Greater Northside Management District
August 25, 2020
Dear GNMD Friend,
The National Weather Service's latest track for Hurricane Laura has it making landfall, possibly as a Category 3 hurricane, sometime late Wednesday into early Thursday. What we don't know is exactly where that landfall will occur. A shift of just 20 or 30 miles to the east or west could make all the difference for us in the Galveston-Houston area.
Although the exact track and intensity of Laura is still unknown, Houston residents should pay close attention and begin taking steps in the event an emergency situation develops. Storm surge, wind and rainfall hazards will extend well away from Laura's center along the Gulf Coast.
If you need assistance in evacuating during a disaster, register for the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR). STEAR allows residents to provide information on their specific situation to emergency management officials who will work to help them evacuate safely or provide them with the appropriate life-sustaining help they need in a disaster. Call 2-1-1 or visit STEAR for more information.
We will be monitoring the situation and the GNMD phones. Please feel free to reach out to us with any concerns or questions.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy by wearing your mask properly (cover your nose and mouth) and by avoiding the three Cs:
- Closed spaces with poor ventilation.
- Crowded places with many people nearby.
- Close-contact settings, such as close-range conversation.
Rebecca Reyna
Executive Director
Hurricane preparedness
during the COVID-19 pandemic
Protective Actions
Prepare your home and review your plans before a storm impacts the area.
Steps to Take Now:
- Ensure your family has five to seven days of food, water and necessary supplies.
- This includes enough prescription medication for at least this duration in case pharmacies and doctor's offices are closed.
- Consider the unique needs of small children, seniors, special needs family members and pets.
Decide what you and your family will do if the storm impacts your area. Most City of Houston residents are not vulnerable to storm surge and do not need to evacuate before a hurricane or tropical storm. Vulnerable residents who require electricity may also consider evacuation in advance of a major storm. For a map of hurricane evacuation zones and mandatory evacuation areas, visit:
Develop a family communication plan so that you know who to check in with after a storm. Visit for more information on developing a plan.
- Know how to turn off your utilities. This includes electricity, water and gas. Only turn off gas if instructed by local officials or by CenterPoint Energy.
Monitor Official Sources for Current Information: Rumors and misinformation can be common before and during major storms. It is important to seek out official information from trusted sources.
Official sources include:
Vigilacia de Tormenta Tropical en Houston
Acciones de Protección
Prepare su hogar y revise sus planes antes de que una tormenta impacte su área.
Pasos para tomar ahora:
- Asegure comida, agua, y provisones necesarios para 7 días.
- Esto incluye suficiente medicamentos con receta durante este tiempo en caso que las farmacias y las oficinas de medicos estén cerradas.
- Considera necesidades unicas para niños pequeños, personas mayores, miembros de familia con necesidades especiales, y mascotas.
Decide que va hacer su familia si la tormenta impacta a su área. La mayoria de los residentes en la Ciudad de Houston no son vulnerables a oleadas de tormentas y no necesitan evacuar antes de un huracán o una tormenta tropical. Residentes vulnerables quienes requieren eléctricidad quisas también pueden consideren evacuar antes de una gran tormenta. Para un mapa de zonas de evacuación durante huracánes y zonas de evacuación obligatorias, visite:
Desarolla un plan de comunicación familiar para saber con quien comunicarse después de una tormenta. Visite para más información sobre cómo desarollar un plan.
- Sepa cómo apagar sus servicios públicos. Esto incluye eléctricidad, agua, y gas. Solamente apague la línea de gas si es dicho por oficiales locales o por CenterPoint Energy.
Registrese para mensajes basados en ubicación por AlertHouston, el sistema oficial de notificaciones de emergencias de la Ciudad de Houston:
Monitorea fuentes oficiales de información: Rumores y información falsa pueden ser común antes y durante tormentas. Es importante buscar información de fuentes confiadas.
Fuentes confiadas incluyen:
Free COVID-19 testing locations
These are the free COVID-19 testing locations for the week of August 24 2020.
The Houston Health Department and its agency partners may shift locations and schedules of test sites to better meet community needs. Visit for current Houston test sites and information about stopping the spread of the virus.
