Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge: Attendance at this 7-day tournament was 54% of 2019 tables, which is great for returning Regionals. Held at the Valley Forge Casino & Resort for the first time, it was well-received by attendees who appreciated the accommodations and hospitality. Thanks to Tournament Chair Meyer Kotkin and his entire tournament staff for hosting a very successful Regional.
Lancaster Regional at Spooky Nook Sports:
Check out the District 4 website, for details about the upcoming Lancaster Regional – October 31 through November 6. You’ll find the schedule has been posted, as is hotel booking information. If you prefer to stay at the Warehouse Hotel (adjacent to Spooky Nook Sports), then make your reservations early, as rooms there are quickly filled.
The 2022 schedule focuses on bracketed teams and pairs games and was developed to support the many District 4 members that need just a bit more Gold to reach their next rank.
North American Pairs Qualifying Games:
Opportunities continue in August to play in NAP qualifying games at local and online clubs. These games are your chance to qualify to play in the District NAP Championships this fall. And, the best part - winners of the District competition earn the opportunity to represent District 4 at the Spring Nationals in New Orleans (March 9-19, 2023).
Summer NABC’s – Providence RI
There are 2 stories posted on the District 4 website from the Summer NABC’s in Providence (click here to read them). The first is that Meyer Kotkin and team won the Truscott/USPC Senior Swiss event, a 2nd National event win for Meyer, and a 1st for Dan Boye – who, with the win, became a Grand Life Master! The 2nd story recounts Lisa Mita’s win in the Sheila and Russ Ekeblad Saturday 0-3000 Bracketed Round Robin Team game. Congratulations to these winners, and to all District 4 members who traveled to compete at the NABC’s.
Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
District Director’s Report - August 2022
The Providence NABC was a success by all standards. Terrific city, great playing areas in the convention center, great restaurants and attendance that exceeded estimates. District 4 players had a great showing in Providence.
Congratulations to District 4’s newest Grand Life Master, Dan Boye, who won the Truscott Senior Swiss Teams with partner, Meyer Kotkin, and teammates Alex Allen and Abe Pineles. Alex and Abe also became Grand Life Masters as a result of this win. Meyer became a Grand Life Master many years ago.
Congratulations to Ilan Wolff of Philadelphia who won the Collegiate Bridge Bowl, representing the University of Chicago.
Von Zedtwitz Life Master Pairs: 51- Zachary Madden, Richard Popper
NABC 0-10,000 Pairs: 4 – Ilan Wolff, Louis Glasthal; 19 – Barbara Rhoades
Truscott Senior Swiss Teams: 1 – Meyer Kotkin, Dan Boye; 10 - Andy Kaufman
Bruce LM-6000 Life Master Pairs: 4 - Nick Straguzzi
Wagar Women’s Pairs: 11 – Lisa Mita, Alison Shoemaker
Werner Open Pairs: 18 – Michael Shuster; 32 – Louis Glasthal; 43 – David Hoffner
Roth Open Swiss Teams: 15 – Louis Glasthal
Educational Foundation Gold Rush Pairs: 7 – John Early, Barry Daubenspeck
Educational Foundation Teams – Bracket 3: 4 – Susan Morse, Alison Shoemaker, Lisa Mita, Thomas Foerster
Bob Bertoni Saturday Top-Flight Swiss Teams: 1 – Connie Goldberg; 9/10 – Michael Shuster
Sheila & Russ Ekeblad 0-3000 Bracketed Round Robin Teams – Bracket 1: 1 – Lisa Mita
Sheila & Russ Ekeblad 0-3000 Bracketed Round Robin Teams – Bracket 2: 4 – Kim Holm, Tamara Holm, Karen Pollak
