Curbside Communion
August 9th at 9:00am at Hope Central Campus
Grief Support Group Begins
August 10th at 1:00pm at Hope Central Campus
Men of Hope Breakfast
August 12th at 8:00am at Hope Central Campus
Memorial for Bob Brooks
August 12th at 10:30am at Hope Central Campus
Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse
August 15th from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at Texas Roadhouse in Lady Lake
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Monthly Breakfast Prayer Meeting
Thursday, August 12th at 8:00 AM
It's time for the next Men of Hope Breakfast!
Please reserve your place online before August 9th. Also register a friend you are bringing. Doors open at 7:45am and breakfast is served at 8:00am.
Menu: Smoked Ham, French Toast, Fresh Fruit, Biscuits with Butter and Jelly, Scrambled Eggs, Homestyle Grits, English Muffins, Yogurt.
Donation $7 at the door. The program will be “Solomon – Why was he so successful?” A Nominating Committee will be named to suggest leaders for 2022.
Save the date for our next Men's Breakfasts. Reserve the second Thursday of every month through November on your calendar now.
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Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse on August 15th
Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse is back!
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It's been a while, but we're excited to once again be partnering with Texas Roadhouse for a delicious Dine to Donate afternoon!
If you dine at Texas Roadhouse's Lady Lake location on August 15th from 12:00pm to 4:00pm, they will donate 10% of your total food purchases to Hope Lutheran Church!
Invitations are available at each Hope campus. You can also print a copy by clicking here. You must have your invitation at the restaurant in order for your donation to count!
Come on out and enjoy some delicious food for a good cause!
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Wednesday Evening Prayer Bulletin |
Hope is excited to offer Wednesday Evening Prayer, also known as Vespers, every Wednesday at 6:00pm at Hope Central Campus. Our Evening Prayer is a quiet, meditative way to end your day and bring peace to the middle of your week.
The Wednesday Evening Prayer bulletin for this week is now available!
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Two Uncredited Donations Received
We have recently received two donations without names and would like to credit the donors properly.
One donation came from Trade-PMR. The other came from Brighthouse Life Insurance.
If you use either of these organizations to schedule your giving and believe your donation may have gone uncredited, please reach out to the office. You can call (352) 750-2321 or email Bob Franceski at
Thanks for your help!
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Women of the ELCA Fall Gathering - November 12th to 14th | |
All women are invited to the Women of the ELCA's FALL GATHERING
Hosted by Florida Bahamas Synodical Women's Organization
November 12, 13, & 14, 2021
Lake Yale Baptist Retreat Center, Leesburg, FL.
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This conference is an opportunity for women to come together to enhance their faith, pray together and have fellowship in an atmosphere of learning and fun.
For this gathering, there is a choice of commuter registration (daily attendance) or overnight registration, which is available for download on the website. The homepage for this gathering includes a message from the Conference Chairs -- Ann English and Loraine Van Haecke, plus a list of available workshops to sign up for.
Mail registration forms and fees to: Diane Cummings, 1360 N. Marcy Drive, Longwood, FL. 32750. For further information contact Annie Schaedel, (h) 352-259-8683,
(c) 631-219-9289. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION is August 31st, 2021.
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Women of Hope Out to Lunch Bunch | |
All women are invited to sign up for the Summer Luncheon, which will be held on Thursday,
August 19th. The location is Mallory Hills Country Club, (Morse Blvd & O'Dell Circle) The Villages at 11:30am.
To reserve a spot, please contact June Cook at
(352) 751-1968 OR email Please leave your name, phone number, and how many attending.
SAVE THE DATE: The Women of Hope Breakfast Meeting will be on September 23rd at 9:00am at Hope Central Campus.
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Prayers for Hope
In May of this year, we began a new prayer group, "Prayers For Hope". We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 10:00am on Zoom. Our group time is spent studying prayer, followed by a time of silence, a prayer form exemplified for all of us by Jesus, and the lifting of joys and concerns for the congregation.
We heard from Paul in his letter to the Ephesians last week calling us to take on the armor of God and to PRAY. Prayer is the work God choses for us. It is His "will be done." (Lord's Prayer).
In our next meeting, we will continue our study on forms of silent prayer, the first step for many in the road to contemplative prayer. We look forward to seeing you.
Click here to access the Zoom link. Meeting ID: 926 5654 0458
Passcode: 264375
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor John or the church office.
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Losing a loved one is very painful and can be overwhelming as we often must adjust to living and socializing alone.
The goal of our Grief Support Group is to help people realize that as they journey through their grief, they are not alone.
The group will discuss the stages of grieving and how we each travel differently through our grief, yet experience the same human sorrow.
