Dragon Tales E-News
August 24, 2022
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A Note From Reverend Patti |
Time to get back in the saddle! Did you have (are you still having) a great summer? It has been wonderful to see so many of you at church this summer. We are grateful for the Children’s Chapel volunteers who have kept the music and lessons going for our children all summer, for the families who have hosted the children on the playground after services, and for the lemonade hosts for keeping us refreshed for the ride home after church. Everyone has a part to play, and we are a better community because of your help and participation.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back this coming Sunday so backpacks can be blessed. Our Vacation Bible School children will have a reunion and sing some of the great songs they learned this summer in VBS. After all of that, (wait, there’s more?!?) yep, we will have our Welcome Back Bash! The Kona truck will be there for the children and us grownups will get coffee and sweet snacks. Come and find a ministry to sign up for! Maybe you have had questions about ushering or serving at Sunday School or Flower Guild. This will be the time to ask questions and sign up!
As we get back into a more regular schedule, we hope to see many more of you back in church. We are gearing up for our St. Margaret’s program year. Our regular schedule returns September 4th. Three services again! Faith and Fellowship will return to Monday nights, with fellowship for families, Youth Group and Adult Study after dinner. Sunday School will start on the 18th and there will be an open house the week before (the 11th) so you can find your child’s room and meet the teachers.
Lots going on in God’s house, as I’m sure there is in yours. Let your church time be a respite from the hubbub. We are expecting you!
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We can sing in church!! Don't forget your masks this Sunday! | |
Also on August 28: Blessing of the Backpacks during the 10am service. Bring your backpack, tool bag, briefcase or lesson planner for a blessing!
Vacation Bible School Reunion and Songs
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-Playground Fellowship for Families
-Adult Formation at 7pm (more info below)
-Childcare from 7pm to 8:30pm
Adult Formation: If the Bible isn't a science book, instruction manual, or position paper, then what is it? New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans invites readers on a journey of rediscovery as she explores the magic of the Bible, engaging the old, familiar stories in new ways that honor the past and enlighten the present. Join us Monday evenings beginning Sept. 12 for an 8-week discussion of "Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water and Loving the Bible Again." Come for dinner, stay for conversation!
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Thursday Book Study resumes Thursday, September 15th at 9 AM
The book study is a group of inquisitive people who enjoy reading and discussing books with a theological theme. We meet by Zoom on Thursdays from 9am - 10:30 am. We will be reading Brian McLaren's Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It. McLaren is an American pastor, author, speaker, and leading figure associated with postmodern Christianity. His book suggests that our faith evolves like rings of growth on a tree. Come and bring a friend! For more information or to get the zoom link, contact Kathy Polk kkpolk@yahoo.com or Pat Hall at pshall1@verizon.net.
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Third Sunday Band of St. Margaret's in Annapolis is hosting a concert at Claggett in support of the Raising the Barn Capital Campaign! In addition to great music, food, and drinks, you'll have opportunities to see and learn more about the Raising the Barn capital campaign. All are welcome!
Saturday, September 10, 2022
4:00 p.m. Guided Tour of Barn Construction
5:00-7:00 p.m. Concert
RSVP to let us know you're coming! There is a suggested donation of $20/person.
Extend Your Stay: You are also invited to extend your time at Claggett by staying the night. Lodging fees include breakfast on Sunday morning. Book your overnight lodging as part of your RSVP.
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Education for Ministry (EfM) |
Want to know more about Christianity? Want to know about how the Church became what it is today, about the Bible, about your personal ministry, and whether the apostle Paul was a feminist or not? Do you have a personal theology?
The EfM program invites you to join small, mentored communities that help us understand our lives as we deepen our Christian faith. It is a safe, compassionate, and non-judgmental environment.
EfM is a four-year study program through the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee. Tennessee. We look at the Bible historically, literally, metaphorically, and theologically.
Part of our class time is sharing how the week's reading touched us in some way. The chapter lessons have a common theme that crosses the four-year study.
St. Margaret’s EfM meets on Wednesdays from 9 am until 11:30 weekly, September through May in the Formation Building. Please contact Jim Hall (jhhall1942@verizon.net) or by phone (410-507-6820) if you have questions. The cost is $325 for each year. Scholarship help is available. Students who have completed a year or more previously are encouraged to rejoin the program. If you have any questions, we could arrange to meet with you and present the texts and other literature. Class begins September 14.
Please join us!!
College Student Mail
We here at St. Margaret’s Church have a Fairy Godmother who would like to send well wishes each month to all the college children in the parish.
All we need from you is the name and address of the student and they will receive mail each month from St. Margaret’s Church that tells them they are not forgotten just because they are away.