Lewis & Andrea Finkel Saturday Mid-Flight Pairs: 9 – Alison Shoemaker, Susan Morse
Bill Hunter Sunday Open Pairs: 9 – Todd Thorsen
Sunday Morning 299er Pairs: 2 – Kathy Heist, Ann Lawson
Sunday Morning Bridge-Plus: 2 – Bernadette Hennessy May
Phyllis Chase Sunday Top-Flight Swiss Teams: 6/7 – Connie Goldberg
Spingold Bye Swiss Teams: 6 – Michael Shuster
Carolyn Lynch Monday Open Pairs: 3 – Joann Glasson
Monday Morning Side Pairs: 6B – Walter Mitchell, Constance Mitchell
Pamela Hoffer Round Robin Teams Bkt 1: 3 – David Hoffner, Karen Hoffner
Tuesday Bkt Round Robin Teams Bkt 2: 1 - Barbara Rhoades, Randall Berseth; 4 – Carl Berenbaum, Mark Cohen
Tuesday Bkt Round Robin Teams Bkt 4: Mike Kohler, Frank Morgan, Jane Havighurst, John Schwartz
Tuesday Bkt Round Robin Teams Bkt 7: Linda O’Malley, Brendan O’Malley, Deborah Crisfield
Tuesday Bkt Round Robin Teams Bkt 10: 4/5 - Bill Silky, Mary Silky
Clint Wright Tuesday Gold Rush Pairs: 7B – Janet Morganthau, Cecily Myers
Rich DeMartino Monday Evening Side Pairs: 1C – Mark Freedman
Tuesday Morning Side Pairs: 5 – Joann Glasson
Tuesday Evening Side Pairs: 2B – Catherine Strauss, Judy Robbins
Wednesday Open Pairs: 5 – Barbara Rhoades
Wednesday Gold Rush Pairs: 5B – Cecily Myers, Janet Morganthau
Central Massachusetts 0-3000 Round Robin Teams Bkt 6: 4 – Anne-Marie Corner, Sharon Harrington
Central Massachusetts 0-3000 Round Robin Teams Bkt 7: 1 – Deborah Hold Weil, Emily Losciuto
Thursday Afternoon Side Pairs: 2C – Scott Metzler, Mariusz Kielbowicz
Thursday Morning Youth Pairs: 3C – Andrew Jin; 4C – Eli Shuster
Thursday 0-3000 Bkt Teams – Bkt 2: 3- Lisa Mita, Alison Shoemaker
Betty Crowther Friday Open Pairs: 6 – John Hogan, Jr.
Friday Fast Pairs: 2C – Deborah Crisfield
Baron Barclay Youth Open Pairs: 9 – Michael Haas
Friday Afternoon Youth Pairs: 4 – Eli Shuster
Saturday Collegiate Pairs Championship: 3 – Ilan Wolff
National Youth Open Swiss Teams: 4 – Michael Haas
Consolation Youth Swiss Teams: 3 – Andrew Jin
Friday Evening Side Pairs: 2 – Frank Morgan; 5 – Scott Metzler
Saturday Bkt Teams Bkt 1: 1 – Rex Saffer, Betsy Cutler, Frank Morgan, Bob Cole
Saturday Top-Flight Swiss Teams: 3 – Michael Shuster
Sunday Top-Flight Swiss Teams: 1 – Connie Goldberg
August 3-4
August 10-11
September 9-11
September 15
September 30-October 2
October 1-2
October 13-15
October 14-16
Oct 31-November 6
August 15-21
September 19-25
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
For Novices Only
by Marti Ronemus
During the Pandemic Lockdown, my inbox was especially overflowing with people who were updating their bridge skill sets, and I’ve saved them all to provide fodder for my cannons. This is one from Gail, and our conversation tackles one of Life’s Burning Questions.
Hi Marti – I have been trying to brush up on my bridge and I’ve run into so many questions, but just one for today. (One of many, but I don’t want to wear out my welcome.) Lately, I have been studying Flannery 2♦️ Opener. Great convention!
Time out for quick explanation. Flannery is a gadget I personally like a lot, with my more advanced pards. Opening 2♦️ shows a hand with 5 Hearts and 4 Spades, between 11 and 15 pts. Responses are fairly easy to remember (or I wouldn’t be playing it!)
But the rudimentary question I have is: How does a responder know the difference between a Flannery 2♦️ bid, as opposed to a Weak 2♦️? Is that just agreed upon by the partnership? Thanks – and stay safe!
Hey Gail! Hope you are well, and “enjoying” your House Arrest. I’ve taken up Day Drinking with a vengeance. Kidding of course. (Or am I?)
