Common Threads
Community -- this is what we have missed at St. Brigid of Kildare for the last year. As Catholics, we have always worshiped as a parish family. We miss praying together and the power of community joined in a common faith. Each week we see more of you back at Mass. Please join us. This last year has been a challenge but we cannot let the pandemic defeat us. We need you to help us to create a stronger more faithful parish than before Covid-19.
Our parish facilities are scheduled to reopen on Monday, August 30, 2021, for parish and school-sponsored events (dependent on the continued advice of the Diocese of Columbus and the CDC). We are planning an outdoor parish welcome back event for our whole community on Sunday, October 10th following the 11:00 Mass. We hope you will join us. We will continue to work to keep our parishioners safe, but I want you to know that we have missed you we will need your support more than ever as we navigate the next few months. Welcome Back!
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Real Presence, Real Future: Fall Parish Consultation Sessions Sept 20 & 22
The Real Presence, Real Future team will be holding consultation sessions open to all St. Brigid of Kildare Parish parishioners. These will be listening sessions to learn about the results and interpretation of our Disciple Maker Index survey results, as well as the next steps in the process. Our sessions will be held:
Monday, September 20 and Wednesday, September 22 from 6:30-8:30 PM via Zoom (repeat sessions, choose one)
Registration is required to access the Zoom link. To register beginning September 1, visit and scroll to the bottom where you see the Real Presence, Real Future logo. More information and the registration link will be available on that page.
Disciple Maker Index Survey Results
During Lent 2021, all parishioners at parishes in the Diocese of Columbus were asked to take a 15 minute survey called the Disciple Maker Index. We have received the results of these surveys, and have compiled them into a report for our parish. The RPRF team has also compiled the results summarizing all parishes in the Diocese of Columbus. Click below to read those reports, and learn more about the next steps of the process.
Welcome, Maeve the Wolfhound!
Welcome to Monsignor Hendricks’ new Irish Wolfhound, Maeve, who was adopted from a Wolfhound shelter this summer. She is between 4-5 years old. She has been getting comfortable at the parish office since July, and is very calm and friendly! Last week, she joined Father Lynch as he blessed the Wolfhounds football teams (pictured below).
Stop by and say hi to Maeve next time you’re at the office!
Fall Parish Picnic: Together Again
Sunday, October 10 after 11 AM Mass | Brigid's Green
Come for lunch, stay for the community.
Join us after the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, October 10 for a Fall Parish Picnic. We will have food, drinks, activities, and representatives from various ministries at St. Brigid of Kildare. We've missed our community and are excited to gather together again!
No RSVP needed. All ages welcome.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Amie Lopez, parish life coordinator, at
Choice Wine Program Begins at St. Brigid of Kildare
The Choice Wine – 7 Steps to a Superabundant Marriage program begins Sunday, September 19 at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish in Hendricks Hall.
For details on the program and to register, see the link below.
Liturgical Minister Training
Training for Liturgical Ministers will be held Saturday, September 25 at 8:30 A.M. in the Church. Training includes:
- EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Must be 16 and Confirmed (if you would like to be a Eucharistic Minister to the sick and homebound, you must first be a Eucharistic Minister).
- GREETERS: Individuals or Families
Online Registration:
Or Email: or
Come Share Your Talents During Mass
You are Invited to our Fall Youth Mass!
Wednesday, September 15 at 6 PM
Bring the whole family and kick off a year of discipleship in the best way: celebrating the Mass together.
This Mass is open to all with a specific invitation to all 2021-22 high school and St. Brigid religious education families (all grades).
Sweet treats to-go and casual conversation with High School Youth Ministry leaders will follow in the Church's courtyard. Join us at and after Mass!
High School Youth Ministry Everyday Witness Fall Small Groups
Often, people come to a relationship with Christ because they’ve admired the words and actions of believers they respect. Talking about God and witnessing our faith by our actions takes support and encouragement. In this fall’s 7-week small groups series, sign up to hear guest speakers share inspirational and relatable stories of lived faith, biblical reflection, and practical steps to share our faith in everyday interactions. Through small group, teens will reflect on the testimonies they have heard, practice articulating what they believe and how they came to believe it through organic conversations and grow in relationship with their small group community.