Information obtained through testing, treatment or services will not be used against immigrants in their public charge evaluation.
Greater Northside Chamber of Commerce
Special Event - A Virtual Workshop with AARP
"Supporting Working Caregivers"
Friday, August 28 at 12 p.m. CST
Did you know that nearly one in six employees in the U.S. is providing care for a spouse, partner, elderly or disabled family member?
These family caregiver duties often add an additional 20+ unpaid work hours to your employee’s week. Higher health care costs, productivity losses, more absenteeism and presenteeism, and ultimately, lost workers—all may be consequences as employees struggle to balance the demands of work and caregiving. Further, failure to support them can cost employers approximately $3,000 per working caregiver. And that has a very real impact on your cost of talent.
Fortunately, support for working caregivers doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, AARP research shows that many employers already have policies or programs in place that can be adapted or reinforced to support caregivers.
AARP has free resources available for employers and the working family caregivers in their organization during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here to register for this virtual seminar, which will be led by Rosalinda Martinez, Associate State Director – Outreach & Advocacy – for AARP Texas. Ms. Martinez will be joined for this workshop by AARP Volunteer and Caregiver Eddie Orum.
Thanks to a $55 million significant commitment grant from Lowe’s, LISC will provide the emergency grant assistance that small businesses desperately need to stay afloat.
- $30 million will focus on small businesses owned or led by minorities and women, who often lack access to affordable capital.
- $25 million will support enterprises in rural communities, which typically face even more hurdles than their urban counterparts due to limited access to bank credit, capital and other support services.
Grants of $20,000 will be awarded to small business owners to help meet their most immediate needs. Eligible expenses include:
- Paying rent and utilities.
- Meeting payroll.
- Paying outstanding debt to vendors.
- Upgrading technology infrastructure.
- Other immediate operational costs.
Please register to be notified of the next round opening August 31st.
For more information about the program, click here.
Text "food" to 877877 to find
the nearest curbside food
for children and youth up to age 18
Your help is needed for "Weaving Northside"
Art Uniti invites you to participate in a fun, five- question survey about the Near Northside, which will assist with the design of a temporary sculptural art project called "Weaving Northside."
“Weaving Northside” is designed as a reflective presentation to engage and empower the Northside community!
The project will be created by Tami Moschioni and Nicola Parente and partly funded by The City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance. Art Uniti created the “Snapshot” sculpture, pictured above, at the BakerRipley Leonel Castillo Community Center.
"Weaving Northside" will include a choreographed dance led by longtime Northside resident Adam Castaneda and performed by the Pilot Dance Project.
Art Uniti aprecia nuestra comunidad de Near Northside, la cual le invita a participar en una encuesta de cinco preguntas sobre nuestra comunidad.
Los artistas de Art Uniti crearon la escultura “Snapshot” situada en el centro de communidad Baker Ripley Leonel Castillo. Esta encuesta se usará para diseñar una escultura temporal creada por Tami Moschioni y Nicola Parente, y financiada por la Ciudad de Houston a travéz de Houston Arts Alliance.
Esta escultura(s) temporal formará parte de la corografía de Adam Castaneda e interpretada por Pilot Dance Project.
“Weaving Northside” busca unir y dar fuerza a la comunidad de Northside!
Provide feedback
for the Downtown Warehouse District
The Downtown District is in the initial stages of a planning process for the Warehouse District.
Critical feedback from public and private stakeholders is needed to develop planning scenarios, to be presented in a future meeting.
Click here to voice your ideas and help guide the future success of the Warehouse District.
Have you responded to the census?
Submitting your 2020 Census response has never been faster or easier. It's also crucial!
A complete count of our city is needed to receive proper federal funding for road improvements, education, disaster recovery, medical care, affordable home development, and other programs. In fact, each person NOT counted translates to a loss of approximately $10,000 over the next 10 years.
Make a difference by filling out your Census TODAY to make sure you and your family are counted and our communities get the representation and resources we need.