Your question, while rudimentary indeed, is a very common one when people adopt a new convention. We always give up a natural bid. Is it worth it?
BTW, I ADORE Flannery, mostly because when I open 1♦️, Pard can generally expect I am NOT probably also holding 4 Spades.
Here’s the answer. BEFORE the game begins, you and Pard ask each other if you’re playing Flannery or not. That’s all there is to it. If so, 2♦️ means Flannery; if not? 2♦️ is Weak. One or the other. It does mean, however, that if you’re playing Flannery, you lose the Weak 2♦️.
Now, since I’m bored almost to death here on Lockdown, trapped with two very bad little dogs, here’s a mini-lesson.
Most slightly-more-experienced players do not open a weak 2♦️ even if they don’t play Flannery. Why? It doesn’t really slow the opponents down very much. They usually walk right over your cold dead body to bid their major at the 2-level. Instead, many use 3♦️ as their weak diamond pre-empt. That means that when pard pre-empts 3♦️, you can’t be sure if he’s got 6 or 7 Diamonds. But who cares? You’re aiming for NT anyway.
And there you have it, Faithful Readers. Stay cool, and remember that there’s nothing in bridge that three people agree on, so lighten up!!
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Mind blowing: The cool kids that give us complexes have their own cool kids giving them complexes...
Read how these cool cats bid this cool hand here.
Calling all Never-Evers
We all want to keep bridge alive, right? This means it has to GROW. When friends seem intimidated by taking an 8-week beginner course, King of Prussia Bridge Club (in collaboration with tall and talented teacher extraordinaire Lisa Mita) has the solution: a one-day Saturday September 10 dip into bridge for total beginners called Learn Bridge in a Day. Spread the word! Flyer here.
A Lasting Tournament of Friends
Joann Glasson congratulates the Kotkin team on their Truscott Senior Pairs win: Pictured are Alexander Allen, Captain Meyer Kotkin, Joann, Abe Pineles and Daniel Boye.
From Joann: "The pictured group, along with Bob Glasson, Rick Rowland, Marty Rabinowitz, Marc Labovitz, Lou Glasthal, Mike Massimilla and Larry Sunser played 18 board team matches five times a week on BBO, using Zoom to add a social factor. Alex Allen did all the arrangements. Not only did it give us a chance to work on our game together, it created friendships that bonded. I think I was happier for these guys winning than I would have been for myself......The matches will start up again this week!"
Don't Miss the Milestones
If you're like me, it's been a while since you passed a bridge milestone. When it happens, it's nice to get that congratulatory note from D4 asking for the background on your achievement. These stories are published on the fab new and improved D4 website under Our Players Stories, and the latest opus up there now is from a certain Secretary (that's a hint) who has long served our District with uncomplaining devotion. Here's the link and another hint:
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Unit 112 hosted its first Sectional since 2019 in Rochester on July 9 & 10. It was a smashing success! 80 tables of bridge players, which was 77% of the Summer 2019 sectional and much higher than the national average for sectional tournaments. Participation by non Life Masters was comparable to 2019. Many thanks to the tournament chairs, Ken Knight and David LaTart, as well as Denise Slattery, Partnership Chair, and Jim Patton, Rochester Area Bridge Association President.
Unit 112 welcomes new members and awards advancing players with free play certificates. Players had the opportunity to use these free plays at the Rochester Sectional, which paid for 62 entries.
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Junior Master
Brian Card, Canandaigua
Club Masters
Eileen Cash, Rochester
Mary Perrott, Horseheads
Ruby Life Master
Douglas Bradley, Pittsford
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! Hope you are all enjoying your dog days of summer. With exciting accomplishments to announce this month, let’s get right to it.
New Gold Life Master:
Tom L Henson Towanda, PA
New Advanced NABC Masters:
Harold F Koehler Dallas, PA
Anne Pelak Kingston, PA
New Sectional Masters:
Michael Salitsky Scott Township, PA
Maureen E Whalen Kingston, PA
New Club Master:
John A Zaccheo Scranton, PA
Whoa! Fantastic achievements everyone!! Please take the time to congratulate them!! Well done!!
