Park District Prepares Application
for Grant to Fund Hibbard Upgrades
The Wilmette Park District’s Parks and Planning department, along with park designers from Upland Design, worked with park users this summer to identify an amenity “dream list” and create a plan to submit for an OSLAD grant to fund the dream.
OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) is a matching grant program that provides for the development of land for public parks and outdoor recreation areas. If awarded, the grant could fund up to 50 percent of the project.
At the August 26 Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting, the Board agreed on which amenities to include in the application. The proposed amenities include a new tot lot, picnic pavilion, north baseball field/fence updates, ADA- accessible water fountain, pollinator garden and conversion of current tennis courts to pickleball. Work is underway to submit the application by OSLAD's September 13 deadline.
Gillson Park Infrastructure Improvement Project Set to Begin
At the August 26 Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting, Commissioners reviewed plans for the pedestrian/auto/bicycle path along Harbor Drive. Preliminary work is set to begin on Tuesday, September 3. This project will continue throughout September and into 2025. Click here to learn all about the Gillson project; click here for the Gillson FAQ document.
Langdon Shoreline Protection
Project set to begin; Arborist review; Landscape Plan Approved
District staff and consultants from SmithGroup have secured final permits and maintenance begins Tuesday, September 3. The park and playground will remain open, but beach access will be restricted during construction. Additionally, a landscape plan for Langdon created by the District’s internal parks planner was approved on August 12. The plan will complement landscaping included in SmithGroup's Shoreline Protection and Beach Access Project. Click here to view the Langdon Park landscape plan. Click here to learn more about the Langdon Shoreline Protection and Beach Access project.
Park District Purchase
of Beth Hillel Property Final on August 28
The due diligence period the 4.8-acre property at 3220 Big Tree Lane, also known as Beth Hillel, is now complete. During this time, both the property and buildings were thoroughly evaluated. A lease agreement has been finalized with the synagogue, allowing them to continue using the building as they have in the past. Additionally, the District will take over two existing leases on the property: the first with a day school that has been operating there for decades, and the second for a Mikvah, shared by multiple synagogues. The closing date for sale of the property was completed on August 28. Discussion about specific plans for this property will begin in 2025.