A laptop, smartphone or tablet is all you need to submit your 2020 Census response, but you can also respond over the phone or by mail. The chart below from City of Houston District H Council Member Karla Cisneros shows the response rate for our area.
Walkable places in the Northside
becoming a reality
The following article titled "Houston City Council OKs 'Walkable Places' programs for Midtown, Third Ward, Near Northside" was written by Chris Matthews and appeared in the August 5, 2020, edition of the Houston Business Journal.
Certain areas of the Bayou City could become more pedestrian-friendly under new measures approved by Houston City Council.
City Council on Aug. 5 unanimously approved the "Walkable Places" and "Transit-Oriented Development" programs" to encourage pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development with an enhanced, walkable public realm," according to the agenda item. The programs are a result of three years of work by the city's Walkable Places Committee.
The rules will apply to new development and redevelopment along designated primary "Walkable Places" streets in Midtown, the Third Ward and the Near Northside.
Video about Jim McIngvale
receives a national Silver Telly Award
A video produced for the American Home Furnishings Hall of Fame about 2019 inductee Jim “Mattress Mac” McIngvale of Gallery Furniture received a national Silver Telly Award for excellence in video and television across all screens, according to the Furniture Today newsletter.
Jim McIngvale, pictured right, poses during his video shoot for the Hall of Fame.
Produced by Elements Studio, the video won in the Non-Broadcast: Not-for-Profit category of the 41st Annual Telly Awards.
“The Telly judges obviously were touched by Mac’s energy, vision and generous heart for his customers and his community," according to Furniture Today. Entrants are judged by a council of more than 200 leading experts from advertising agencies, production companies and major television networks.
Congratulations, Mac!
News about Greater Northside District
restaurants and brewing companies
Houston Restaurant Weeks is running now through September 7, raising funds for the Houston Food Bank and honoring founder Cleverly Stone’s incredible legacy, which has raised over $16.6 million to date.
Local restaurants are serving specially priced multi-course prix fixe menus for brunch, lunch and/or dinner, many of which will include takeout. Click here to view the list of participating restaurants, which includes Le Bistro at Culinary Institute LeNorte at 7070 Allensby Street.
The Houston Press recently profiled Local Group Brewing at 1504 Chapman as one of "Houston's 5 Best Weekend Food Bets." Here is what the article said:
"The Hardy Yards brewpub has reopened its taproom (at 50-percent capacity), along with offering seating and a full-course food menu on its expansive patio. Only table service will be offered, with no bar seating, and all tables are placed six feet apart.
"The full beer lineup is available, too, with three new brews — Cross Eyed, a slightly hazy IPA with grapefruit, pineapple and herbal notes; Cherry-Lime Athena’s Elixir, a fruited kettle sour that is tart and creamy; and Get'n Jiggy, a hazy West Coast pale ale with a soft mouthfeel, hoppy fruit character, medium bitterness and dry aftertaste. Local Group Brewing will continue to offer take-out food and beer, too."
Hours: Thursday, 4 to 10 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, noon to 10 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 9 p.m.
Houstonia magazine featured City Acre Brewing at 3418 Topping Street in it's August 18, 2020, issue under the headline "Our 9 Favorite Beer Gardens for Big Bites Open Now." The article said:
"There’s no indication, after exiting Interstate 69 up around Parker Road in the Eastex/Jensen area, that you’re about to enjoy some beers on a spacious lawn replete with horseshoes, a fire pit, and a whole lot of picnic tables.
"But that’s City Acre Brewing Co., also home to a garden of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, used in making the beer, or onion-thyme buns for killer burgers like the Urban Cowboy (flourished appropriately with fried onion strings and jalapeño ranch dressing).
"You can also get hefty Northside Nachos with chicken, bacon, or pulled pork, or opt for loaded fries City Acre-style with that shredded porky goodness, queso, and jalapeños. The food here is reason alone to visit, though the homemade beer (like the coriander-spiced blonde called Hitchcock) ain’t bad either."
Hours: Thursday ,11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. (kitchen closes at 8);
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (kitchen closes at 6)
The August 6, 2020. edition of the Houston Chronicle featured three Northside brewing companies under the title "Houston Hoppenings: New beer releases, Saint Arnold pub crawl."