We will learn about helpful distractions and the importance of using them to aid our progress. A sense of community will develop as we travel along together and we will know there is hope for all.
The group will meet at 1:00pm, one day a week, for four weeks, starting on August 10th and ending on August 31st.
To register, call Ruth or Jimmy Jenkins at (352) 205-8181.
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You're Invited to the Lake Weir Ladies Bible Study
The Lake Weir Ladies Bible Study continues to meet at Lake Weir Campus on the SECOND TUESDAY of each month. New members are always welcome!
Join us August 10th from 1:00pm - 2:30pm at our next meeting; BYOB.
Our Bible Study topic will be part three of Just L.I.F.E. The August lesson from the Gather magazine is titled Just Hope by Angela Ikhabeb. This article takes a look at frustrations and fears and addresses them with Hope. What can we learn from her this month? Come with an open heart and an open mind and find out.
Questions? Call or email Denise Marter at or
(352) 643-1010.
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A Message from the Music Department
Have you recently begun attending (or re-attending) Hope? Maybe you’ve actually been around awhile and have heard one of Hope’s musical groups minister through music in a service.
The Department of Music Ministries is always looking for folks who might want to join us in serving the church through music. There are even two seasonal opportunities for folks who attend church elsewhere (or nowhere) to sing with us.
We have two campuses with multiple established ensembles, and a third program in the works. Have you ever thought of trying out your voice in retirement? Or maybe you have an instrument you’ve begun playing again. We would love to find a place for you to fit in with your gifts.
Currently, a typical Hope weekend features seven worship services over three locations. There are many opportunities for you to learn and grow as a vocalist or instrumentalist.
Click on the button below to find our Music Department Questionnaire and find out more about our musical plans in the upcoming 2021 - 2022 Season. Your feedback will be very beneficial to church leadership and will help guide the direction of the music department. Thanks for giving this a try!
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Faith & Fellowship
Faith & Fellowship has returned to in person gathering every Monday at 9:30am at Hope Central Campus. The Zoom link is also active, so those who cannot attend in person can still use the link below to join the conversations online.
The discussion every Monday morning is now focused on the assigned scriptures during worship for the weekend before. Join us as we reflect on God’s Word and as we continue to grow together in faith and fellowship. All are welcome!
To join Faith & Fellowship via Zoom, Mondays at 9:30am just click the link below:
Meeting ID: 952 5901 4615, or join by phone: (929) 205-6099 ID 95259014615#
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Great News! The Rock will be opening on August 16th, staffed with Hope Lutheran Volunteers. Because of your generosity, the shelves are stocked and we're ready to go!
Can you help? We could use a few more volunteers to help between 11:00am and 1:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. Volunteer once a week, once a month, or once in a while - your choice!
The Rock is a food, clothing, shoes, hygiene product, and school supply pantry operating in Lake Wier Middle School. We provide needed items to underprivileged learners at the school while sharing Christ’s Love. If you would like to volunteer or need more information, contact Fred O’Brien at (352) 250-3814 or
A past Love Story from The Rock: Rock volunteers got a sobering look at what some youngsters endure. Because of parental crimes and family drug use, three siblings have been placed in a foster family and will be attending another middle school. They are not allowed to return home to retrieve any possessions. Rock volunteers comforted them, found them new clothes and hygiene products, then joined in a prayer circle with them and shared their tears. Unfortunately, a baby sibling is going to different home, and the siblings are distraught. We gave them hugs and prayed for God’s love to follow them wherever they went.
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Walk to Emmaus 2021
Do you seek... Spiritual Renewal; New understanding of God's grace and love; Worship and community with other believers?
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It has been over a year since the last Walk to Emmaus in March of 2020. But we are happy to announce the Schedule of Walks for October 2021:
- Men's Walk to Emmaus #160 - October 14-17, 2021
- Women's Walk to Emmaus #160 - October 21-24, 2021
For information about this life-changing opportunity, please contact Kathy Langley at (352) 753-8557 or
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We extend our love and sympathy to the family of Robert (Bob) E. Hack, who went to his heavenly home on August 2, 2021.
Bob was born on January 26, 1938. He and his wife, Charlene, were married on December 13, 1958. They joined Hope Lutheran Church on June 22, 2019.
At this time, there are no service plans. Please keep Char and their family in your hearts and prayers.
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Worship Attendance for July 31-August 1, 2021 | |
Central Campus:
4:00pm = 174
6:00pm = 61
8:00am = 118
10:00am = 181
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Lake Weir Campus:
10:00am = 65
Everglades Rec Center:
8:00am = 45
10:00am = 67
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Scripture Reading for
August 7 - 8
Acts 2:37-42
Mark 1:9-11
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Scripture Reading for
August 14 - 15
Romans 6:1-11
John 3:5-8
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