Please put your student’s name, address and college bound on a piece of paper and put in the collection plate, drop it off to the office or mail it to the office.
Broadneck Elementary Helping Hands Ministry: WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Can you spare an hour a week to help students at Broadneck Elementary improve their reading or math skills? For more than 5 years, SMC has answered the call for help. This year, we have been asked to provide more hands and hearts in the primary grades whose students fell behind because of COVID-19. In the words of one teacher,
"My kids couldn't wait for our tutor to come in and work with them on their multiplication facts. Because of her, they were so proud of themselves!" It's easy, rewarding and no experience is necessary! Please contact Fran Becker, fran.becker10@gmail.com, for more information. Thank you!
Your Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Task Force has offered some resources and a prayer for reflection this summer.
The link below is an article about Maryland’s history of racial injustice, The Ghosts of Racial Violence in Maryland. Warning: the article contains some very graphic and disturbing details. https://www.ictj.org/latest-news/ghosts-racial-violence-maryland
This link is to the Anti-Racism Daily, a daily electronic newsletter of current issues that includes reflection and discussion points as well as action ideas and links. https://the-ard.com/
Here is a link from Equity Includes You, What White People Can Do For Racial Justice. There are many, many suggestions for action and study included here as there is much work to be done. We suggest that you narrow your focus to one area that speaks to you for better understanding and action. https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/what-white-people-can-do-for-racial-justice-f2d18b0e0234
God of justice,
In your wisdom you create all people in your image, without exception. Through your goodness, open our eyes to see the dignity, beauty, and worth of every human being. Especially those with whom we disagree. Open our minds to understand that all your children are members of the same human family. Open our hearts to repent of racist attitudes, behaviors, and speech which demean others. Open our ears to hear the cries of those wounded by racial discrimination and violence, and their passionate appeals for change. Strengthen our resolve to make amends for past injustices and to right the wrongs of history. And fill us with courage that we might seek to heal wounds, build bridges, forgive and be forgiven, and establish peace and equality for all in our communities.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
We need your help!!
We are looking for new volunteers…willing to help those in need at
Chores & More - a free service for Broadneck Residents We are a volunteer group sponsored by area churches on the Broadneck Peninsula available to help Broadneck residents who have no transportation, are homebound or are temporarily unable to drive. Volunteer services are available 7 days a week.
Services include rides to the grocery store, medical appointments, or food shopping for a client etc. If you can help… Please Email choresandmore3@gmail.com or call 443-808-3875 Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00am - 12:00p
Backpacks for Broadneck Elementary!
We are providing backpack contents for our Broadneck students again this year. Suggested donations are:
Multi-packs of
#2 pre-sharpened pencils
Glue sticks
Colored pencils
Thin expo dry erase BLACK markers
Tissue boxes
Play Doh
Solid colored folders
Black and white composition books
Items may be dropped off in the Narthex, or t church office, M-W, 10- 2
Monetary donations may be made to St. Margaret's Church, with Missions in the memo line.
From the SMC Missions Committee
September 18 (LIGHT HOUSE): Annapolis Run for the Light House, Quiet Waters Park, Annapolis, MD. See https://www.annapolis run for the lighthouse.org/ for more information.
Light House: Ongoing: Sign up to prepare and deliver food to Light House for one (or more!) of SMC's Monthly Dinners. OR
Donate REQUESTED food and other items to Light House by placing in the designated area under the window in the narthex.
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Servers on August 28
7:30-Bill Bowers
10- Liz Hutchison
Eucharistic Ministers
Kim Coble, Al Todd
Zacca Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Henry MacMillan
Altar Guild
Jeanne Nardi, Jan Little, Kim Morrow, Mary Beth Ross
Flower Guild
Beth Kopack
Kathy Lang, Molly Owens, Jim Hall, Stacia Bontempo
Web Chamberlin
Lemonade Host
Web Chamberlin
Children's Chapel
Froggi Jackson and Ernie Tucker
Livestream Host
George Saroch
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Servers on September 4
7:30-Fran Becker
9- Jen Thomas
11:15- Jim Weekly
Eucharistic Ministers
7:30- Fran Becker
9- Pam Roth, Justyn Kopack
11:15- Jim Hall, Christine Duray
11:15- Henry MacMillan
Altar Guild
Elizabeth Parker, Lyn Sloan, Betsy Dobbs, Susan Roberts
Flower Guild
Kathy Lang
9- Brien Croteau, Molly Owens, Sam Sloan
11:15- Ray Feldman, Bill Ostendorff, George Saroch
9- Jean Clarke
11:15- Izzy Winn, Carroll Morgan
Coffee Hour
Children's Chapel
Livestream Host
Roxann King
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