Issue: 256                                
August 25, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Aug. 25: Open House

Aug. 29: First Day of School 1-8 Grade

Aug. 31: First Day of School Kindergarten

Sept. 2-5: No School - Labor Day Weekend

Sept. 14: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 6: Picture Day

Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Like us on Facebook

Administrative Information
See You Tonight for Open House!

Join us tonight from 6:30-8pm for our Open House! You can drop off school supplies, meet teachers, get some ice cream and chat with the PTO, learn about volunteering, learn about Girl Scouts, drop of medication, and chat with parents, students, and staff! Help us kick off a great year tonight!
Pick Up and Drop Off Information

The school year is around the corner! Please click here for important information for ALL families regarding pick up and drop off procedures at TCGIS.
Busing Information

Please find all important bus information  here
Soccer 2016-2017

Click here for an update about the soccer program at TCGIS!
Call for After School Activities Instructors!

Session one of after school activities will be starting soon! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the attached form and email or hand it in to the office no later than September 9. Session one of After School Activities will be starting the week of September 26. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org. Thanks!
Kinderclub Information
Please click here for the most updated Kinderclub information.

Board Member Appointee

The board is currently seeking applicants for a one-year board appointment. Ted Johnson is unfortunately stepping down, and the TCGIS By-laws state that a new board director shall be appointed by the board. Ted has been a great contributing member of the TCGIS community, and his financial expertise has been a great boon for the school; he will be missed.

Because of Ted's specific expertise, the board may give preference to candidates with training and/or experience in finance, especially in non-profit organizations, but any interested party should feel encouraged to apply.Applications are due  September 8th, so we can appoint at the  September 22 board meeting.

Questions? Applications? Send them to Andy Thompson at  athompson@tcgis.org.
Check Out Our New Website

TCGIS now has a wonderful, new website just in time for a new school year. Find the link here, and feel free to click around and see all that the new site has to offer. Vielen, herzlichen Dank to Tina Haarbusch for all of her hard work getting this together!
Girl Scouts at TCGIS

The second year of Girl Scouts at TCGIS is about to begin! All girls have merged into one super-troop, Troop #57317. We will still meet by program level and would love to have your daughter join us. If you have a daughter in Grades K-1, contact Daisy leader Cindy Miller at cynmillbea@hotmail.com. If you have a daughter in Grades 2-3, contact Brownie leader Jenny Pope at jennyapope@yahoo.com. If you have a daughter in Grades 4-5, contact Junior leader Jenia Strom at jeniastrom@gmail.com.
German for Parents!

Back by popular demand! Learn the "School Lingo" in a casual/fun/supportive a tmosphere.  Beginner Classes are  Tuesday   6-7 pm . "Advanced"/Conversation Class is o n Tuesday   7-8pm Eight Week Session is from  Sept. 27 to Nov. 15 . (8 weeks) . The cost is $65.00 including m aterials.  Call Herbert at  651-226-2666  or email  hengelmayer@msn.com.
Vienna Community Arts Music Lessons

Vienna Community Arts will start-up Fall Music Lessons again
On  September 12They offer Piano, Classical guitar, Violin, Voice and Woodwinds.  They also rent and sell string instruments/keyboards if you want to try m usic lessons. Renting an instrument is a good way to start! Call Herbert/Nancy at  651-773-9525  to schedule or for more information,  or email  nsogabe@artsvienna.comcastbiz.net .
Band Program for 2016-2017

It's still not too late to sign up for the TCGIS concert band!  Please click here for general information on the band, and call or email Krista Johnson with questions.

Please find the tentative lesson schedule herePlease let Krista Johnson know if you have any questions. It is color coded for Wednesday and  Friday  lessons.  Note that there are a few 6-8 graders with  FRIDAY  lessons. They will still attend full band after school on Wednesdays. If you believe your child should/shouldn't be on the list, let Krista Johnson know as soon as possible.
Sponser a Music Stand

The TCGIS band program is growing, and we really need some decent music stands! Groth Music in Bloomington has a set of 6 stands for $237. This breaks down to $39.50 per stand.  Individually they are $47.50. If anyone would be interested in donating $40 for a stand, Krista Johnson will stencil "donated by family name" on it! If you're interested, please reach out to Krista Johnson
PTO Announcements

Please click here to read about:
  • Community Development meeting- Sept 6 at 7:00 - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
  • Regional Picnics- Sept 10 at 5:30
  • TCGIS PTO Community Auction & Strudel Sale - Oct. 18-25 
Visit our table in the cafeteria during tonight's Open House.