August 5, 2020
Asplin, Bren partially open with new safety guidelines

We are excited to share that two of our service locations have begun a gradual reopening. Closed since mid-March, our Asplin and Bren facilities are open to a limited number of people for production work, with new health and safety protocols in place. We are so pleased that we've seen no COVID-19 outbreaks at our facilities, and we will continue to follow all recommended guidelines as we move forward with health and safety as our priority.

Koch Campus and Karlins Center have not yet reopened to persons served, and we made a difficult decision to not renew our lease at the Anoka Service Center. Although the Minnesota Departments of Health and Human Services have lifted some of the restrictions, center capacities remain capped at 50 people including staff, and persons served are only able to attend three hours per day. Attendees must be able to practice social distancing and tolerate face coverings, and individuals with certain underlying health conditions are urged to remain home.

While we are encouraged by these small steps forward, we have a long way to go to reach our previous service levels, and get back to serving all of our regular attendees. If you have questions about returning to OP services, please contact or leave a message at 952-938-5511. Stay well!
Natalie is thriving, thanks to you! 2019
Report to Community now available

Our 2019 Report to the Community is now available online. Read how Natalie is thriving at her job at a local childcare center, with Opportunity Partners providing behind-the-scene support throughout the pandemic! Your support means we can continue to provide vital services to people in our community!
Relief funding update

To date, Opportunity Partners, and most local disability services organizations, have not received any COVID-19 emergency relief funding. With our day programs largely closed, OP and other providers are in need of support in order to remain open and available to provide services to those who need us after the pandemic. Small disability service providers across Minnesota have already started to dissolve, which can be devastating to families and communities. Funding relief is urgently needed to ensure we are here to support people with disabilities now and in the future! Take action today. 
TV station visits Asplin

CCX Media, covering the northwest Metro, recently visited OP's Asplin Center to report on our reopening and the power of work! Watch the story here. To follow updates on OP reopen plans, check out the OP web site. We've also posted our health and safety plan there as well.
Together again - online via Zoom

Although our day services have remained mostly closed since mid-March, we've been able to connect people served with their friends and staff via technology like Zoom! Check out these smiles during a recent meeting! Learn more at