Here's what the article said under "New Beer Releases":
"City Acre Brewing: Green Apple Lemonade is the new flavor for City Acre's "craftales," the brewery's signature beer-based cocktails. Order online for pick-up."
"Local Group Brewing: The next flavor of LGB's Athena's Elixir, the fruited kettle sour, is cherry and key lime. Available to-go and dine-in starting August 6."
Alain, Marie Lenotre and the students of Culinary Institute Lenotre® invite you to join them for their next event.
August 27th – 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
at Le Bistro Houston
7070 Allensby St, Houston, TX 77022
Seating is limited and their last event sold out.
Reserve your seat today for only $75 per person.
This all-inclusive fee includes five wines, a special five-course dinner
and a special presentation by our guest speaker.
First Course: Bruschetta
Antipasto consisting of grilled bread
rubbed with garlic and topped with fresh tomato salsa
Prosecco Extra Dry - VENETO
Second Course: Black hearted Arancini
Shrimp and Squid ink risotto fried balls
Pinot Grigio - TRENTO
Third Course: Duck Ragù Tagliatelle
Homemade fresh pasta, foiled in a rich
and chunky slow cooked duck sauce
Nebbiolo - PIEDMONT
Fourth Course: Veal a la Puttanesca
Roasted veal tenderloin, eggplant parmigiana,
tomatoes, olive oil, olives, capers and garlic
Barbera - PIEDMONT
Fifth Course: Rosemary Pana Cotta, Red Coulis
Traditional sweetened and thickened cream, infused with rosemary, served with red wine and berries coulis, topped with meringue
Prosecco Superiore - VENETO
Art on the Avenue registration is now open
There are two ways to participate in Art on the Avenue this year:
1. REGISTER for the event – If you plan on only participating online, registering for the event will give you free, full access to the auction from the comfort of your home.
2. RESERVE a ticket – If you plan on visiting Winter Street Studios to view the artwork in person, please reserve your free ticket. You will be automatically registered for the event. At this time, you will have the option to choose a ticket for “open hours” or “by appointment." Note that the arrival times for appointments are staggered in 30 minute intervals to ensure we adhere to reduced capacity limits and allow guests to maintain safe social distancing.
Both options will allow you to bid online through Handbid and view the live stream program.
Questions about using Handbid or having trouble with registration?
13th Annual Oktoberfest Celebration
Thursday, October 22, at 7 p.m. CST
On Thursday, October 22, Comp-U-Dopt’s Annual Oktoberfest celebration is going virtual! Join us for a fun-filled, live-streamed event featuring a Talent Show Competition, Silent Auction and much more! Each ticket comes with an At-Home Oktoberfest Kit that will be shipped right to your door.
Thirteen million households across the U.S. still lack access to their own computer at home. Because of the generous support of individuals like you, we have provided nearly 15,000 computers into the homes of underserved children throughout the nation since the outbreak of COVID-19.
Every dollar raised from our virtual event will allow us to continue to tackle the divide in technology access and education experienced by children in our most vulnerable communities.
New Houston mural map launches!
If you are feeling restless at home and wish you could safely visit some interesting spots around Houston, go to to take a fun discovery tour online! Better yet, get in your car and discover and enjoy local street art while social distancing!
The project was funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance. The Houston Mural Map includes more than 500 murals and 250 mini murals, the latter of which are painted on utility boxes near street intersections. The map also includes other significant public and street art installations in Houston.
UP Art Studio spearheaded the website, which shows the locations of murals sourced by the firm, along with its network of artists, community partners and volunteer mural hunters. UP Art Studio founders Noah and Elia Quiles started the mini-mural project to turn traffic signal control cabinets in Houston into art. Since 2015, Greater Northside Management District has partnered with UP Art Studio and other artists to transform utility boxes into works of art that represent our community.
Pictured above is the a mini mural located at North Main and Quitman that was painted by Gelson D. Lemus (aka w3r3on3) and sponsored by GNMD.