Speaking of dog days of summer, you all know that means the hottest days of summer (July 3 through August 11), but did you know how the phrase originated?
In ancient times, the Romans called this phenomenon dies caniculares, which translated means dog days. It’s the time when Sirius (the dog star) rises and sets with the sun. The term has survived over 2000 years.
While on the subject of dogs, the phrase “you can't teach an old dog new tricks” comes to mind. The original saying went, “An old dog will learn no new tricks.” No one is sure of the exact origin of the phrase, but it appeared as early as 1721 in the book “Divers Proverbs” by Nathan Baily. While the proverb uses dogs as a metaphor for the stubbornness of human nature, an even older version was found in a book on animal husbandry from the 1500's. In it was stated, “it is hard to make an old dog to stoop, referring to “teaching a dog to keep their nose to the ground for tracking.” The jobs of dogs to track for herding or hunting would naturally decline as dogs aged and lost the use of their senses.
So even though we may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, there are a lot of tricks to be taken at the bridge tables!!
Hope to see you all at the virtual and/or face to face bridge tables!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Carl Ziegler
We celebrated our Return to In-Person Bridge One Year Anniversary on July 21,2022. Refreshments were served prior to the game at which time we recognized Sue Wessner for her leadership in returning our club to F2F bridge. Thank you Sue. Candace Osborne and Doris Delin won overall with a 65.05% game. Jana Estep and Patricia Richards placed 2nd and Janet Stevens and Alice Hyman placed 3rd. Congratulations!
Our next unit game will be the Hawley Quier Memorial Game scheduled for Thursday, September 15. Doors open at 11:30 am with refreshments. Game time is 12:15. A contribution to Helping Harvest, our local food bank, of $2 per player will be remitted from the game fee of $10, Enjoy a day of bridge and help others in need.
Carl Ziegler
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
Staying cool during this heat wave has certainly been challenging for everyone. We hope you took advantage of the many indoor bridge opportunities to escape the heat. And, if you noticed some of your bridge friends are missing from your favorite games, please take a moment to contact them to make sure they are safe.
New Rank Advancements - Congratulations!
New Sectional Masters
Rosann Behringer
Ken Haruta
John Turoczi
New Life Master
Lee Stanley
New Silver Life Master
Deborah Butz
The Longest Day
Unit 133 is pleased to report that together we reached our goal of $1500 for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Thank you to everyone who played in the game, to everyone who made extra contributions, and to everyone who volunteered their time to make this fundraising event a success. Special thanks to Betty Abrams, Barbara Berk, and Freda Witmer for their extra help with the hospitality preparations.
NAP qualifiers – The North American Pairs
NAP qualifiers run through August. These special games reward double points to all and those points are 50% red and 50% black. Even if you do not plan to participate in the NAP finals this is a great opportunity for you to earn extra points, half of which are red! All NAP games will have a $1 upcharge.
August games:
· Friday, August 12th at 12:30 at LVAL
· Friday, August 19th at 12:30 at LVAL
· Thursday, August 25th at 7pm on BBO
Unit Swiss Teams Event
Saturday, August 20th – 12:30pm at LVAL (If attendance allows, we will offer an open and 0-500 NLM Swiss teams single-session event. These games will be double silver points because they fall during the STaC week and will have a $7 entry fee. If you need help putting a team of 4 together contact Betsy Cutler or Lois Fuini for help.)
August STaC Games
The week of August 15th-21st is your next chance to earn double silver points in a club game. The District 4 STaC - Sectional Tournament at Club - is scheduled for the Bethlehem Bridge Club and Lehigh Valley Active Life games. Monday and Wednesday August 15th and 17th at 10am at BBC are open games. Monday, August 15th at 12:30pm at LVAL is a 0-750 game, and Friday, August 21st at 12:30 at LVAL is an open game. If the games have at least 5 tables, they will be included in the District-wide results.