Small groups will meet on Wednesdays, Sept. 22-Nov. 3 from 7:15-8:30 PM.
Small groups are co-ed and participation is free. Registration is required by Wednesday, September 8. Register below (or scan the QR code).
Special Second Collection August 29
This weekend, there will be a special appeal to support the USCCB Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund and provide humanitarian relief and long-term recovery support to the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake that struck the island this month.
The funds collected in this special appeal will become part of the Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund and will be used to support the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church as well as the efforts of Catholic Relief Services and/or Catholic Charities USA, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts.
May Our Lady of Perpetual Help, patroness of Haiti, intercede for us that this special appeal will be successful and provide for the needs of the people and the Church in Haiti.
Mom to Mom Fall 2021 Session
Beginning September 14th, Family First’s Mom to Mom will discuss and explore Tom McGrath’s book Raising Faith-Filled Kids. Is your family calendar so jammed that there’s never enough time to “be spiritual”? Maybe you need to think about spirituality in a new way. McGrath shows how the hectic and ordinary moments of family life offer endless opportunities to live more deeply.
Mom to Mom is a vibrant, women’s faith sharing group focused on motherhood, women’s spirituality, and parenting. Whether you’re a rookie or veteran, please join us to share and gain wisdom from other moms like you.
Meeting: Tuesdays; Sept 21st - Nov 23rd
Time: 9:30-11am
Location: Church Basement
There is no commitment necessary, drop in when your schedule permits and childcare is available!
*You can purchase Raising Faith-Filled Kids from Loyola Press or Amazon.
Questions, please reach out to Erin Heise; or Anne Davis;
Adult Faith Formation Upcoming Opportunities
with Sister Teresa Tuite, OP
Pause for Prayer
Every Monday night we take 15-20 minute pause for prayer. Join with others to pray, and to be silent together. Our prayer is mixed with silence, song, and comfort during these uncertain times. Monday evenings beginning at 7:00 PM NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. JOIN US ANY MONDAY – This is an ongoing meeting on ZOOM, so join when your schedule permits. We took a few weeks away but will resume August 30.
Meeting ID: 825 3385 6351
Passcode: PAUSE
Women's Bible Study and Sharing
What are we to do and how are we to be in a world that seems disconnected in so many areas of life; when civil discourse does not seem to be the chosen way of disagreeing and monologue seems to be preferred over dialogue?
As we so often do, we turn to the scriptures for some enlightenment and guidance. Using stories of siblings in the Old and New Testament we will be pointed to peace and reconciliation in all our relationships, reassuring us that it is possible to find common ground with everyone—despite our differences.
The WBS (WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY) begins Wednesday -September 15 and goes through October 27. 7:00-8:15 PM in Berry Room (subject to change). We will use the book Common Ground by Amberly Neese. It is available through Amazon and other book vendors. You do need to register by September 1 for this study. Register at link below.
Tuesday Morning Group
The Tuesday Morning Group will resume on September 14, 2021 and will go through November 23, 2021. We begin after the 9:00 AM Mass and stop about 11:00 AM in the Berry Room (subject to change). We will be studying the Gospel of Luke. The book is Luke’s Gospel: written for us. Written by Joan Mitchell, CSJ It is available through Good Ground Press. ( You do not need to register for this group.
Men and the Nun
Men and the Nun will begin on November 2 and go through November 30, 2021 (all the Tuesdays of November). Place will be announced. It may be on ZOOM or on the Parish Grounds. We meet 7:00 PM until about 8:15 PM. This time we will a new book by Greg Boyle SJ. Entitled The Whole Language. It is due to be published in mid-October. Most book vendors are allowing preorders. Watch the bulletin for further details.
Ed Clark representing Diocesan (our Bulletin Publisher) is currently renewing present advertisements and seeking new ones. If interested in any information regarding the different ad sizes and costs, please call the parish office, or you may contact Ed directly at 614-738-1472 or . We feel this is an excellent service and that the sponsors get good coverage with their ads. Only a one-third down payment is required to reserve an ad. THANKS TO YOU and DIOCESAN, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish.
