Issue: 294                           
August 3, 2017 
In This Issue

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Administrative Information
Meet the TCGIS Administrators 

The 2017-2018 school year is right around the corner! Please click here to learn a little bit about the administrators at TCGIS. 
Join Us for Open House

Join us on August 24 from 6:30-8:00pm for our Open House. Students and parents will have a chance to meet their teachers, drop off school supplies, and ask administrators any questions you may have about the upcoming school year. We look forward to seeing you there!
2017-18 Bussing & Kinderclub Update: Next Steps for Registered Families

Thank you to families who have registered for Bussing and/or Kinderclub in the 2017-18 school year! For registered families, be sure to take the following steps to complete your registration:
  1. Order your monthly services through Boonli, our new online order system between August 4th, 2017 and August 18, 2017! More information on Boonli can be found here.
  2. Review, sign, and return the School Bus Behavior Agreement and/or the Kinderclub Behavior Agreement to the Front Office by September 1, 2017. Hard copies are available for pick up in the TCGIS Front Office, and will also be available at the TCGIS Open House on August 24th, 2017.
  3. Review the 2017-18 Bussing Handbook and/or the 2017-18 Kinderclub Handbook
  4. For students in Grades K-4 who are bussing, be sure to stop by the Transportation & Kinderclub Table at the TCGIS Open House on August 24th to pick up a color-coded bus tag. We will be using the color-coded tags this year to assist our staff and the bus drivers in making sure our youngest students board the correct bus (further instructions will be provided when you pick up your tag!)

It's Time to Start Ordering  School Lunches/Milk, Bus Seats and Kinderclub Care

Please log on to our online store website  Boonli  and place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk order for August & September starting Friday, August 4 .
All orders are due by Midnight on Friday, August 18.

If your family is new to our online store, please click here for more information on the Boonli website, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the site. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is TCGIS1 .

If you are a returning family, please use the same username/password information that you have used with your orderlunches.com. If you need assistance with your account login, please email us at ordering@tcgis.org .

7th/8th Grade Electives Enrollment Deadline Coming Up!

Don't forget to choose your electives! All 7th and 8th grade students must select their electives for the upcoming school year for both semesters. Please use your Powerschool Parent & Student Portal or the Google Forms provided here to complete this task. 
2017-18 Twin Cities German Immersion School Family Handbook

As your family prepares to kick off the school year, please be sure to review the 2017-18 TCGIS Family Handbook!
News from the TCGIS Lunchroom

Although the start of school is still a few weeks away, the TCGIS Lunch Program has been busy getting ready for the first school lunch & milk order beginning August 4th ! Just like last school year, ordering takes place through Boonli.com , formerly known as Orderlunches.com .
You will receive an email to let you know when the order window is officially open.

We are pleased to have Lancer Dining Services continue to provide healthy meals to the TCGIS students. Please take a moment to read this Welcome Letter from the TCGIS Lunch Program team with important information and/or changes to the Lunch Program for 2017-2018. We appreciate your support, and look forward to another year of serving meals to our students!

Supply Lists 

Please click here for the supply lists for the 2017-2018!
Your Feedback Needed!

DANKE SCHÖN to those of you who have already responded to the TCGIS Parent Satisfaction Survey. To the rest of you: WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK! We have roughly 360 families in our school community and we would love to have at least 200 responses. The current count is 43, so if you haven't done so yet, take a few minutes and share your thoughts with us.
Application for Educational Benefits 2017/18 (Free/Reduced Lunch Program)

For information on the Free/Reduced School Lunch Program, please review the following links:  information letter, application form, and  instructionsApplications can be submitted at any time during the school year, however to receive free/reduced school lunches for the 1st day of school, we would like to ask you to submit your application form no later than  August 15, 2017 .

If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to  email us at  lunch@tcgis.org  or call  (651)-492-7106.
Gesucht: Golfer! Wanted: Golfers!

The German American Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 2nd annual golf tournament at Como Park on September 25. Excutive Director Anderson is looking for TCGIS parents or students who would be interested in playing and representing the school to the German American business community. More information can be found here. Interested parties should contact Director Anderson directly at tanderson@tcgis.org
GAI Seeking an Assistant Kinderstube Teacher!

The St. Paul Kinderstube (301 Summit Ave.) is seeking an Assistant Teacher for its Pre-School Program! The hours for the position are Wednesdays from 7:15am to 1:45pm. German-speaking fluency is a requirement for this position, and the ideal candidate will have experience teaching in an early childhood education setting. Please contact Babett Larimer for more information, or to submit an application for this position! Babette Larimer Phone: 651-353-5147 Babette Larimer email: blarimer@gai.mn.org.
PTO Announcements
Help Wanted at the Ice Cream Social

Please help with the ice cream social at the August 24 Open House. We need 3 volunteers for each slot: 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00pm. Responsible for handing out ice cream in the cafeteria.  Please sign up by following 3 easy steps:

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page.
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp.com)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp.com will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!

GAI Announcements
GAI Announcements

Science Ice Cream Social - with the Science Museum of Minnesota and Sweet Science Ice Cream; Sunday, Aug. 20, 1pm to 3pm
Come for a family friendly science day and ice cream social on our beautiful grounds. Kinds can enjoy hands-on science experiments provided by the Science Museum of Minnesota and learn about the Science behind Pixar. Families can cool off with delicious, lab-crafted ice cream sold by Sweet Science Ice Cream, Kaffee und Kuchen by the GAI, or play lawn games in the shade around our patio. Admission is free for this fun and relaxed gathering, closing out the summer season at the GAI.
Sommerschule for Teens - Monday, Aug. 21 to Friday, Aug. 25, 2017; 9am to noon
This intensive week-long program is for students who want to sharpen and improve their German skills over the Summer. This class is designed for students who have completed at least 3 semesters of German or more. (Course materials will be A2 level). The course will focus on grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills - topics will include 'Sport & Spass'; 'Feiern & Ferien'; 'Familie & Geschwister' and more. Class materials include Kursbuch, Arbeitsbuch, und Glossar.

Fall Registration now open for adult classes and Samstagsschule for Kids & Teens!