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We are pleased to be able to partner with MIssionInsite

(ACS Technologies).

A demographic and geographic strategy support site. They enable churches to know who they are and who their neighbors are so they can provide greater ministry outreach. MissionInsite is offered courtesy of Gateway Conference for our churches.

MissionInsite empowers faith-based and nonprofit organizations with the tools they need to visualize and cultivate their current and prospective members, donors and volunteers and solve their most difficult challenges. With a combined experience in the fields of non-profit and church development, strategic planning and mission context analysis, co-founders Mike Regele, Chuck Salter and Peter Wernett believe advancing an organization’s Mission, Vision and Sustainability should be cost effective and attainable.

If you would like to sign up for MissionInsite, please contact the conference office at gatewayfmcusa@gmail.com.

Click here to contact the conference office if you would like to receive the handbook: How to Find More People To Know, Love and Serve.

“History & Polity of the Free Methodist Church”

Friday, October 13, 7PM - Saturday, October 14, 5PM

Greenville. IL

- Specific location depends on class size TBD

Cost: $75 per person

Lodging: TBD - Hotels, and possibly help GFMC.

Meals: Light Breakfast Sat.; Lunch Sat. on the Conference; Dinner Sat. on your own


Want to register or have more questions? Contact:

Rev. Dr. Tyler Boyer tyboyer@gmail.com

Gateway Conference Office  gatewayfmcusa@gmail.com

Encounter (Church Planter Mentorship)

Friday, November 10-Saturday, November 11

Durley Camp & Retreat Center

ENCOUNTER is an in-person worship, prayer and training experience that teaches the strategies for multiplication. You will be equipped to plant a church and start a movement of churches in creative spaces and places. Encounter is followed by a coaching and mentoring journey designed to guide you in the five strategies for planting churches.

Registration is free. The cost to cover meals and lodging is $50, made payable to Gateway Conference, 1501 Chicago Drive, Greenville, IL 62246.

Click here to register

Durley 2023 Summer Camp Schedule

September 1-3-Senior Teen Weekend: Labor Day Retreat (Grades 9-12)

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

October 13-14-History & Polity Course, Greenville, IL

November 10-11-Encounter (Church Planter Mentorship)

Looking Ahead:

Leadership Summit, Saturday, April 20, Greenville FMC

Click here for more information

The word MINISTRY written in vintage letterpress type

Superintendent's Schedule:

August 28-Bishop's Zoom meeting with Superintendents

September 3-Joseph and Wendy Shuffett Installation Service, Centralia, IL

September 6-IL Faith & Recovery Collaborative Advisory Groups

September 10-Chris Benton Installation Service, Bethany, IL

September 14-Confirmation Meeting

September 19-MEGA Meeting

October 10-12-SLT Meetings in Indianapolis

October 13-14 FMCUSA BOA Meetings in Indianapolis

November 1-IL Faith & Recovery Collaborative Advisory Groups

November 10-11-Encounter (Church Planter Mentorship), Greenville, IL

December 2-Gateway Conference Christmas Luncheon (for Pastors and Gateway Board and Committee Members)

Our Mission:




Gateway Conference - FMCUSA
1501 Chicago Drive, Greenville, IL 62246
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