All adults over 55, married or single, are invited to join this group. The club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in Hendricks Hall. Speakers discuss topics related to the spiritual, educational, physical, social and psychological health of seniors. Refreshments and socializing follow each monthly meeting. Local tours are planned throughout the year (examples: Columbus Symphony Orchestra rehearsals, casino trips, Picnic with the Pops, various Ohio museums and attractions, and local theatrical productions). In addition, an annual picnic is held in the Coffman Pavilion at the Dublin Recreation Center.
There are also men’s breakfasts, women’s brunches, and dinners at local restaurants. On the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m., we host a game day with a variety of card and other games in Hendricks Hall. Many members also volunteer in other ministries. The group has First Friday Adoration in the chapel from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. There is a Christmas party at a country club and funds are donated to an unidentified needy family in our parish chosen by our Pastor. Also, members pay no dues.
Contact Cathleen Wolf, membership coordinator, at (614) 376-0645.
Regular Monthly Events:
- First Wednesday, General Meeting
- First Friday, Adoration
- Second Friday, Ladies’ Brunch
- Third Tuesday, Men’s Brunch
- Third Wednesday, Game Day
Pick up an event schedule in the kiosk near the Gathering Area.
Knights of Columbus Receive Awards
Congratulations to our St. Brigid of Kildare Knights of Columbus, Council #10863, who received the following awards in 2021:
Columbus Diocese “2021 Knight of The Year - Grand Knight Tom Ozello”
Columbus Diocese “2021 Chaplain of The Year - Deacon Paul Zemanek”
Columbus Diocese “2021 Family of The Year - Nick & Dr. Ellen Little Family”
Columbus Diocese “2021 Best Life Program - Women’s Care Center Diaper Drive”
State of Ohio “2021 Best Life Program - Women’s Care Center Diaper Drive”
State of Ohio “2021 Administrative Award”
State of Ohio “2021 Bronze Council Award”
In addition, the St. Brigid Knights were recognized this year in Columbia magazine for their work with the Women's Care Center. Our St. Brigid Knights regularly donate funds and supplies to the Columbus facility and also assist with landscaping, diaper drives, and other projects.
St. Brigid of Kildare School Wolfhound Writers Recognized
Congratulations to many Saint Brigid of Kildare School Wolfhound writers who have recently been recognized for their outstanding writing!
Three of our middle school students were just chosen by the Thurber House in Columbus to have their creative writing featured in this year’s teen literary journal, called Flip the Page. The anthology of student writing will be sold on Amazon and is expected to be released in early July 2021. Congratulations to Marcos Miller-Carmona, Maisie Barr, and Madeline Tinkler for having their short stories chosen!
Our seventh and eighth grade Power of the Pen teams competed this year at the district and regional tournament. Both our seventh and eighth grade teams took first place at the district tournament -- competing against 18 other schools! Our Wolfhound writers took the following individual awards at the district tournament: Maren Reville, 9th place for seventh grade (as well as a “Best of Round” award), Paige Harper, 8th place for seventh grade, Elizabeth McLaughlin, 11th place for eighth grade (as well as a “Best of Round” award), Madeline Tinkler, 6th place for eighth grade, and Eve Worley, 3rd place for eighth grade.
As the regional tournament in March 2021, our writers competed against 32 public and private schools from the South-Central region. We are proud to announce that the seventh grade team won third place, and the eighth grade team won first place.
Because of this placement at both district and regionals, Saint Brigid of Kildare School also won the first place Sweepstakes award. The school gets to hold the Sweepstakes trophy for one year, which is a first for the school.
Three students also won individual awards, including Hannah Stuebe, 11th place, 8th grade, Eve Worley, 8th place, 8th grade, and Elizabeth McLaughlin, 3rd place, 8th grade.
Seven out of 12 students qualified for the online State tournament in May: Hayden Kiedrowski, Maren Reville, Ava Blackburn, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Hannah Stuebe, Madeline Tinkler, and Eve Worley.
