Dear St. Rita Parents and Guardians,
It was so great to see all the smiling faces of our students, both new and returning, over the past few days! Despite a few tears from our youngest ones and a few issues with our new FACTS platform, the past couple of days have gone really well. Welcome to all our new students and their families. We also welcome our new staff members: Miss Maggie Silbo (Grade 1), Miss Taylor Long (MS ELA), and Mrs. Kiersten Hughey (PE). In addition to teaching 8th grade ELA, we welcome Mrs. Marie Rourke to her new role as our Curriculum and Instruction Specialist.
We are currently looking for people to work in our after-care program from 3:00 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. during the school year. Working under the direction of the Aftercare Director, the aide is responsible for helping out with activities, games, crafts, and homework for participants in the program. All candidates must be 18 years of age or older, have completed the Virtus-Protecting All God’s Children Training, and undergo a background check and fingerprinting. The pay is $20. an hour. Please contact Mrs. McKay in the school office for additional information.
Our school-wide theme for the year is Hold On To Love - The St. Rita Way. As Catholics we are called to make a difference in the world and change the world for God. God loves us and we must love others. In the turbulent and trying times we are currently living in, God will not let us down. God is love and when we respond to others with love, we experience God. We must always hold onto love!
Together with the St. Rita Way, our students will make a positive difference in our school community, their family and in our world. What is the St. Rita Way you ask? It is to be a respectful, responsible, kind, helpful, honest, loving, and faith-filled student. We expect all our students to follow the rules in the classroom, in the lunchroom, and out at recess. Working together (parents, teachers, and students) we will continue to keep St. Rita School the place to be, where the love of Christ is lived and shared.
We will have two Back to School/Meet the Teacher Nights this year. The date for parents with students in grades PreK 3-Grade 3, is Thursday, September 12, beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the gym, and for parents with students in grades 4-8, the date is Tuesday, September 17, beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the gym. The presentations are in-person only and will include a welcome from our Pastor, Fr. Tiano, and an overview of the upcoming HSA events. This is a parent event; please leave your children at home.
Beginning the week of September 16 our students in grades 1-8 will be taking the NWEA MAP assessments. These growth assessments are technology based and the results will be shared with you during Parent-Teacher conferences in October. We began using these growth assessments last year and will use the data to identify students who need intervention or determine instructional strategies that will generate the most academic growth for our students. These assessments will be given three times a year (Sept., Jan. and May).
Thank you for entrusting your child/ren to our care. Just a reminder that Friday is an early dismissal day for our students and teachers, and Monday is the Labor Day holiday. I hope you all have a relaxing and rejuvenating Labor Day weekend with your family. Stay safe and be well.
God Bless,
Mrs. Tiezzi