Here's What's Happening August 24, 2022

Welcoming Two Bridges Wine, Beer & Spirits Trail


For more information   

 Click HERE

Congratulations to Sneakers & Spokes 

Please join us in congratulating Mike Fraser, owner of Sneakers & Spokes in Woodstown on 7 wonderful years in business. The business's anniversary is actually today.

For more infromation       Click HERE

Chemours News

Chemours recently updated their Corporate Reponsibility Statement, it is available via the link below:

Recently, Chemours President and CEO Mark Newman spoke with Jim Cramer on CNBC's Mad Money about the company’s record-setting Q2 performance and how they are delivering innovative and sustainable solutions. From #semiconductors to the #hydrogeneconomy to more sustainable thermal management solutions, Chemours chemistry is part of a cleaner, better future.

Friday Night - Dave Boucher Live at the Elks Lodge in Penns Grove

For more information     Click HERE

Wind Port Project Update


In our regular meeting with the NJEDA, the following project update was provided for the Wind Port Construction project in LAC.

Currently there are 80 workers during the day and an additional 40 who work overnight.

NJEDA purhased 110 acres at $24.25 million from PSEG Nuclear, which enables Phase 2 of the project. 

NJEDA is currently in the process of identifying potential road improvement projects in Salem County to allow smoother access to the site.

An MOU has been issued for NJEDA to assist in funding the Salem County Office of Economic Development.

Atlantic City Electric is currently consulting to add a 13 mile line extension from the nearest substation to the Wind Port.  Although the site is adjacent to PSEG, electricity is supplied by Atlantic City Electric.

Parcel A of the project is 20% completed - soil strengthening & squeezing the water out of the soil.

Phase 1 of the concrete piles are complete.

Phase 1 dredging is nearing completion.

Demolition of the old bulkhead is complete.

Mechanical dredging begins in early September.

The Oldman's Creek pile fabrication facility is underway.  Piles will float down the Delaware to the Wind Port by barge.

For more detail visit

End of Summer Sale At Norman's Hallmark, Pilesgrove


#SALEALERT: Save an Additional 25% off the Lowest Ticketed Price in our Sale Aisle! Stop in and help us make some space for new product!

Exclusions apply. In stores only. #normanshallmark 

Stop in our Woodstown location 

Acme Shopping Center 

Carolyn Crisafi

Store Manager I Norman's Hallmark

Store 103

Salem County Humane Society Seeks Donations For Annual Fundraiser
American Red Cross Blood Drive Locations


Upcoming American Red Cross blood drives in Salem County with available appointments in June and July include:

Tuesday September 6, 12 - 5 p.m. at The Grove at Centerton, 1022 Almond Road, Pittsgrove Township 08318


Tuesday September 13, 2 - 7 p.m. at the Woodstown Presbyterian Church, 46 Auburn Street, Woodstown 08098


Friday September 16, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. at the Penns Grove Masonic Lodge, 330 Georgetown Road, Carneys Point 08069


Wednesday September 21, 2 - 7 p.m. at Salem Community College, Davidow Hall, 460 Hollywood Avenue, Carneys Point 08069


Saturday October 1, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Woodstown Masonic Lodge #138, 32 Auburn Road, Woodstown 08098


To sign up, go to Home Page and enter the zip code into the "Find a Blood Drive" box in the upper right hand corner.

The Blue Moon Theatre Presents Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure


Purchase Tickets Click HERE

Labor Day Weekend - 50th Anniversary of the Salem County Bluegrass Festival

At the Salem County Fairgrounds


SCC Glass Pumpkin Workshop & Open House

SCC Glass Education Center
Fall Open Houses, Workshops, and Glass Sales!
Salem Community College (SCC) welcomes the public to the Jones Glass Education Center this fall for our open houses, hands-on glass workshops, and glass sales! Events have been scheduled for September 18, October 15 and 16, November 20, and December 11! Details for each event can be found on our website at
Admission is free to the Glass Education Center and the sale. While visiting the center, guests may tour the studio, and see glassmaking in action! Our fall glass sales will feature handmade glass created by the center's talented students! Items available include pumpkins, flowers, jewelry, vases, paperweights, ornaments, and other handmade glass gift items.
Additionally, the glass center will be running hands-on workshops on these dates. Workshops include projects in glassblowing, flameworking, and glass fusing. No glass experience is necessary to participate, but please note minimum age requirements. Registration for our fall workshops can be found on our website at
Join us on October 15 and 16 for "Salem County Arts in Bloom"! We will be offering a free "Dig Into Art" project on this fun filled weekend! Details about this fun activity are available online.
Learn more about SCC Glass at
Questions? Contact Kristin Deady at or 856-351-2234.
Follow the SCC Glass Center on social media at on Instagram and on Facebook at

