Staying up to date with JPII
Hello Animals
Keeping things cool for the Summer, we recently invited Andrew from Susquehannock Wildlife Society to drop by school and talk with everyone in our adult program. You see, Andrew knows a lot about animals and he even brought some slithery friends with him!

Over the course of a couple hours, our adults and staff learned a lot about lizards, snakes, and turtles. While not everyone wanted to hold the animals, we had a bunch of individuals who did (a few even surprised us with their courage)!

We would like to thank Andrew and the Susquehannock Wildlife Society for sharing their knowledge with us. If you would like to see the rest of the photos, click here!
School Starts on August 28th!
The Courage of Cruz

Through the tremendous amount of support we receive, John Paul II Center has been able to help students and adults reach for their goals, conquer fears, learn new skills, and give back to others. Sometimes, to overcome a challenge, all our individuals need is a guiding hand and the rest they are able to find within themselves.

It should come as no surprise that Cruz is, once again, raising money to go Over the Edge, and ultimately, help those that find comfort and nourishment at Bethany Children’s Home.

Please help us send Cruz Over the Edge by supporting his fundraising efforts. This year’s rappelling event will take place on September 22, 2017.
Now Offering Monthly Giving

Monthly gifts are the easiest way to make an impact at John Paul II Center. Not only does it save time (and checks!), but by the end of the year, you can rest assured that your tax-deductible donation is being put to good use on things like school supplies, fuel for vans, and lunch (fuel for sharp minds)!

To setup your monthly recurring donation, click below and then select the option for "recurring donation". We thank you for your continued support!
Our Garden is Flourishing

With the help of some students and adults (and Priscilla, of course), our garden is flourishing! The garden features herbs for pizza, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelon, eggplant, potatoes, and more. It's deliciously healthy!
Employment Opportunities
There's never been a better time to join our team at JPII. With expanded programming and new classrooms opening up, we are in search of caring individuals to fill various positions. For more information, click below. If you know someone that would be a good fit, feel free to forward this email.                                                   

Click to view our job postings
School Age Meet & Greet
What: Stop in at JPII to meet your child's teacher! (Please note, this is for school age students and parents).
Date: Wednesday, September 6
Time: 5:00PM
School Uniforms
Please remember to have your child in uniform for the first day of school (August 28). You may refer to our dress code policy by clicking below and reading the "Uniforms" section.

Click for Uniform Guidelines
Summer Books!

Summer is winding down and with less than a month until school starts, there is no better time than now to order books through Scholastic. 

Once books are ordered, Mrs. Berkhammer will be notified and can arrange for a pickup. If you have questions, please  contact her here .

First Time Ordering Online?
  1. Go to the Scholastic website
  2. Enter our one-time Class Activation Code (HG6HC).
  3. Shop and submit your child's book order.
  4. Your books will be delivered directly to the classroom.  
John Paul II Center for Special Learning | 1092 Welsh Road, Shillington, PA 19607  | 610-777-0605