Unit 133 Fall NLM Tournament
Please join us for our annual Fall 0-100 and 0-500 NLM tournament on Saturday, September 15th at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown. Games are scheduled for 10:00am and 2:00pm with an hour break for lunch. Register now, with your partner, for $56 per pair. The fee includes both sessions, lunch, and snacks. Preregistration, which is required, is currently open. Thanks to those of you who have already reserved your seat at one of our tables. Please register early! We look forward to seeing you in Allentown. For more information, please contact Lois Fuini at or view the flyer for the event at
Unit 133 Players Win In Providence
Winning team from the Second Saturday Brackets Round Robin Team Bracket 1. Players include Rex Saffer, Chip Morgan, Betsy Cutler, and Bob Cole.
Congratulations to Betsy Cutler and Mike Kohler who got their first ever platinum points in Providence!
Unit 133 Fall Sectional October 14th, 15th, and 16th Lehigh Valley Active Life 1633 Elm St. Allentown PA.
October 14th, 15th - Friday and Saturday, 10am and 2:15pm, Stratified Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Stratified Pairs.
October 16th - Sunday, 10am-with lunch break, Stratified Open Swiss Teams two session playthrough or 10am single session 0-500 NLM Stratified Swiss Teams.
Play both sessions and get FREE lunch, water and snacks every day. For more information, please contact Lois Fuini at
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Jay Apfelbaum
We are proud to announce that our unit will have a sectional tournament September 30 to October 2, 2022. It will be held at Game Friendzy in Cherry Hill. Bernadette Hennessy May is our tournament chair. I went to her site recently. It is a GREAT place to hold a tournament. Lots of space! Lots of free parking!
Between now and then, you might want to play in one of her games. The club is located at 7 Carnegie Plaza, Suite 400, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. For those familiar with the area, the club is located off Springdale Road near the Fox Building. The entrance is in the back of the building. The club phone number is the same: 856-795-PLAY (7529). She plans to start with a Wednesday afternoon game after the regional, probably at 12:30. Finally, you can find her latest news at
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Russell Poppleton
I grew up with Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now there is no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope. Please don't let anything happen to Kevin Bacon.
Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:
Junior Master
Tamara S Stine
Club Masters
John W Erno
Catherine E Macfarlane
Sectional Masters
Marilyn M Gillespie
Frank Kempf
Ann P Leonard
Regional Masters
Pamela J Meyer
Thomas R Neiper
Donna L Turpack
Jacqueline P Wissler
NABC Master
Charlene B Priar
Advanced NABC Master
Nancy J Hershey
Bronze Life Masters
Michael P Mendelson
John E Nimitz
Gold Life Master
Mr Jack Hund
South Central PA continues to host virtual games; see the website for a complete virtual schedule. Special NAP games are scheduled for August 1-14. Just a quick reminder, August is the last month to qualify for NAP advancement.
White Rose bridge club is running workshops all about playing online. Tuesday 8/2 and 8/9. 9:30-11:30am. Learn all aspects of online play. Go to for more info.
Points to ponder:
- Playing RKC you have the following auction: 1S - 2NT - 3S - 4NT -5H - 5NT. How does partner respond if they have the king of clubs and the king of hearts? Do they bid their cheapest king or do they show their number of kings? Make sure you and your partner are in agreement. While you are at it, make sure you discuss whether the queen ask is in effect.
- I came. I saw. I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps. Got lost on the way back. Now I have no idea what's going on.
Unit 190: Delaware
Tammy Holm backand Paula Varrassi
Delaware Clubs with In-Person Games
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordon
MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields
Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien
Shore Bridge
Monday @ 12:30
Wednesday @ 9:30
Anna DeLapo
Fall Sectional
September 9 – 11, 2022
Bridge Studio
New Junior Masters
Richard Bradley
David McIlvaine
Douglas Uthgenannt
New Club Master
Marylou Klopfer
New Sectional Master
Larry Stetson
New Regional Master
Brian Hudson
New NABC Masters
Elizabeth Akana
Paul Akana
New Life Master
Peggy Comerford
New Bronze Life Master
Karen Schwenk
New Ruby Life Master
Patricia Brown
New Gold Life Masters
Herbert Chalek
Melody Henderson
New Diamond Life Master
Bernard Rehberg
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Congratulations to Mary Lisko on making Advanced NABC Master.
Based on low attendance at our June sectional, we have decided not to hold a sectional in October. So I invite you to join us for our next sectional on June 2-4, 2023.
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