September 10 & 11 South Jersey Apple Fest

Presented by B & K Enterprises at the Salem County Fairgrounds

Salem County, NJ; The South Jersey Apple Fest, a fourth annual apple theme event, is coming to the Salem County Fairgrounds, 735 Harding Hwy,

September 12 ACENDA Golf Tournament

We invite you to join Acenda Integrated Health on Monday, September 12th, 2022 for a day of golfing, contests and fun to benefit children and families throughout New Jersey. The event will be held at the beautiful Harbor Pines Golf Club located at 500 St. Andrews Drive, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234.  

The outing registration will begin at 12 PM followed by lunch, putting green access and a 1:30 PM shot gun start and will be filled with plenty of fun and excitement including on course contests. After play concludes, players are invited to stay for a reception and a chance to participate in our 50/50 raffle and much anticipated Drop the Ball contest.   

We hope that you will join us for a great day on the green! Player registration can be found via the link below. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions, please contact Cari Burke, Senior Director of Development and Marketing at

For more information about ACENDA and it's mission in our community Click HERE

September 16 Jazz Night at Edward Dorn Center, Pedricktown

September 21 FBI Cyber Security Lunch & Learn

September 21, 2022

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

$30 per person



72 North Virginia Avenue

Penns Grove, NJ 08069

Join us at Maria's, Salem County's premier event center for the FBI's CyberSecurity overview.

Representatives from the Philadelphia FBI office will review the current cyber security threats facing organizations today and discuss techniques to defend against them.

Lunch prepared by DiPaolo's Italian Ristorante.

$30 per person, RSVP's are a must. Tickets may be purchased via

For more information on our Event Sponsor PCH Technologies Click HERE

September 22 Business After Hours Networking at Dempsey, Weiss & Associates

September 22 - 5pm - 6:30 pm

Dempsey, Weiss & Associates

418 Route 77

Elmer, NJ 08318

Join us for Business After Hours Networking at the newly updated offices of Dempsey, Weiss & Associates.

For more about Dempsey, Weiss & Associates Click HERE

So our hosts may prepare, please RSVP with your intention to attend to

September 23 Virtual Business Education Workshop: SEO Marketing

September 23 - 8am - 10am Via Zoom

This event is FREE thanks to Atlantic City Electric's generous Sponsorship.

Join us for Part 2 of our Marketing Workshops, presented by Kim Gattuso, Owner of Dry Guys Basement Systems.
Kim will share her knowledge of Search Engine Optimization Marketing.

RSVP to Receive the Zoom Link to

September 30 Salem Community College To Mark 50th at Golden Jubilee

Salem Community College will celebrate its 50th anniversary at the Golden Jubilee on Friday, September 30 in Davidow Hall at 5:30 p.m. The business-casual event will feature live musical performances, a buffet dinner catered by DiPaolo’s, an open bar and a silent auction benefitting the SCC Foundation’s scholarship fund. 

Paul and Patricia Stankard, longtime SCC benefactors, generously donated Paul’s orb (pictured) that celebrates SCC’s recent 20th International Flameworking Conference and the College’s 50th anniversary. Raffle tickets are $10 each or three for $25. The winner will be drawn at the Golden Jubilee but need not be present. 

Golden Jubilee sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information, contact Ceil Smith at 856.351.2644 or To buy Golden Jubilee tickets at $100 each and raffle tickets, visit Deadline is September 23.

During the Golden Jubilee, guests may also buy “Salem Community College: The First Fifty Years,” a commemorative book researched, written and designed by Chuck Erhardt. The book, made possible through the generosity of PSEG Nuclear, is $50.

The Golden Jubilee is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the Salem County Board of Commissioners and the Salem County Cultural and Heritage Commission.   