Also competing in the Regional tournament were Marin Lynch, Will Davis, Paige Harper, Emily Mifsud, and Zachary Utt.
Congratulations to all of our hard-working Wolfhound writers, as well as their middle school English Language Arts teachers and coaches Mrs. Sara Hardin, Mrs. Shelley Regrut, and Mrs. Erin Mazon.
Livestream Reaches Visitors from New York City
A few weeks ago, St. Brigid of Kildare Parish had visitors Chris and Luisa Iasiello for Mass from New York City. They have been watching our 5:00 Saturday Mass Livestream at their home in New York City since the start of the Pandemic and were traveling through Ohio on vacation. They decided to drive through Dublin and visit Saint Brigid because they felt such a closeness to us over the last year and a half. They took a photo with Deacon Paul and Deacon Frank because they felt like "family" to them and felt as if they knew us and our parish family personally from all the times that they would virtually attend Mass. They were sorry to hear that Fr. Morris was not around since his transfer to Saint Catharine's because they wanted to meet him too.
Chris works for Fox News and Luisa is a high school band director in a school in the Bronx. Chris is also a second cousin to Fr. Lou Iasiello from the Josephinum, who used to offer Mass each week before the pandemic hit and is still a professor at the Josephinum.
We are happy our livestream is reaching Catholics all over the country!
Protecting God's Children (PGC) Sessions
The Diocese of Columbus will be offering Protecting God's Children (PGC) training sessions at the following times. All of these sessions are in-person.
- 8/31 St. Catharine at 6:00 pm
- 9/8 St. Francis DeSales 6:00 pm
- 9/11 All Saints Academy at 9 am
- 9/25 Trinity Elementary at 9 am
Please visit for registration and meeting instructions. Click on First Time Registrant, View a list of sessions, choose Columbus, OH (Diocese) and create a Virtus account.
Potential volunteers with children and youth must also complete a St. Brigid volunteer application, and submit a signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and submit to a criminal background check.
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:
Grady Phillip Dreyer
Jace Roen Hootman
Sofia Gemma Kirk
Milo Anthony Massaro
Walter Allen Scarborough
Molly Christine Quinn
Lucy Marie Boll
Kiley Marie Baumlein
Nathan Remington Hritz
Brooks Forrest Kanetsky
Jackson James Spittle
Callie Patricia Spittle
Jamie Spittle
Brady Charles Billington
Gianna Rose Butwin
Eleanor Margaret Carroll
Juke Joseph Carroll
Juliana Ann Galante
Lucy Grace Knapke
Rory Carmen Law
Charlie Anthony Rees
Connor James Rees
Ava Lyn Szabo
Sadie Ann Scott
James Louis Cistone
Jillian Noelle Cistone
Amelia Seipel Ma
William Seipel Ma
Isabella Mei Salvatore
Thomas Crew Herrmann
Hazel Louise Hicks
Callum Graham Kerr
Carlos Jose Ruiz
Eleanora Lidia Schwartz
Warren Elio Schwartz
Welles David Taylor
Hayes Elliot Terwilleger
Wells Eugene Yoho
Lucille Grace Hueckel
William Edward Aten
Edie Mae Brown
Ellie Grace Cooper
River Adele Cooper
Tanner Cooper
Collins Barry Cannone
Bode Jens Madsen
Addilyn Blaire Rausch
Charlotte Stevie Rees
Philip James Ryan
Daniel Wayne Sennet
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Wedding at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:
- Brent Whitehead and Abigail Baker
- Thomas Javens and Laura Binkley
- Benjamin Eaves and Taryn Berry
- Patrick Evans and Katelyn Quinn
- Austin Orr and Lindsay Greve
- Jackson Neesley and Meagan Vinci
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.
- Michelle R. Dembek
- Pamela Richards
- Charles W. Pfister
- Lily Jeanine Kunkemoeller
- Catherine Colter
- Barbara Ann Kordenbrock
- Michael McLean Thomson
- Patricia Amoroso
- Ralph B. Hungler
- Nathan Sidesinger
- Robert “Bob” Solack
- Philip Vanik
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017