Do you recognize this bridge player?

This month Mary Miller would have been VERY busy handling our Burt Garrell Regional Tournament in Syracuse , which of course, had to be canceled this spring due to COVID-19.

Mary has done an outstanding job chairing our Regional Tournament for the past five years. Mary has decided to step down from her role as the Tournament Chair. Therefore, Unit 112 has big shoes to fill in finding someone to take on the responsibilities. She says she has detailed notes for her successor. If you are interested in chairing next year’s tournament, please contact your Unit Board Member or email me at  Next year’s Regional is scheduled for August 2-8, 2021 in Rochester.

Mary will still be active in our Unit being the Education Chair. She is active on the District 4 Board being the member at large and chairing the Charity Committee.

Thank you, Mary, for your dedication to our Unit.