Photo by Jeff DiMarco

October 1 Annual Meals On Wheels Giant Pumpkin Carve Fundraiser

October 8 & 9 19th Annual South Jersey Pumpkin Show

Presented by B & K Enterprises at the Salem County Fairgrounds

The 19th annual South Jersey Pumpkin festival returns to the Salem County Fairgrounds on October 8-9, 2022, 735 Harding Hwy, New Jersey. Families are invited to attend in support of small and local businesses.  

The South Jersey Pumpkin Show has become one of the best ways to welcome the autumn harvest with kids and parents alike. Festival goers visiting will enjoy pumpkin desserts, over 150 vendor booths, Fall Home Show, fun contests, give-a-ways, wine sampling, food court, Amusement Rides, Fun Haunted Barn, pony rides and hayrides around the fairgrounds. The festival will host a variety of live musical acts daily. The giant Pumpkin Pyramid, filled with pumpkins, and mums, represents everything beautiful about the fall harvest. Each year dozens of the participating vendors compete for prizes for the best Fall Scarecrows. Visiting festival goers are invited to help pick the winners.

Saturday activities includes the Adults Pumpkin Toss and the Pumpkin Dessert Contest with free sampling. Saturday will showcase a reading of the legend of Sleepy Hollow and the arrival of the Headless Horsemen at the graveyard. The Halloween Costume Contest & Trick or Treat Stroll for kids ages 4-10 begins at 6pm.
Sunday events will start with the All-Breed Fun Dog Show at noon & Little Miss Pumpkin Show Queen Pageant at 2pm. Come search for one of our Halloween Painted Rocks and win amazing prizes. The Salem County Fairgrounds is located just a few miles from Delaware Memorial Bridge. Admissions is free, parking $5.00 a carload. Portion of proceeds to benefit a Salem County nonprofit group.

Event runs rain or shine. Visit the website for details and updates at Vendors and sponsors being sought. All NJ State & CDC COVID 19 regulations will be in place. Call 856-765-0118 with questions

October 24 Get to Know Your Candidates Forum

October 24 - 5:30 pm

At Salem Community College's Davidow Auditorim
460 Hollywood Avenue
Carneys Point, NJ 08069

Join us in person at Salem Community College's Davidow Auditorium to meet the Candidates and hear their platform.

Candidates for elected offices include:

Salem County Board of Commissioners
United States Congress

This event is free and organized by The Chamber's Government Relations & Economic Development Committee. 

Please RSVP to or by calling 856-351-2245

October 28 Annual Leadership Breakfast - Leading With Empathy

October 28 - 8:30 am

Salem County Vo-Tech
880 Woodstown Rd (Rt 45)
Woodstown, NJ 08098

$25 per person

Sponsored by Salem Community College

Presented by Mike Gorman, Ed.D., President of Salem Community College and Kim Gattuso, Owner & General Manager, Dry Guys Basement Systems
Empathy has always been a critical skill for leaders, but it is taking on a new level of priority in today’s times. Far from a soft approach, it can drive significant business results for your company.

New research demonstrates the importance of empathy in everything from innovation to employee retention. Great leadership requires a fine balance of skills to create the conditions for employee engagement, happiness, and performance. Empathy tops the list of what today’s leaders must get right.

Full gourmet hot breakfast catered by the Salem County Vocational Technical School’s Culinary Arts Students.

To RSVP With Payment Click HERE

October 28 - Salem City's Annual Walking Ghost Tour

November 18 IN PERSON Business Education Seminar "Your Business & Tomorrow. Are They Compatible?"

November 8 - 8am - 10am at Salem Community College

Join us live and in person for an interactive exercise in evaluation & planning for your business. Presented by Mike Gorman, EdD, President, Salem Community College. FREE thanks to a grant from Atlantic City Electric

Seminar to be held at Salem Community College’s Main Campus. Actual building and room number to be announced soon.

To register, contact

Save the Date - Chamber Annual Distinguished Citizen of the Year Banquet Honoring Lee Ware

December 7, 2022
5:30 pm

$60 per person

The Grove at Centerton

Tickets are available now and may be purchased at Click HERE

Sponsorships are also available, all Sponsorships include event tickets. To download the Sponsor form Click HERE

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