commission for their hard work on this program and for putting a lot of thought into the program and reserving trees for planting in many areas around town - and for continuing the beautification of Wayne. Learn more here.

Robinhood Road - Emergency Stream Bank Project
While this issue is most evident and was an immediate threat to 790 Robinhood Road, left unaddressed it would certainly impact other areas of the neighborhood, those downstream, and township infrastructure. An emergency project was approved to help temporarily stabilize the stream bank which had eroded to the foundation of the house at 790 Robinhood. What was discussed and approved at the August 17 emergency meeting of the BOC (via Zoom) was approval for engineering work for a permanent fix under a DEP emergency permit to stabilize the stream bank. Steve Norcini and staff presented information requested by BOC members comparing the cost effectiveness of repairing the bank vs. obtaining the home. After seeing that information, the BOC approved moving forward with engineering for the project. We expect to have information at our September meeting to get this project moving before winter.
News of Interest
Radnor Memorial Library
Grab & Go is here! The library is again open for visitors with mask and social distancing guidelines in place. Limited, in-person service with 20-30 minute visits starts on Monday, August 24. Contactless pickup will also continue. Check out it out here.

New Township Website - Help with Redesign!
Several months ago, the BOC approved a contract for a new web platform which is more user friendly. You can help with the redesign - tell us what you want to see, what would be useful, and how it can be best accessed. Participate in the survey here. Let's make this a true community effort!

Services for Seniors
If you or someone you know is in need of a hand up to deal with all the emotional and social issues being faced during this pandemic or need some assistance maintaining food security, the Wayne Senior Center has several programs to help. Learn more here or contact them at 610-688-6246 or email them at [email protected].

2020 Election
Sign up now to receive your mail-in or absentee ballot. Don't forget about those college students! Sign up at VotesPA.com.

2020 Census
Don't forget to stand up and be counted. I'm pretty sure the deadline has been extended to October. You can participate in this important event here.

The Willows Great Slate Challenge
Still raising funds! Help bring this Township jewel back to her former glory as a gathering place for the community. Get your own slate here.

Main Line Network - TV
Stay in touch with what's happening in our community. Link to their YouTube channel here.
You can also check out the latest edition of Ward 4's own Anne Minicozzi's "Have Your Say" here.

Hazardous Household Waste Collection
Delaware County is hosting two more events this year - on September 12 & October 17. Learn more about locations and items which will be accepted here.
Make a Difference
Wayne Food Pantry Food Drive
Mark your calendars - Saturday, September 19 - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. In collaboration with Devon Scout Troop 50 there will be another food drive with 2 locations - the Township parking lot on S. Wayne Ave & St. Matthews Church, 600 Walker Road, Wayne. This will be a drive through drop off. Last May a similar drive in one location collected 15 tons of food! Let's top it! Donate to the Wayne Food Pantry at the Wayne United Methodist Church - learn more here.

CommUNITY Breakfast Has Gone Virtual
The breakfast may have gone virtual, but the need to share information and grow to a place where all forms of discrimination are replaced by an inclusive society is more real than ever. Join this program and help support the event which will be held on Wednesday, September 16 - 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.. You can read more and donate here.

Support for Victims of Severe Flooding
The Darby Creek Valley Association (full disclosure: I am a board member) has issued a challenge grant to support recovery work happening in the Eastwick community so devastated by flooding during the recent tropical storm. DCVA will be matching up to $1500 which will go to the Eastwick Friends & Neighbors Association who are helping neighbors who have lost everything. If you would like to help use this link Eastwick Flood Relief.

Delaware County Citizen Corps
Join the Delaware Count Citizen Corps volunteers and support countywide preparedness and response. Volunteers attend important training on disaster mental health, emergency and disaster response, public health preparedness, and more. Learn more here. Training is free!
COVID - 19 Information & Resources
Support Radnor Businesses!
Shop & eat in Radnor to support our local businesses! Let's not let up or let them down! Learn more here.

Delco Trail Guide
Everyone is looking for a good way to get out of the house! Check out this brand new web page and trail guide to find great places to take a stroll or hike in Delco. Our own Radnor Trail is there front & center! Check it out here.

Delaware County COVID-19 Resources
I'm trying to keep a running list of all resources - most recent information will always be at the top of the list after the health department info.
  • NEW!! Stay in the Green information - this site now includes a weekly breakdown of new cases over a four week period to see trends (click on school district info link). For those who look, you will see over the past 4 weeks, Radnor has doubled its number of cases and overall percentage. Mask up!!
  • COVID-19 Community Testing Site Finder - Delco
  • Continue to access updated Delco COVID-19 information through the Chester County Department of Health here
  • COVID-19 questions can be addressed to the Chesco Health Department at (610) 344-6225
  • Delaware County Chamber of Commerce has put together a great map for restaurants offering take out and delivery - find it here and support our local businesses

Township COVID-19 Resources

Additional Resources

Steps to Protect Yourself & Others
Wear a mask! Wash your hands! Keep our numbers in check!
Not getting this newsletter and/or have friends who would like to?
Send an email to [email protected] and I will sign you up!
Lisa Borowski | Ward 4 Commissioner | 610-547-7537 | [email protected] | lisabward4.org